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Messages - Bronzium

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Snowflakes
« on: November 19, 2014, 07:59:53 am »
The Christmas Truce would be a fun thing actually. I'd partake to that with a cup of hot chocolate. :P


Almost thought that balloon actually had bullet holes in it.  :o

I myself might add up some form of decal within the coming days or so. This sort of stuff has been a hobby of mine, and this might be what I need to get that hobby back up and running. ;)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Game mode: Flagship VIP
« on: November 18, 2014, 03:51:19 pm »
I agree with this idea. I'd love to try a VIP mode for GoIO.

I'd love for the VIP ship to be based off co-op mode, and I'd think a piloted VIP craft would be easier to manage from the developer side, rather than an AI planned variant.

Then of course you would need to consider how the ship would be? Would you want it to have a ton of hull armor and very few weapons, or an armed-to-the-teeth VIP with almost no hull armor? Though I guess a balanced ship could work too.

In any case, I like the idea, would totally play it if Muse decides to implement it.

General Discussion / Re: "Top" crew members
« on: November 17, 2014, 10:38:27 pm »
A moment of silence for all the great crew who never get a mention.

I might be one of those. Fought alongside a many good crewmen as an Engi. If any to mention though:

Sfoxor - A great pilot, and jolly good friend of mine in-game. Lest we forget our Carronkers. :P

Then again, I've been quite off and on and am still somewhat newbie, eh, might see my name in here eventually. xD

Q&A / GoIO Lingo?
« on: October 30, 2014, 04:48:50 pm »
Hey guys, it's me again, this time with a question. I've heard loads of words used by the GoIO community, and frankly, I'm not as quick as some to pick up on their meanings. For instance, I still don't know what a blenderfish is, and there are still probably some newbies who haven't heard of what a "munker" is yet.

Just wondering if perhaps this could be a thread where veteran players could put down some commonly used phrases within GoIO, just so newbies get an idea as to what some people mean if they say something on the chat or whatnot.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday GOIO!
« on: October 29, 2014, 02:44:04 pm »
Happy Birthday, GoIO!

My favourite team-based, first-person, multiplayer, airship game! :D

The Gallery / Re: GOI - Screenshot Gallery!
« on: October 27, 2014, 07:47:44 pm »
So, today I was flying with Replaceable, and we noticed this flying in the Canyons with us:


Oh, and changing the color of the 2-year anniversary top hat, also made for a unique glitch:

General Discussion / Re: Mobula: The secret snowman
« on: October 25, 2014, 09:09:57 am »
Forgive the severe bump, but the other day when I was playing in a Crazy King match, our captain was flying the Squid with the Traveller theme, and I saw this:

For those not knowing, Muse I believe had a massive YouTuber match way back last year, and one of the prominent characters I remember was Maximilian Valentine (aka, YouTuber JesseCox).

Again, apologies if this has already been pointed out, just thought it was a neat thing to share. :)

EDIT: My severe apologies, just realized I posted this in the wrong topic. Could someone please move it for me?

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship Idea: Barge
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:02:34 am »
Hmm, seems a bit much like a Mobula, but nonetheless looks like a nice ship design. :)

The Lounge / Re: That Moment When...
« on: October 15, 2014, 04:31:00 pm »
That moment when you're engineer and about to repair the hull armor, only for a gunner to come along and use the Pipe Wrench, making you wait even longer to repair it.

Gameplay / Heatsink: Good or Bad?
« on: October 09, 2014, 07:54:03 am »
Hi guys,

As an Engineer myself, I find I tend to use Heatsink ammo on quite a regular basis. My reasoning behind this is that it does reduce firestacks, but it also helps to give more ammo to guns. I've seen very few engineers or gunners use this ammo type, and would like to know why it's so underused?

