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  • The Big Brass Revival Rules and Announcement (First Tourname: December 03, 2016
  • The Big Brass Revival Rules and Announcement (First Tourname: December 10, 2016
  • The Big Brass Revival Rules and Announcement (First Tourname: December 17, 2016

Author Topic: The Big Brass Revival Rules and Announcement (First Tournament w/ CASH Prizes)  (Read 34746 times)

Offline Dementio

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Oh ok, thanks!

Offline Jub Jub

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It's Game Day Everyone!
Its December 3rd, Day 1 of the Big Brass Revival Tournament!

Streams start at 2:00pm EST/7:00pm UTC. We will be playing Match-Sets 1-6.

Match-Sets 1, 2, and 5 will be streamed courtesy of Keyvias with Jub Jub co-casting on and will be refereed over by Ayetach.
Match-Sets 3, 4, and 6 will be streamed courtesy of Lysanya with James T. Kirk co-casting on and will be refereed over by Nat Nyls.
The Multitwitch of both streams can be viewed here.

A link to the Brackets may be viewed here.
A link to the Maps and Match-Sets may be viewed here.

Please Be Advised: Due to slight technical issues, streams may start slightly later than scheduled. While an inconvenience, please bear with us as Muse isn't paying us anything.

Offline Urz

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I have production feedback for the main stream.

Don't be afraid to cut to break if there's an unplanned delay. It gives the commentators some time to rest their voice, get water, use the bathroom (etc), and cues viewers to go check out the other stream while they're waiting.

There's no benefit to anyone having you guys ramble about nothing for 30 minutes like what happened on Saturday.

If permitted by the streamer's hardware/connection, they should be targeting a higher bitrate.

If the Gunsoficarus channel does not have quality options, you should target as high as 2500kbps. If it does have quality options, you can safely target 3000+.

The in-game team names graphic is poorly shaped. It takes up a lot of space while not allowing very many characters for team names.

By making it shorter vertically and longer horizontally, you could fit longer team names while blocking less of the action.

(You would also block less of the action by removing the trapezoid graphic behind the team names, which is kind of ugly to begin with.)

Keyvias's microphone would occasionally echo (example). This happened sporadically throughout most of the stream.

It seemed to happen primarily when Jub Jub would cut in to what Keyvias was saying, so my guess would be sound leakage from Jub Jub's heaphones (activating his microphone while Keyvias is still talking). Possible solutions to investigate (on Jub Jub's side): turning down headphone volume, using different headphones with less sound leakage, turning down mic gain, or moving mic somewhere it doesn't pick up the leakage.

It could also be on Keyvias's end: caused by sound leakage of his mic monitor when he's talking loudly.

Showing chat on-screen during a tournament is amateurish. It clashes with the overlay, emphasizes low viewership, creates editing headaches for VODs, and most importantly takes focus away from the commentators and from the matches. The commentators are supposed to be experts and should be able to carry the weight of conversation without constantly (and stiltedly) engaging prompts from the chat.

(Which is not to say you can never pull a chat question that you think would serve kindling to an interesting conversation, but chat interaction during a tournament stream should be infrequent.)

Offline Jub Jub

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It's Game Day Everyone!
Its December 10th, Day 2 of the Big Brass Revival Tournament!

Streams start at 2:00pm EST/7:00pm UTC. We will be playing Match-Sets 7-12.

Match-Sets 8, 10, and 12 will be streamed courtesy of Keyvias with Jub Jub co-casting on and will be refereed over by Ayetach.
Match-Sets 7, 9, and 11 will be streamed courtesy of Admiral Obvious with Lysanya co-casting on and will be refereed over by Nat Nyls.
The Multitwitch of both streams can be viewed here.

A link to the Brackets may be viewed here.
A link to the Maps and Match-Sets may be viewed here.

Edit: Stay tuned after the matches for a post-game show over on featuring all of today's casters.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2016, 01:41:59 pm by Jub Jub »

Offline Jub Jub

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ANNOUNCEMENT: The team We Are Pirates has withdrawn from the event, so Match Set 7 will not be played. As a result, Altruistic Aeronef Aviators will be forwarded to Match Set 11. All other Match Sets will proceed as scheduled.

Offline Dementio

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I have a question regarding the finals: The entire tournament is double elimination, except for the finals which is just a basic bo5. The whole point of double elimination is that teams need to lose twice in order to be out completely, but according to the brackets, the team that makes it to the finals with no losses is out after losing only once in the finals. Is that intentional? Shouldn't there be another set in case the finalists lose once?

Offline Keyvias

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This is intentional and was a choice that was debated behind the scenes.
The goal of our double elimination was a couple, make sure the best teams were in the finals, and provide the best opportunity for the best team to win the whole thing.

The best of five we believed should give the opportunity for that best team to show themselves and be more interesting to viewers than 2 possible best of 3s.

I hope I explained the reasoning well, but if not just let me know.

Offline Guagadu

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The team winning from the top bracket should at least have some sort of advantage. If having two individual bo3s less interesting than a bo5, the top bracket team should at least have a one-match advantage in the final, such that without any matches played, they would have the 1-0 lead in the final. The way it is right now, the team in the finals from the lower bracket is given an advantage, though the top bracket team is the one who should get an advantage.

Offline Jub Jub

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It's Game Day Everyone!
Its December 17th, Day 3 of the Big Brass Revival Tournament: The Finale!

Streams start at 2:00pm EST/7:00pm UTC. We will be playing Match-Sets 13-16.

Due to an unfortunate shortage of casters, all Match-Sets (13, 14, 15, and 16) will be streamed courtesy of Keyvias with Lysanya co-casting on and will be refereed over by Ayetach and Nat Nyls.

A link to the Brackets may be viewed here.
A link to the Maps and Match-Sets may be viewed here.

Please Be Aware: Match-Set 16, the Finale is a Bo5 match-set.

Offline KitKatKitty

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The organizers of 'The Big Brass Revival' and Muse Games would like to extend a personal congratulations to the winners: 'Fancy Cloud Dancers' who placed first in the event followed closely in second by 'Chef Xedeon's Potatoes au Gratin' and in third place, 'Clan Clan'.

Big thanks to everyone who has participated, organized, streamed, reffed and supported the event, its been a hard fight but well deserved for all the teams.

Clear skies aviators!

Offline Urz

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When are VODs going to be uploaded?