Hey guys,
Wanted to come in and give a quick explanation of our decision to have our own VoD list.
Originally when the VoD list was frist brought to us as an idea and asked to be pinned, we said this would be a great idea and the only stipulation was that we were going to edit it to be able to make sure A) all information is correct and B) The post was fair and informative.
This was readily agreed to.
Once the post was made live we quickly something that was going to be and did become a huge point of contention, major vs minor events, which was not explained and had the feeling of impropriety to people who put in a lot of hard work and then were listed as minor.
We edited the post to simply say events since we didn't feel it was too cluttered to find a single event you were looking for with both of them combined.
This was changed back by Urz, who we gave the power to edit his posts for longer than the 30 minute period due to the nature of the amazing work he put in.
When we tried to talk to Urz about this, were we rebuked and told basically that VoD post would have this major and minor split despite the earlier agreement.
With this frustration, I made the decision to simply have our own Vod post, we even delayed in the hopes of avoiding drama that comes all too often. I will admit it was my own annoyance and frustration that didn't lead me to think to add credit to Urz for the base formatting, which if Urz would like, I would be happy to add onto the post.
Just wanted to explain some of the behind the scene drama and let you know why choices were made. I'd definitely be happy to discuss them as always the best place to reach me is keyvias@musegames.com, but I'll do my best to answer on thread if that's where people want to talk.