Author Topic: Am I toxic?  (Read 45397 times)

Offline Schwalbe

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Am I toxic?
« on: January 30, 2017, 03:47:20 am »
This is a serious question.

Recently I've been hearing about either my apparent toxicity or how insulting I am, an example? Comment section of this video. I could understand bitching at 9/11 joke (that's what I think gave me 5 dislikes), but...

I mean... I... don't understand. ^^ I am, well. A little special. Yes, IN THAT WAY special. So special that military won't even think of drafting me in case of direct siege (they gave me the lowest grade after seeing my papers).

What does being toxic mean anyway, cause as of now I'm getting honestly confused. I always thought I'm giving as fair chance for new people as possible.

I don't get it. :|

Offline Daft Loon

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Re: Am I toxic?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2017, 04:57:40 am »
There was enough toxicity from you in that video to poison um.. a small mouse maybe, if it was getting a bit old already.

On the forums maybe a bit more but >90% of the people here read your posts in the wider context in which they could barely be called toxic.

Offline Huskarr

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Re: Am I toxic?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2017, 05:32:49 am »
Schwalbe is the most toxic player in the game!!!!!!eleven!!1!!!

Mate you need a perma ban.

Sarcasm off.

You're fine Schwalbe. I've never seen you directly attack anyone and your videos are fine (maybe censor the names, but who cares).
On the forums you're a bit more toxic, but also not much. You simply speak your mind and pretty directly, which isn't bad.

Essentially what Loon said.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Am I toxic?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2017, 07:27:39 am »
So. The guy commenting there is just a random troll, or butthurt dumb-dumb?

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: Am I toxic?
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2017, 07:55:27 am »

You entertained that guy twice.

Also, no

Offline kurganon

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Re: Am I toxic?
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2017, 09:15:25 am »
I apologize for stating my opinion, but I wanted to add to this thread^^'
I only really know about you, because your words filled an respectable amount of the "Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online" Thread. And my impression is, that you tend to be aggressive, as in you don't hold back in what you say, or how you say it. But you don't seem to do that in an attempt to ruin the fun for someone, quite the opposite imo. You (seem to) make Situations and Matches memorable, make your teammates laugh in situations, where they would probably lose hope. You seem to have moments, where you might demotivate the enemies (i.E.), but you didn't say, that they are bad (or not good enough), you said, that you, the wrath of the squirrels, were just way to strong/good. It is, as before stated, a little toxic, though, but not enough or frequently (or so it seems) to make me think, that you are toxic.

[Bard member looking at our stacked team]: Dude, we are doomed
My favourite XD

Now excuse me, I have an exam on friday, and I have to procrastinate by watching the video you posted.

PS: Feel free to let me know of how little I understand how you actually are in GoIo^^

Offline Huskarr

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Re: Am I toxic?
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2017, 09:50:25 am »
I apologize for stating my opinion, but I wanted to add to this thread^^'
I only really know about you, because your words filled an respectable amount of the "Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online" Thread. And my impression is, that you tend to be aggressive, as in you don't hold back in what you say, or how you say it. But you don't seem to do that in an attempt to ruin the fun for someone, quite the opposite imo. You (seem to) make Situations and Matches memorable, make your teammates laugh in situations, where they would probably lose hope. You seem to have moments, where you might demotivate the enemies (i.E.), but you didn't say, that they are bad (or not good enough), you said, that you, the wrath of the squirrels, were just way to strong/good. It is, as before stated, a little toxic, though, but not enough or frequently (or so it seems) to make me think, that you are toxic.

[Bard member looking at our stacked team]: Dude, we are doomed
My favourite XD

Now excuse me, I have an exam on friday, and I have to procrastinate by watching the video you posted.

PS: Feel free to let me know of how little I understand how you actually are in GoIo^^

this so much

Offline Carn

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Re: Am I toxic?
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2017, 10:35:26 am »
Basically, your mildly toxic (like alcohol) but you don't really direct it at any specific person or thing.  That combined with your good sense of humor, makes you enjoyable to be around.  But just like some people can't handle booze, some people can't handle you.  That help?

"Pick your poison."

"One Schwalbe please."

Offline Naoura

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Re: Am I toxic?
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2017, 10:56:37 am »
As far as I know you, you're as toxic as an apple seed.

