Author Topic: I get the impression I have a strange crew  (Read 18260 times)

Offline DDwarriorfire

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I get the impression I have a strange crew
« on: May 12, 2013, 12:48:36 am »
I'm Engineer and captain,  we have a pilot and dedicated gunner with the 4th being filled by either AI or Mechanic.

So far I've yet to be in a match in the lobby where it wasn't pointed out. 
 "Captain needs to be a pilot"

Funny thing is we still win ^_^   

Out of curiosity, has anyone run into this situation?

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Re: I get the impression I have a strange crew
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2013, 02:08:20 am »
A few times, but only once each time >: )

Offline Nidh

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Re: I get the impression I have a strange crew
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2013, 04:25:18 am »
As long as the guy piloting the ship has the tools to do so effectively, than anyone can captain. Thing is, the pilot is usually in a better position to make calls because of better map awareness.

Offline Sasha H. Gorky

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Re: I get the impression I have a strange crew
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2013, 04:46:13 am »
It takes more time to coordinate while non-pilot is a captain I believe.
Because when a team captain wants to focus on the specific ship you have to tell your pilot which target he should focus and then your pilot have to tell the crew which side he will take to shoot (on junkers, galleons, squids for example). If pilot is the captain, he only needs to coordinate the crew.
If your team wants to focus on one enemy ship then someone from your crew have to tell you that (in most cases pilot, because there is no time for engineer to look around in tough fights) so you can inform other captains about that. So again if a pilot was a captain he can easly look around, make decision, inform other captains and coordinate the crew.
When I am playing engineer I sometimes really have no time to stay in one place for longer than 1 second (except when I rebuild things, but then I still can't look around battlefield) I don't imagine repairing, listening to other crewmembers, listening captains, talking back to them and giving orders at the same time.

Anyway it's all about preference, but you should have in mind that every second counts in this game.
Correct me if any of my statements are wronger than my grammar.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 04:56:14 am by Sasha H. Gorky »

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: I get the impression I have a strange crew
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2013, 12:58:51 pm »
I agree with Sasha completely, but I also want to add that the captain gets to choose ship and weapon load out. You are putting a heavy burden on your pilot by forcing them into a ship of your choosing and letting them figure out how to fly it in game. This is fine if you and your pilot know each other, but is completely unacceptable in a pickup crew.

Before I take a ship out (or after a new patch) I spend a few minutes in practice checking weapon ranges and fire arcs. It lets me better position myself for trifectas and skirting the fire arcs.

Offline Feast on Thrones

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Re: I get the impression I have a strange crew
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2013, 02:57:16 pm »
I would say that if you feel confident then anyone can in theory be the captain and not the pilot. But  I am a big supporter of the captain being the pilot too. I agree with everything Sasha has said

Offline Moriarty

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Re: I get the impression I have a strange crew
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2013, 02:35:01 am »
Gold fish and squids tend to have a spare person. It wouldn't insane to have the spare engie giving the orders and communicating with the other cap.

Offline DDwarriorfire

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Re: I get the impression I have a strange crew
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2013, 10:24:10 am »
I agree with Sasha completely, but I also want to add that the captain gets to choose ship and weapon load out. You are putting a heavy burden on your pilot by forcing them into a ship of your choosing and letting them figure out how to fly it in game. This is fine if you and your pilot know each other, but is completely unacceptable in a pickup crew.

Before I take a ship out (or after a new patch) I spend a few minutes in practice checking weapon ranges and fire arcs. It lets me better position myself for trifectas and skirting the fire arcs.

Ya I wouldn't make a pilot fly a ship he isn't comfortable with.  Thankfully I fly with people I play with on a regular basis and we practice often.

Offline DDwarriorfire

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Re: I get the impression I have a strange crew
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2013, 10:33:06 am »
It takes more time to coordinate while non-pilot is a captain I believe.
Because when a team captain wants to focus on the specific ship you have to tell your pilot which target he should focus and then your pilot have to tell the crew which side he will take to shoot (on junkers, galleons, squids for example). If pilot is the captain, he only needs to coordinate the crew.
If your team wants to focus on one enemy ship then someone from your crew have to tell you that (in most cases pilot, because there is no time for engineer to look around in tough fights) so you can inform other captains about that. So again if a pilot was a captain he can easly look around, make decision, inform other captains and coordinate the crew.
When I am playing engineer I sometimes really have no time to stay in one place for longer than 1 second (except when I rebuild things, but then I still can't look around battlefield) I don't imagine repairing, listening to other crewmembers, listening captains, talking back to them and giving orders at the same time.

Anyway it's all about preference, but you should have in mind that every second counts in this game.
Correct me if any of my statements are wronger than my grammar.

My position to captain effectively relies on the 2nd mech doing his job well. 
Luckily communication is rather easy with a long  range ship as I direct him to locations and firing wise he communicates with the gunner regarding effective arc.'

Ultimately I agree with you but with my current mates, I'm the much better sniper (since I intentionally destroy the enemy weapons and engines on a shot to shot basis.)    While my pilot is a really good flier he isn't comfortable being the captain or technical guy so until then I've taken up that position.

Hopefully in the near future I can take pilot as captain or the current pilot becomes captain.   Like you said, as we get to higher lvls of play, every second counts

Offline Enjix

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Re: I get the impression I have a strange crew
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2013, 02:23:14 pm »
It's definitely not the norm, but as you are a pre-made ship, there is nothing wrong with it.

