yesha's strength is that their society is meritocratic, their agricultural system is stable, and their population is massive. this means that they have decent commanders, leaders and lots of everything. their R&D is as good as people can do, but they arent reverse engineering the archeo-tech, so they are behind those that are. they have HUGE shipyards though and a huge navy, so they have lots of ships to compete with anyone
the barons of the fjordlands are all vying for power between each other and against outside forces. they dont have the wiggle room to be squeamish. they have managed to create a pretty stable nation though, if a little socially stagnant. the people are strong and honorable, the fleet is diciplined, and their firepower massive. people are flocking to the baronies from that big middle part of the map, causign them to start worryign about food shortages, but other than that, thigns are actually going pretty well for them.
the chaledonians are improving at a frightening rate, but they started WAYYY later than everyone lese. their tehcnologies arent generally all that military, except by accident, and their society and agricultural base are unmatched. their military is alittle too elegant though to stand up to the huge fleets of the other nations, i feel. at least for now, the shrike seems like a move in the heavy direction that might tip them into the power position