Author Topic: Slot Locking  (Read 84599 times)

Offline Narayan

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Slot Locking
« on: August 29, 2017, 01:18:44 am »
Ive given up on vote kick so what i would like to suggest to help balance out lobbies and game play for everyone in our low pop state is slot locking, to help ive made a faq.

What is slot locking?

Slot locking is a captain ability that allows the captain to lock empty crew slots on his ship, so that no players can enter that slot either during the lobby or match phase. The purpose is to allow players who dont want to train and need to be able to focus on a high level match the ability to do so. It also allows for veteran captain to overcome a crew stack on the opposite team by having reliable ai that dont steal his focus away from the match.

How would slot locking allow a captain not to train?

Instead of having to explain to very new players the difference between tools, tell them where to go on the ship, and beg them to get of the guns when the hull is down the captain would just hit F3.

How would this balance the lobby for a captain against a high level stack?

Instead of not getting his hull and engines repair or being needled with a thousand questions in a high pressure situation, or having the guns shoot off because the engineer really wanted to shoot and was just testing arc by shooting at cloud, inevitably giving away your position, the captain would be able to focus on maneuvering the ship, avoiding fire and allowing the gunner to deal damage. This would also give the veteran captain time to talk to his fellow captain to coordinate strategy.

Isnt this anti-social or something?

Thats a dumb question what are you a physiologist? Sounds like you need to quit relying on friends to carry you and get some skill.

I became a CA for the profile badge, ca chat, status, ect. I cant stand teaching some autistic Lithuanian about cooldowns, can I use this tool to avoid noobs when my stack mates arent on?


What if my stack mate left the lobby and will be right back cause they crashed or something can i lock it and wait for them?

Also yes!

Im currently part of a stack group and I almost never lose a game, does this mean ill go back to being a mediocre player like i was 2 years ago?

It quite possibly could

I dont really believe in fair fights thats why we take mine launchers against noobs on lab and call it a "fun build". What!? Its fun for us, dont judge

Then feel free to voice your negative criticism on the thread.

Ok but this could decrease our lobby time if you dont have to beg noobs to take your loadout, and i love hearing you squirm on the other end knowing were gonna kill you when the match starts because your engie has spanner buff chem!

Yes this would eliminate that problem in high level lobbies, and yes a fair fight is something to fear ill grant you.

I haven't played the game in a year or two but still hang around on the forums, and I think this idea is horrible and destroys the spirit of the game, even tho im only lvl 24 in my highest class. We had to grind achievements back then and lobbies were sideways.


If you do this its gonna destroy the popularity = skill component of the game that only rewards those who are popular, I dont like it, cause im popular in the game (In real life not so much).

Maybe if you put down the fork people would like you in real life and you wouldn't have to seek validation in this game, and recognize that the game should reward skill and not stacks.

What of the noobs.........

Sundstrom is a CA they can fill up his ship for all I care. This is about making the game playable for the vets who arent part of a stack group, large clan, or are returning to the game with limited social connections. This also gives mid level captains that are newer to the game and not part of a stack group the ability to have a stable crew so they can focus on improving their own skills. The noobs have novice vs ai stuff they can do.

I had 2 slots locked but a girl just joined the lobby and I want to get her on my ship what do you suggest?

Youre banned jedi get off the forums and quit smurfing in the game.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2017, 01:40:00 am by Narayan »

Offline Corporal Ravioli

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Re: Slot Locking
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2017, 09:33:33 am »
Not only is this a horrible idea that drives out new players that this game /desperately/ needs, but your hypothetical questions and responses further amplify the toxicity that the community very much needs to alleviate itself from if this game is to survive in any capacity.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Slot Locking
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2017, 09:58:32 am »
The Jedi allusion was pretty lit tho

Offline Narayan

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Re: Slot Locking
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2017, 04:27:26 pm »
How would this drive out new players ravioli, anymore than the current system which has driven out all the new players over the last 4 years?
« Last Edit: August 29, 2017, 04:29:37 pm by Narayan »

Offline Hilary Briss

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Re: Slot Locking
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2017, 07:26:45 pm »
Have a salute Narayan.