Ok, now that I've been on the game for 22 hours or so, I feel more eligible to answer some these questions. :P

1. Favourite ship to fly. (Not including the build.)
2. Favourite ship to engineer on.
3. Favourite light gun.
4. Favourite heavy gun.
Lion gun
5. Favourite gun overall.
Lion gun
6. Favourite 2v2 map
7. Favourite larger than 2v2 only map.(Ones you see on 3v3 and 4v4.)
8. Favourite map overall.
9. Favourite ammo type.
Greased/Heavy (tied between them)
10. Favourite ship build
Goldfish with Lion gun on the bow, Flamethrower on starboard, and Gatling on portside.
11. Favourite headwear. (Include gender)
I don't have one equipped currently, but after browsing the store, a Newsboy Cap :P
12. Favourite outfit. (Include gender.)
Don't have one yet, but browsing the store, The Tinkerer
13. Favourite Goggles (does a that have gender??)
Still don't have a pair, and really not interested in them actually.
14. Favourite ship theme.
Still undecided.
15. Favourite figurehead.
Still undecided.
16. Would you rather, Deathmatch, King of the Hill or Crazy king.
17. Rank in order of preference, Pilot, Gunner and Engineer.
Engineer, Gunner, Pilot
18. Buffgi/Gunji or Main?
Main for sure, Gunji off and on
19. Lion gun OP?
Close range yes, long range, no
20. Are there too many questions? (Tick here: no[] no[X] )
21. Have you found a better community than GOIO?
Better, not entirely, but this community is definitely on par with others I'm apart of (SWBFGamers forum, Pixel Gun 3D Forum). Very helpful, and very welcoming. :)

Gameplay / Re: Gunner Tool: Wrench Vs Spanner
« on: October 02, 2014, 08:32:03 pm »
I myself have been using the spanner a lot as gunner, just because I find it has a much faster cooldown time for repairs once you get stuff moving along. I've debated trying a wrench, but in my time as an Engineer I always hate when Gunners use the wrench since the cooldown speed takes so much longer than the spanner when an Engineer needs to repair something. It somewhat helps if a Gunner uses a wrench (since the rebuild speed is alot faster than a spanner or mallet), but the cooldown takes too long for the Engineer, since in that timespan the enemy could easily take out something that you just repaired with a wrench, and then you have to rebuild it up again. It's always these tongue-n-cheek situations that I hate as an Engineer, since before I know it the enemy just obliterates our hull before the cooldown wears off.

Just giving my two cents to discussion, take what you will from it.

Q&A / Cosmetic Item Unlocks?
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:10:05 pm »
Hi, I was just wondering about cosmetic item unlocks. I've already seen several threads on the matter, however they are all severely outdated (I didn't get the Steamtop Hat when I reached Level 2 ;)). So I was wondering, are there any costumes or headwear that gets unlocked through level progression? The extent of it for me has simply been dyes and a different hairdo (currently a Level 3 Engineer), thought I just want to know if any cosmetic items become available to me (other than the Newsboy Cap after completing Tutorial 15), as I am considering buying one the costumes, and am also quite tight on my Steam Wallet (assuming we pay for costumes out of our Steam Wallet).

The Lounge / Re: Introductions!
« on: September 03, 2014, 10:09:53 pm »
Hello, I am Bronzium. I usually go by GoldMan27 in most games I play, though I seem to use Bronzium more frequently these days.

Anyways, I've had my eye on Guns of Icarus Online for a VERY long time (probably since around February of last year), and only a day ago finally bought it. I unfortunately run a poor laptop at the moment (getting a better, more powerful replacement soon), which is the reason why I held off on buying the game until now actually.

Due to my poor rig, I can only seem to play in Practice mode, and even then I get framerate spikes and latency on occasion (even on low settings). I can't say I've much experience with the game itself, though I have frequented gameplay videos on YouTube so I can get a basic understanding of the ships and arsenal. Even so, there's still loads of newer stuff to me, so it'll take me a bit to get used to everything.

Until I get my laptop, you won't see me online (if you do, it'll only be for a few minutes before I experience a huge framerate spike and log out). Though until then, hope to make friends here! :)

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