Author Topic: The problem with new player expectations in one image.  (Read 25839 times)

Offline Richard LeMoon

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The problem with new player expectations in one image.
« on: June 03, 2016, 05:03:51 pm »

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: The problem with new player expectations in one image.
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2016, 05:33:24 pm »
It's far past 11 PM around here, yet I just cried "O KURWA" out fucking loud in terror created by such foul, vile imagery...

Offline Lanliss

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Re: The problem with new player expectations in one image.
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2016, 05:33:53 pm »
Well, to be fair, those are supposed to be semi-competitive tactical team games. They just are not played that way.

Offline GurasOguras

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Re: The problem with new player expectations in one image.
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2016, 05:48:01 pm »

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: The problem with new player expectations in one image.
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2016, 05:49:24 pm »
i would actually fully agree with rainbow six siege.

That game will own you if you do not know what you are doing and you will screw over your team as well. When I first played I asked questions and people told me where to go for whatever class I was playing and what to do every match I opened my mouth. Likewise, I was called an idiot when I did my own thing.

The other two not so much.

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: The problem with new player expectations in one image.
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2016, 07:32:05 pm »
Volvo plz

Well they are both team-based first person "shooters" so it isn't 'that' stupid. GOIO has fewer players and worse matchmaking, but also less russians :P

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: The problem with new player expectations in one image.
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2016, 10:59:10 pm »
Guns is crew-based, not team-based. Each crew functions as a single entity (a ship) in the game. If the ship dies, the entire crew is wiped.

The only people playing a team-based aspect are the pilots, who are dealing directly with the other single entities in the game and working as a team. So, you could call it a team-based areal combat game, in which the crew are cogs in the machine.

The gunner is not even playing what would be considered a FPS. They do not have active control over their path. Leaving the gun removes the ability to shoot. In essence, they are playing a vehicular rail shooter, not a FPS.

Completely different.

Offline Skymonger

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Re: The problem with new player expectations in one image.
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2016, 11:41:53 am » sorry, but trying to find another game based on the "more like this" tab is more like playing russian roulette with only one chamber empty and the rest filled rounds.

It only is "LIKE" this other game based on this ONE SINGULAR POINT and the rest respectively flicking you off in being a different game.

So if anyone is coming into GOI based on this prenotion that its completely like Csgo or insurgency from this utterly ridiculous "more like this" system...

You Idiot.
Please get your mind out of the trash and figure out FROM THE START...that a Game with Flying steampunk Airships is NOT LIKE a rank and file First person shooter of Csgo, CoD, or whatever.


Offline Clockeye

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Re: The problem with new player expectations in one image.
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2016, 06:14:20 am »
Well, I never follow the "you might also like" stuff xD Its usually very different from my expectations.
You know, its their fault for not reading the comment section, which is filled with
reviews saying about cooperation being numero uno.

I once wanted to rent a movie and found "hellboy" under "horror" genree.
I guess it works the same way.

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: The problem with new player expectations in one image.
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2016, 09:07:05 pm »
To be fair... look at the trailer for GOIO on steam. Not the one for alliance, the second one.
Do you notice anything...?
In trailer there is basically no coverage of engineer class. It's mostly exploding ships, people shooting, people running around the ship, sometimes people repairing their guns (I don't count is as showing engineer) but there is no coverage of classic main engineer dog running around trying to keep ship alive.

Why is that - you may ask.

Well, it may be that Muse just didn't pay much attention to the creation of trailer, but I think we all believe that those people have some passion for their creation and trailer is a big part of showing off the game, so I'd rather dismiss that theory. Let's say I just don't believe Muse to be so stupid/careless/whatever.

Or they know that being engineer is not exciting, or just not a good part of GOIO experience, and they deliberately didn't show engineer gameplay. Which is quite problematic, since due to the game balance, over 50% of GOIO population is engineers! (You need at least 2 on each ship, 2 gunners is nonsense and some veterans prefer 3 engineers).

Tertium non datur.

So in a way Muse are themselves responsible for influx of players who just want a "Boom bang bang boom" kind of experience. Muse have reason for that, I think being engineer is not very exciting, so in a way it's a logical marketing strategy. That's marketing - showing off the good parts and hiding the bad parts. I mean, you don't see iPhone commercials going "we suck at battery life, yo!" :P

But this doesn't mean that the fact that gameplay of over 50% GOIO population may be considered to be not exciting, or not good, is not a huge problem for this game. Being engineer is a chore, main engineer rarely gets to shoot anything and mostly doesn't see what's happening around him (because he's busy fixing). I've had countless moments when my crewmember went "Oohh yeeah! Did you just see that?!" and I felt like "No fucktard dummy, I'm repairing your baloon" (i.e. on a goldfish or mobula, with stuff obstructing vision drastically).

