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Messages - GurasOguras

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 13
General Discussion / Re: picking ship before match start
« on: February 17, 2016, 07:31:44 pm »
Just take what you and your crew would like to play. Remember that if you'll switch last second you're gonna cripple your own ship as crew will have no time to get proper tools. If you gonna hardcounter every single match you won't ever learn anything about piloting in tough situations. It is important how you play, not what ship do you use. I've seen great pilots killing squid with a mobula. It's just a matter of people flying it.

Community Events / Re: Cronus League Week 7!
« on: February 16, 2016, 06:31:43 am »
Why would anyone want to sign up with lowered points and no chance to win tournament?

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Make Gunners A Relevant Choice
« on: February 16, 2016, 04:30:33 am »
Gunners are relevant choice already. Almost everyone is using gunner today on a goldfish or spire. Stamina reload and arc increase makes them viable even in competitive today and I don't see reason to have 2 gunner ships any point. If you have heavy gun then sure, but no good pilot will sentence his ship to burn down because of one stupid flamethrower. Gunners are already viable and frustrating with their sick hwacha arcs.

General Discussion / Re: What are you?
« on: February 10, 2016, 08:13:40 am »
Guras "The Buff One" Oguras

The Pit / Re: What' worse than a crewman that leaves? A Captain that leaves
« on: February 09, 2016, 03:08:59 am »
What if someone lost connection, wants to join back but someone took over his helm? Your suggested solution guys would cause too much mess.

The Lounge / Re: The First Ship You Flew In When You Came Out Of Novicehood
« on: February 08, 2016, 05:18:04 pm »
When came out of novice I actually had my pilot level highest and engi lowest. I still love piloting my Junker today - I was using front banshee, left hades & artemis and right double gat - It was actually very nice non-meta build and I played it very aggressively. You probably won't see anyone else doing Junker like I do.

Team Predators signing up

POC: GurasOguras, MightyKeb

Community Events / Re: New Sunday Community Skirmish Rewards
« on: January 15, 2016, 11:59:57 am »
Someone might like it. And that's all what we can say about it. I would recommend to lock this thread to prevent some more unnecessary offtopic flamewars. We all got the announcement.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Hwatcha suggestion
« on: January 08, 2016, 12:00:57 pm »
Changing damage type to fire might seem to be good idea, but it would make it op in causing even more chaos, especially in pubs with low level experience players not able to sustain good chemspray cycles.

What I would suggest instead is just nerf it classic way - limit those ridiculous gun arcs with gunner stamina and add some more reload time - make it one time balance breaker in fight with ability to reverse the fate of the battle. Currently once you're caught by good ship with hwacha it is no way to escape or shoot back. I don't like flying hwachafish - or anything meta in general. For me carrofish requires a lot more skill and coordination on the ship, but I'm starting to feel I'll get forced to adapt to meta soon, because there is no way around it. Currently there is no way Carrofish can win with Hwachafish in 1v1, maybe if you dodge enough and are generally better pilot, but still hwacha will have easier job and better arcs all the times.

If you turn damage type to fire it will be too much chaos for newer players and too much imba gun in pubs.
If you turn damage type to flechette we will get op version of heavy carronade with ridiculous arcs. Please, no.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Rage quit rememdy
« on: December 31, 2015, 12:20:23 pm »
How would you solve crew loadouts?

The Docks / Re: Anyone need a clan? mine always has openings
« on: December 14, 2015, 02:52:12 pm »
How about giving us a bit more info?

How many members do you have? What is your clan focus? Why people should join exactly this one?

Team Predators signing up

POC: GurasOguras & MightyKeb

No time for logo
Team Predators signing up

POC: GurasOguras, MightyKeb

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Pilot Not Limited to Captain
« on: November 26, 2015, 03:26:54 am »
In short: playing with captain on the crew slot is ok, but only  if you play with friends. for public matches and matchmaking random crew it just can't be allowed.  some people doesn't even know they're  trolling.

Signing up!

POC: GurasOguras, MightyKeb

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