As long as 1) Everyone is on the same page, and 2) You are not failing horribly, keep it up!

Just out of curiosity, what ship are you using? Sounds like a spire to me.

Offline Sammy B. T.

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Re: I get the impression I have a strange crew
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2013, 04:06:10 pm »
If you are loading out a ship for the comfort of the pilot why not just let the pilot make the ship? Also as others have mentioned, you are making it a bit tough for any sort of team coordination. The captain is the one who can speak and hear the other captain. Pilot generally have the best awareness of what the ship is doing, not the engineer. So any coordination between you and your teammate has to go through you as a filter while you are working to keep the ship together. Let me illustrate by giving two a same hypothetical scenario with two different settings.

Brooding Shenanigans
-A Comedy by Sammy B. T.

We come into the scene, a fresh battle taking place above the frozen mountains and cliffs in the Northen Fjords

Enter two ships, materializing out of thin air, the mighty Admiral Quackbar, piloted and captained by the dashing Sammy B. T.; and the perfectly adequate Duck Face, piloted and captained by Jaceboojah.

They begin separated as the Fjords are wont to do. The Duckface is relatively isolated but sees a chance to quickly engage an enemy spire.

Sammy B. T. on Captain Chat: Hey Jace, what are we thinkning?
Jaceboojah on Captain Chat: I see a spire for a quick engage, if you rush we can take this.
Sammy b. T. on Captain Chat : Roger that, Kerosening over.

Face filled with resolution Sammy begins to address the crew.

Sammy B. T. on Crew Chat: Kerosening in, keep engines up, we are going for a quick engage. Get engines buffed first, anticipate left guns.

Crew mutters various responses as they get to work. The Duckface engages and takes momentarily the brunt of the attack from the two enemy ships, however the Admiral Quackbar is able to swoop on the unsuspecting Spire and gets a quick kill. Reunited the  two Brood ships make quick work of the second enemy ship.

All Ducks: Quack Quack

The game continues with countless other quick tactical calls. Brood wins 5-0, crushing another group of pubbers.

Now lets check out a different setting

Brooding Shenanigans
-A Tragedy by Sammy B. T.

We come into the scene, a fresh battle taking place above the frozen mountains and cliffs in the Northen Fjords

Enter two ships, materializing out of thin air, the mighty Admiral Quackbar, piloted by the dashing Sammy B. T and capatained by old man Sylas Firehammer; and the perfectly adequate Duck Face, piloted and captained by Jaceboojah.

They begin separated as the Fjords are wont to do. The Duckface is relatively isolated but sees a chance to quickly engage an enemy spire.

Simultaneously speaking to Sylas, JaceBoojah and Sammy B. T. begin to speak.

Jaceboojah on Captain Chat: I see a spire for a quick engage, if you rush we can take this.
Sammy B. T. on Crew Chat: Jace has spawned isolated, moving to his current position, heading down and to the right.

Sylas, tries and process the two audios coming in to him as he buffs the engines, he messes up the prebuff and buffs one twice.

Sylas on Captain Chat: Roger that. pause as he changes voice chat and begins buffing the second engine Belay that! Jace is going to move in for the quick hit on the spire, rush in for a quick backup.
Jaceboojah on Captain Chat: Wrong chat Sylas.
Sylas on Captain Chat: Crap

Sylas agains misses the prebuff on the next engine

Sylas on Crew Chat: Belay that! Jace is going to move in for the quick hit on the spire, rush in f...
Jace interrupting on Captain Chat: Engaging Spire, where are you?
Sylas on Crew Chat: Jace charging, you charge too
Sylas on Captain Chat: We're coming soon.

Sammy begins to change course, though he had already dipped low and veered far to the side, heading to where Jace had spawned. Jace engages but without the speed arrival of the Quackbar he is defeated just in time for the Quackbar to arrive and be double teamed.

All Ducks: Grrrrrr.

The game continues as such with poor timed coordination and difficulty in focusing fire in time to match firepower. Pubbers win 5-0

I hope this indulgent  story taught a lesson.

Offline JaceBoojah

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Re: I get the impression I have a strange crew
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2013, 04:38:32 pm »
I like this play, I get to be the dams.... (googleing to see if there is a breed of duck that sounds like damsel... nope) damsel in distress

Offline Surette

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Re: I get the impression I have a strange crew
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2013, 04:41:40 pm »
The main problem with the pilot not being the captain, as others have pointed out, is that you're forcing the pilot to fly a ship he hasn't configured himself, so he might not be comfortable with the setup. For the pilot to be successful, he/she needs to know everything about the ship and how it works.

The other issue is that the pilot is unable to use captain chat to communicate with the other captains on his team, so he can't coordinate his flying with the other ships. The engineer isn't going to have the same situational awareness as the pilot because they're going to be running around fixing things, which severely limits the communication on your team. I honestly don't see any benefits to having another role as captain. Makes much more sense to always have the pilot be the captain.

Offline Byron Cavendish

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Re: I get the impression I have a strange crew
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2013, 08:59:14 pm »
Okay it's quirky, but what is the benefit you gain from this situation?

Offline Sylas Firehammer

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Re: I get the impression I have a strange crew
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2013, 09:48:58 pm »
Of course it's me that messes up the engine buffs, yet I so loyally buff your engines all day. You're so grateful Sammy!