This is a wicked problem indeed, with its basis deep in fundaments of GOIO's design and there is no easy way to fix it, if there is any. But GOIO's success or failure depends mainly on this problem in my opinion.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2016, 09:26:33 pm by Mr.Disaster »

Offline Huskarr

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Re: The problem with new player expectations in one image.
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2016, 11:55:11 pm »
You say that Dis, but I'm just sitting here loving to engineer. In my eyes there is nothing boring anout being engineer. Especially main engineer. Muse just has to show of the right moments.
(I'd like to elaborate, but I don't have the time. Sorry)

Offline Skymonger

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Re: The problem with new player expectations in one image.
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2016, 03:04:10 am »
Disaster, id like to actually rebute your reasoning about Engineers not being represented in Muses trailer.

Being Engineer is an Absolutely stressful position where the captain and your crewmates place their faith in you on keeping them alive and functional, so it Obviously, is Exciting.
Especially if your captain is insane with their moonshine. (Mann for example)
I revel in the fact that as a Main deck engi, The captains fun is built upon the Engineers suffering. And if the Engineer Croaks, so does the Captain.

It just dosent LOOK exciting. Think about it. Shooting someone with a barrage of missiles or Spraying someone down with a Gatling gun and then watch the ship explode? Thats Eye candy.
Watching someone run around hitting shit with a hammer? It dosent really get my blood flowing.

This is one of things where Visual representation or written feedback isnt going to accurately tell you the whole experience.
Its like firing a Highpowered rifle for the first time. You can watch it fire in a video, you can hear someone tell you how much its recoil hurts. But until you grip it in your hands, feel the weight, feel the kick of the rifle and then revel in the aftershock of the just won't get the whole picture.

You just have to Be an engineer to feel the excitement and experience and putting an Engineer in the trailer isnt going to be enough.
And thats why i feel Muse didnt put Engis in the trailer.

...besides, theres not going to be any good shots of Engis fixing things. We hit things with a hammer and it apparantly makes things go, the stuff that breaks dont even look broken, they just spew black smoke and its apparantly broken on the inside.
Id like to see muse make damage look more evident ingame, like a Broken gun is Visibly bent out of shape, and Broken armor has twisted and leaking pipes. Engine damage looks like the damn thing exploded. Something like that.

Offline Huskarr

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Re: The problem with new player expectations in one image.
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2016, 03:19:44 am »
Skymonger what you said is so true. All of it.

But if we were to put the engineer in a trailer it would either have to be some awesome repair cycles (squid comes to mind) or a moment where an engineer saves the ship by malleting the armor just in time, but I wouldn't know how to represent the urgency of that moment.

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: The problem with new player expectations in one image.
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2016, 03:21:44 am »
Being Engineer is an Absolutely stressful position where the captain and your crewmates place their faith in you on keeping them alive and functional, so it Obviously, is Exciting.
Especially if your captain is insane with their moonshine. (Mann for example)
I revel in the fact that as a Main deck engi, The captains fun is built upon the Engineers suffering. And if the Engineer Croaks, so does the Captain.

Is it exciting or is it painful? It may be because of my notable experience of mainly playing this role, but for me it's mostly painful and dull. At some point you know your limits, you reach you skill ceiling and thing becomes a chore. Just because it's stressful doesn't mean it's exciting. More importantly, it's not FUN.

...besides, theres not going to be any good shots of Engis fixing things. We hit things with a hammer and it apparantly makes things go, the stuff that breaks dont even look broken, they just spew black smoke and its apparantly broken on the inside.

Despite being forced to move quickly through the ship and sometimes rely heavily on parkour? Although I get the "it doesn't look exciting but it kinda is" argument, still I think there are plenty of possibilities for interesting engineer gaming footage with correct montage, although I'll agree it's limited.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: The problem with new player expectations in one image.
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2016, 08:00:20 am »
Despite being forced to move quickly through the ship and sometimes rely heavily on parkour? Although I get the "it doesn't look exciting but it kinda is" argument, still I think there are plenty of possibilities for interesting engineer gaming footage with correct montage, although I'll agree it's limited.

Sounds like a challenge for you. :P