People who don't know better think so, but only in extremely vast quantities are you actually.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Am I toxic?
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2017, 12:27:51 pm »
...Thanks guys. I believe I will just ignore that asshat, who continues to rambling around in the comment section of that video.
...These really cheer me up.

I apologize for stating my opinion, but I wanted to add to this thread^^'
I only really know about you, because your words filled an respectable amount of the "Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online" Thread. And my impression is, that you tend to be aggressive, as in you don't hold back in what you say, or how you say it. But you don't seem to do that in an attempt to ruin the fun for someone, quite the opposite imo. You (seem to) make Situations and Matches memorable, make your teammates laugh in situations, where they would probably lose hope. You seem to have moments, where you might demotivate the enemies (i.E.), but you didn't say, that they are bad (or not good enough), you said, that you, the wrath of the squirrels, were just way to strong/good. It is, as before stated, a little toxic, though, but not enough or frequently (or so it seems) to make me think, that you are toxic.

No need to apologize man, especially not for something, well. So... positive. I'm, hm. Actually feeling awkward in a good way.

To explain myself a little: I have some sort of "no bullshit" policy. I don't hold back, although when in better shape and form, I try to choose my wording better. Which is difficult for me, because as mentioned in the opening post I am kind of special, and let's just say that there are times when I'm 100% puzzled because my words - I thought to be either totally neutral or sometimes tongue-n-cheek friendly - anger people to an extent I just can't compile in my algorithms-ridden brain.

About aggressivenes - yeah. I am. Family trait coming from the demented, lunatic line of my bitch of a mother. To surprise of some of you, I am actually much better in that regard than I used to be. Let's just say that local wildlife (I mean petty thugs) avoid me still to this day in the area I grown up.

Now excuse me, I have an exam on friday, and I have to procrastinate by watching the video you posted.

As explained by me in one of these comments under the linked video, I wasn't in the best shape NOR form while making that video, and personally I find it my weakest of a bunch. There's a thread where I'm posting my GOIO related videos. I would recommend this one instead.

Also, yeah, welcome to the club, I have several exams coming. Instead I design system for automated, randomly generated drops from chests and monster like in Borderlands or Diablo; and I think the excuse of that system being created as a prototype for my engineer degree project in the future is not too valid, dammit. xd

PS: Feel free to let me know of how little I understand how you actually are in GoIo^^

Nah, why would I. All I could is pointing out the obvious fact, that all you know about me comes from videos or forum quotes, which is, well. Slightly different from how I behave in game I guess.

Offline kurganon

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Re: Am I toxic?
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2017, 01:45:27 pm »
Thank you for responding thoroughly to my post^^
Also nice to hear that you cheer up^^

Now excuse me, I have an exam on friday, and I have to procrastinate by watching the video you posted.

As explained by me in one of these comments under the linked video, I wasn't in the best shape NOR form while making that video, and personally I find it my weakest of a bunch. There's a thread where I'm posting my GOIO related videos. I would recommend this one instead.

Also, yeah, welcome to the club, I have several exams coming. Instead I design system for automated, randomly generated drops from chests and monster like in Borderlands or Diablo; and I think the excuse of that system being created as a prototype for my engineer degree project in the future is not too valid, dammit. xd
Don't worry, I watched them all (at least the GoIo related videos and the "Best. Insult. Ever.") ;X
I was well entertained and laughed a lot XD (and subscribed)

Good luck with your system and your exams^^

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Am I toxic?
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2017, 11:25:07 am »
I wouldn't say you're toxic.

Mildly acidic, perhaps, prolonged contact could cause some corrosion, but mostly you just lack a filter, as you've stated.

Personally, I really like that you're blunt and direct, I can appreciate that in a person.  I've always wondered why people get so angry at you.

You're a cool guy, Schwalbe, don't change 8)

Offline The Mann

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Re: Am I toxic?
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2017, 12:14:07 pm »
You are the embodyment of every single computer scientist and programmer I have worked with.

A nice person and an interesting way of saying things :)

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Am I toxic?
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2017, 02:52:57 pm »
Nah, your more like a bowl of pico de gallo compared to most people on the net.

A lot of us around here are bowls of pico, just sometimes some of us toss on extra spices to liven things up. I toss red cayenne on mine at times for that quick hit of fire without the harsh taste bud destroying aftertaste.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Am I toxic?
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2017, 05:20:09 pm »
No, but according to my readings, you are mildly radioactive.