Once upon a time, there was a bunch of players that played a game, and thought the devs did not listen to them. The devs did, but sometimes made mistakes that made it seem like they did not, and caused the players to raise pitchforks. This caused moral to be low, especially with the very vocal campaigns of a hostile abrasive person that could never be pleased. Moral was low on all sides.
Another person set out with a plan... a very long term plan to mend these relations. Step one was to caution and moderate the abrasive person, crafting his hostilities into a more productive weapon. Easy there. More slowly here. Small steps...
"Let me handle this." while speaking to the abrasive one.
"Let me handle him." while speaking to the devs.
This worked for a time, until a thing happened and the abrasive person was no more. However, the plans set forth had to go on, perhaps more easily now...
So, let's address that point BlackenedPies keeps flaunting as if it is the undeniable truth. Richard (we all know who these two are ambiguously and passive aggressively trying to avoid naming) does not care about balance, and just wants to make changes.
How can it be so??? Didn't he say once or twice he did not care about balance when suggesting things to test in devapp? Absolutely. I did say it.
Now, hold on there, buckeroo. You will notice a distinct difference in what I just wrote, and what BlackenedPies wrote. He wrote: "didn't care about balancing the game and just wanted to change stuff" Now, this is not exactly the truth, and is a very misleading 'paraphrasing' of several things I have said. Let's examine those things.
1. didn't care about balancing the game
This was said on multiple occasions when suggesting interesting and fun things to test (by more than just me) along with more serious suggestions, something Mr. Pies was very against. He wanted two completely separate testing... things? One to test 'serious' balance changes, with another to test 'fun' stuff, which he was not in favor of doing at all. However, he seems to have forgotten who fought the hardest for Mobula balance, as well as pushed hard against what became the Minotaur (hint, it was me). It is easy to forget who gave the final stats that are used in the Mobula when you are trying to push an agenda, isn't it? It is easy to discount countless hours staring at spreadsheets, charts, and equations when you are trying to gather pity to your side.
The truth: Balance was not important in making testing fun, and getting people involved in making suggestions. It was called Wild Week because people were encouraged to make outlandish suggestions. People had fun with it. Muse had fun with it. Moral improved across the board. The tone started changing. A long missing sense of trust began to trickle to the surface.
2. just wanted to change stuff
In other terms, this is "Change for change's sake." Do I want to just change things, including things that are already 'balanced'? In a word, yes. This is an important practice that all successful online games have learned. How much has the GOI meta changed in the last few years? Other games shift things around on a monthly, if not weekly basis. It is decried, yes, but necessary. Waiting for that next nerf/buff patch is nearly a ritual. GOI has, well, stagnation.
To combine those two things in the way you have is simply a lie you have told yourself enough times that you actually believe it. The simple fact is that you were the minority in the talks. No, most people did not disagree with the Heatsink ammo reduction. I just went back through 6 months of Discord conversations, and there were roughly the same amount of people on either side in the begining, with a few wavering depending on the suggestions. After you left, and the topic came back up again, most people came down on the side of normalized ammo and damage. Some because they thought it was a good balance change, others just for a change.
Am I the Hand of Balance? No. I guide where I can, but I have not forced anything through (yet... looking at you gun buff) that goes against the grain of the discussion. I facilitate the changes, and there are a lot of them.
Am I the driving force in the changes happening in the game now? Honestly, yes. I poke and prod the Experimental Crew (we changed from Player Counsel due to people thinking we were an aid group) to keep up as much interest as possible. I suggest outlandish things to get conversations going and see what ideas drop out. I gather the thoughts of others on Trello, keep it updated with the latest test stats and give reasons when I can, spend way too many hours looking over numbers, pass stat requests to the devs, ask and prod for more than we should have, help run, or run weekend testing, spend way too much time testing just one last thing, collect feedback through surveys linked ingame, parse the feedback for easy intake by Muse (with original answers linked), and start the cycle over for the next week with hopes of getting everything ready for a monthly balance patch update. WHILE having an 8-10 hour day job and a family.
I have been successful in doing something no one else has done in the 5 years this game has existed, in my free time. The Experimental Crew is a group of awesome people that I enjoy working with. Muse is another group of awesome people I enjoy working with. Together, we have done a damn fine job. We are crafting balance changes, some of them core gameplay. After this next ammo patch, we have our eyes set on bigger fish.
Anyone is free to include the forum in the talk if they wish. Be the forum guru if you want. I am not going to run everything, especially with so little return. Most of the time when I check the forum, there is only 1 active user in the last 15 minutes, and it is me. Discord is far more active AND diverse than this forum.
Byron, if you would like to get out of the salt circle you have drawn and know what is actually going on instead of reading a few posts here from people that exiled themselves, feel free to join us. If not, then I don't really care what you have to say.
Naoura, we have been focused on nothing be the current ammo patch for over two months with a very specific goal. Get off your high Spire.