Offline Rareform K. Rozhkov

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Re: Slot Locking
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2017, 10:25:14 pm »
Naryan as u said the game is dead, so can u just go away now and not come back plz thx bai.

Offline Hilary Briss

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Re: Slot Locking
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2017, 03:07:28 am »
Naryan as u said the game is dead, so can u just go away now and not come back plz thx bai.

And people Call Narayan Toxic. You lot did nothing but destroy every ship with new players on it every sale just like a free lunch. I have been there when yours and other so called respected clans did this & laughed about it.

The majority of you are rude to new players and don't teach them anything, in fact you tend to ignore questions from new players when asked. How do I know this? I have flown with skbo clan members on several occasions, when able to get on a stacked ship.... How you can look in the mirror whilst slagging of Narayan in the same breath for putting forward ideas is a joke, and only serves to highlight how toxic you actually are.

When I think of the hundreds of hours I spent teaching only for the top clans to smash the new players makes my effort null and void. Even had a Rydr surrender and still keep fighting to kill a level  5 pilot I was teaching. Oh yes elitism is alive and well. The majority of you have helped kill this game with stack after stack after stack never offering a rematch; when the stack was not in your favor. Players and clans of this douchery should only ever be in events and should not be in gen pop. All giggling like prepubescent teens getting moist over a fresh batch of noobs to kill.

A CA that did what was needed of them.

Offline Corporal Ravioli

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Re: Slot Locking
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2017, 05:33:44 am »
How would this drive out new players ravioli

Guns has enough of a population deficit that it often becomes challenging to find /a/ game - /a single game/ - to join. Under your model, one lone player may find themselves barred from joining a 15 of 16 player lobby, and would have to wait for another whole mass of players to populate another pvp lobby in order to play at all. Often, this ranges from overly-optimistic to /impossible/. Giving players the ability to exclude others from matches that may in themselves be scrapped together tooth and nail with whomever is online is positively stupid and unfair.

You're looking at this feature proposal with prestige-tinted glasses. What happens when the level 1 pilot utilizes this feature and locks their entire ship, refusing guidance from anyone and ruining a match? As well, what the hell is gong to stop any unbalanced team from /not/ using this feature, their fucking conscience? You can't assume that this is a feature that will be utilized by only those who will fairly apply it; in game design you have to consider all circumstances, even the ones that don't rub your belly and ask you to stay.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Slot Locking
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2017, 05:34:39 am »

I understand your anger/contempt, because I was at similar situation too. Actually, I still am. I still like to introduce people to the game, and explain them what's what, and I generally try to treat people ok if I see them trying.

They then say their goodbye's after few seemingly pleasent runs,

And I never see them online again.

People play in stacks because unfortunatelly this game's mechancs encourage that. Don't get me wrong, I love tight teamwork aspect of it, but stacks is the consequence of it. The best people can do is offering a swap for ships in a lobby to balance it out. Which is often ignored, thanks to Muse making the notifications and its' prompts so fucking tiny I tend to miss then entirely on my 15-17 inch screen (1366 x 768 resolution). We squirrels offer such swaps almost constantly, unless the noobs on the other side prove to be bunch of assholes.

Which they prove to be rather frequently, although it got better recently. I think.

Also I haven't seen having fun from uneven slaughter, they became numb to it. They do it to avoid getting pissed at uncoordinated ally/crew.

Ok, I enjoy the slaughter when I am tired. But that's no matter the levels.

And, well. Narayan is not very liked, frankly. Perhaps on the same lane as Ceresbane. Maybe that's the reason for people to react at his posts the way they react, dontcha think Ro?

PS: if you are not Rowho, then who the fuck gave you permission to use his profile picture ffs?


