"You just get this overwhelming sense that none of the TF2 developers even play the game. "
Sigh... I've said it hundreds of times... Muse doesn't play their game. They play in the dev matches twice a week, and that's it. They need to get #InTheTrenches and actually fly with people who AREN'T other devs. Fly with newbs, fly
for newbs, fly
beside and
against newbs... actually, it isn't even a newbs thing. It's the bubble they isolate themselves inside that's the problem. Just fly in matches that AREN'T dev matches. Fly with
us, the players.
I love bringing up how Mobulas demolish Spires because the Hades, especially atop a Mobula, is the ultimate anti-Spire weapon. Muse claims this isn't true and that 90% of Mobs
aren't double-Artemis-top-Hades/Merc... but they are. They are! How can Muse deny this!? Because they're ignorant. What did Daryl and John say...?