Ravioli's answer

Well said Ravioli. Grab a salute from old fucking cunt.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 05:36:40 am by Schwalbe »

Offline Nikola Brackman

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Re: Slot Locking
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2017, 07:34:16 am »
Clearly the answer is to play Alliance.  The lobby can't be stacked if there is only one team. :p

Offline Rareform K. Rozhkov

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Re: Slot Locking
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2017, 09:52:51 am »
Naryan as u said the game is dead, so can u just go away now and not come back plz thx bai.

And people Call Narayan Toxic. You lot did nothing but destroy every ship with new players on it every sale just like a free lunch. I have been there when yours and other so called respected clans did this & laughed about it.

The majority of you are rude to new players and don't teach them anything, in fact you tend to ignore questions from new players when asked. How do I know this? I have flown with skbo clan members on several occasions, when able to get on a stacked ship.... How you can look in the mirror whilst slagging of Narayan in the same breath for putting forward ideas is a joke, and only serves to highlight how toxic you actually are.

When I think of the hundreds of hours I spent teaching only for the top clans to smash the new players makes my effort null and void. Even had a Rydr surrender and still keep fighting to kill a level  5 pilot I was teaching. Oh yes elitism is alive and well. The majority of you have helped kill this game with stack after stack after stack never offering a rematch; when the stack was not in your favor. Players and clans of this douchery should only ever be in events and should not be in gen pop. All giggling like prepubescent teens getting moist over a fresh batch of noobs to kill.

A CA that did what was needed of them.

     I understand how my joke was toxic, as the intention was a stab at Naryan (stabs in nature being toxic). I did not mean to cause you any personal offense from it.
     As for your statement towards SkBo, and other "so called respected" clans (I thank you for the new title) destroying ships during "every sale just like a free lunch," you are correct. But I think that this has no negative connotation as you phrased it to have. You have, just told me that us Respected Clans, play the game during sales, and end up killing people, and have fun~! And yes, its true! During some sales I will play the game and sometimes there will be an enemy ship with new players on it, and (oh the horror) I will LAUGH, I will have FUN. I will enjoy the game. (Shame on me?)
Now I am assuming that your intention behind this claim is that we were stacking, and that stacking is inherently bad, and we were having fun doing so, and this therefore causes us to go from respectable, to "so called respected". I understand where you are coming from with this. Stacking and crushing lower levels obviously deters them away from the game, and I believe that everyone really has stacked. You yourself have said so. But, I can say from experience that on this, and my novice level alternate accounts, I still see strong effort from vets to swap ships and balance lobbies in almost every match. For if they dont, someone usually calls them out on it, and they then do. They have reason and initiative to keep lobbies balanced. Even if I personally find stacking and winning, a fun and enjoyable activity, that not only makes me "giggle like" a "prepubescent teen," and "moist," but also makes my throbbing dick rock hard with pure ecstasy, I still put forth effort to balance lobbies. But of course you can only balance a lobby so much in a game where people want to fly with their friends, and as is the nature of the game; one team wins and is happy, and another team loses and is sad. I apologize that this happens. But you have to look past this fact, and realize that people try al the time to stop stacks, but sometimes, they do happen... and yes... not everyone is upset when it happens... (reference my throbbing cock statement)
As for your statement that you "once saw" a member of the so called respectable Storm Ryder's clan surrender and still keep fighting to kill a level 5 pilot I was teaching;" If he surrendered, then the captain was Lue and he had a novice on his crew he was upset with (Lue does as Lue does), and yes, I am just as surprised as you that he didn't suicide into a cliff until the novice stopped being AFK or trolling (I dont blame him). But you seem to be trying to say with this statement that, he was being an "Elitist" "Douche," by playing in a match that resulted in a loss for a novice, that you were teaching. I cannot tell if you are humoring us here, or if you actually think that everyone in the game should just be able to win all the time and no one should lose as it makes people sad.

     And as for your signature "A CA that did what was needed of them," I will tell you that I did not know that proper CA's add fire to toxic people like Sir Captain Slork Glork of the Most So Called Respected Clan The Skyborne That is Actually a Bunch of Silly Goof Gaffs Stackers, and in doing so unarguably break Code of Conduct rules #1 for Profanity/Obscenity, and rule #2 for Harassment. And you might be thinking, oh my, but captain Sir Slork Glork of the Most So Called Respected Clan The Skyborne, your whole post has been rude and defamatory and has included rude and coarse language, oh my, and people do this all the time on the forum, how come you are calling my out here for it!? But I never made a post with the intention of saying I was a proper noobie loving CA, who has done everything in his power to help the community, while fierce wolves of top tier clans struck them down, oh my!

TL;DR/ To sum things up:
                        I feel like you are trying to glorify yourself as a beautiful and righteous acting CA (ur signature in last post lol) who deserves more for his hard work to keep the game alive, and everyone else is a horrible person, as they are war mongrels hungry for stomping the enemy, and worst of all like having fun. And you believe that Vets have killed this game, and we need to reform them into good doing machines for the sake of the community, that will always let the newbies win. IMO its amazing that the game has lived so long, and developed such a dedicated community as is, when many other games of Guns' stature have already fallen to the grave.
                       And i don't necessarily think Naryan is toxic i just think his ideas are often kinda lackluster in reason[ing]. Though I find myself actually agreeing with his tone here (and the reasoning for having this idea [not the idea itself]) in the sentence  "...i would like to suggest to help balance out lobbies and game play for everyone in our low pop state." As I said previously this game is amazing and the fact that it has made it this far is a miracle in itself. but the game had fallen (not even an angelic community would have stopped this, every game dies out at some point), to a low pop state and creating ideas to deal with balance in the current state is much better than complaining about how we got to this state. Kudos to you Naryan.

I will be happy to respond to any retort you have to this jumble of text written by a horrible so called respectable stacker. me.

Edit: Dmitrij K., has voiced that where you said "Players and clans of this !#$%@$ should only ever be in events and should not be in gen pop," he is in full agreement. Plz get us vets some cool events

For the record I was thinking of just PMing this retort as a private reply, with the intention of not stirring up fuss that has nothing to do with the thread it is in, but Mr. Briss, as a CA that does "what is needed of them," I figured he must have taken this into consideration with his original defaming post, and come to the conclusion that stirring up a fuss in public on the forums [and breaking the CoC] was the way to go, so I am merely following in his prestigious example. (I also didnt want to ruin any "so called respectable" Clan's rep by not making a statement on the matter)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 10:11:43 am by Captain Slork Glork »

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: Slot Locking
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2017, 11:09:41 am »
Who let you into SkBo and allowed you to speak on the clan's behalf? You also have the nerve to use Glorious Leader's words to promote whatever agenda it is you have with this post? You'll be hearing from the Sky Council for this one, Slork. I'll do everything in my power as Official Wine Taster to have you removed from the ranks. Scrub.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 11:23:32 am by Solidusbucket »

Offline Rareform K. Rozhkov

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Re: Slot Locking
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2017, 11:25:17 am »
my dick has gone flaccid

Offline Corporal Ravioli

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Re: Slot Locking
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2017, 02:03:54 pm »

Offline Narayan

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Re: Slot Locking
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2017, 02:39:11 pm »
Look I don't care if you guys wanna pile in to discord stack your ships and not talk to anyone in the game, its anti social but whatever. All I'm asking for is a reasonable shot at winning every match I play.

Most of us can tell who's gonna win or at the very least who has the advantage before the match even starts. We all know that one player who isn't up to the skill level of a lobby even if he isn't on your ship can cost you the match. Often times if you get a lvl10 or below player it means you have to base your build around him and assign lodouts so that he can take the easiest role possible.

When your name is Narayan the other team is gonna go full try hard on you even if you have one or two brand new players in your ship, I'll get no mercy and neither will they or my team mates. I assume this is as much that I'm a good player as it is because I'm disliked.

If you stack good hard matches are rare and you see me and you want a good hard match that challenges you. I get it. All I'm asking for is the ability not to get noob swarmed so I can have an honest shot at giving both of us that good match.

You all have to agree that my ship looks more menacing with a gunner and 2 ai than it would with 2 low levels and a vet.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 02:45:13 pm by Narayan »