Author Topic: Lesmok Gat Vs Greased Hades  (Read 17865 times)

Offline Spud Nick

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Lesmok Gat Vs Greased Hades
« on: January 24, 2016, 10:34:36 pm »
When is it better to use a lesmok gat over a greased hades?

Offline Ightrril

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Re: Lesmok Gat Vs Greased Hades
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2016, 11:22:44 pm »
Both guns have similar DPS (including reload it's ~69 for hades to armour, ~64 for Gatling, without reload Hades has ~146, gatling ~110) so there isn't a damage increase (especially since the gatling has spread). There is also quite a range difference between the two (Greased Hades minimum range is 120m, projectile speed is 200m/s while Lesmok Gatling max range is 765m, projectile speed 850m/s) so comparing them is a little tricky.

Advantages of Hades:
 Other ammo types increase range further
 No spread so more shots can hit
 Fires can be lit
 Better upwards arc

Advantages of Gatling:
 Other ammo types increase damage when closer
 No arming time
 Easier to shoot
 Better horizontal arcs

Lesmok Gatling could be more useful in a situation where minimum arming range for the Hades can't always be kept (side of a Galleon for example, especially in a closer range map).
The Gatling could also be taken if you don't trust your crew to be accurate enough with a Hades (new players or just someone not comfortable with taking one for whatever reason).
A Mobula build I took one or two times involved having a Lesmok Gatling on one of the lower side slots (Merc/Hades in the middle) because of the easier arcs, but that's less of an issue probably.

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Lesmok Gat Vs Greased Hades
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2016, 12:00:03 am »
Hades does 89% of the armor dps of gat. It's harder to shoot but hull hits can do higher dps than a gat which might hit components. An armor-breaking factor in favor of gat is that you reload after breaking armor while hades keeps shooting at broken armor. The fires from hades are nice and force the engi to repair at least 22% slower when using chem. Lesmok gat is weak due to the high spread which relegates it to a support gun. One advantage of gat is better horizontal arcs (50 vs 35). For a junker with double banshee a lesmok gat is much easier to get arcs than a hades, but with hades you have the option to engage from below

The main reason I'd bring a lesmok gat over a hades is the arcs. For example on sides of mobula or bottom of spire. The second reason is the arm time which usually isn't an issue except on galleon and junker. 150m is within greased flamethrower range and at that point you probably shouldn't be bringing a lesmok gat. Lesmok gat cannot break armor on it's own so if you don't need arcs and need to reliably break armor then bring hades

If you're asking about the tradeoff if you should bring lesmok ammo for the hades and use regular on gat, or bring greased for gat and use regular on hades, then the answer is your ship and the enemy ship. If you have a good hades gunner and easy targets then bring greased. If most engagements are over 500m against small profile ships like junker and mobula then bring lesmok
« Last Edit: January 25, 2016, 12:29:39 am by BlackenedPies »

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Lesmok Gat Vs Greased Hades
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2016, 05:29:51 pm »
Here's a similar question: when is greased banshee better than lesmok gat?

Greased banshee deals 350 balloon, 220 armor, or 540 hull damage per clip in 3.1 seconds, but the DPS is limited by its 6 second reload. Banshee has a similar effective range to lesmok gat, is more disruptive, and is good against weak-armored high-hull ships like goldfish, spire, and squid. The fires force engis to repair slower and they're more likely to make mistakes

Here are a couple examples when greased banshee can be better than lesmok gat:

On hwatcha spire against weak armor ships. I like the combo of artemis, hwatcha, and banshee. The artemis helps the hwatcha disable at range and the banshee works with the hwatcha to break armor and kill. Burst hwatcha deals 396 armor damage per clip, and along with a banshee you're guaranteed to break armor and do hull damage. It's highly effective against fish and brawl spires who are vulnerable to disable and can absorb a lot of hull damage. The banshee succeeds by slowing down repairs and working with the hwatcha

Triple banshee junker vs double banshee and lesmok gat. Addding the third banshee gives you more disable and doesn't significantly limit your kill power. At range the three greased banshees suppress engineers and scatter fires across the ship. This can be more effective than lesmok gat which takes a while to break armor. At closer range the greased banshees can work together to target specific systems. Three banshees shooting a balloon does 1050 damage and you can balloon lock ships solely by this. Triple banshee can break most armor in one clip, and aiming at guns/engines will quickly flame out anything that's not chem sprayed. You can also stay low and use the great arcs to shoot up and use your balloon shield when there's trouble. Triple banshee isn't ideal for fast kills so the close range side of your junker should be different with either more kill power (gat) or more disable (carro)
« Last Edit: January 25, 2016, 05:31:55 pm by BlackenedPies »

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Re: Lesmok Gat Vs Greased Hades
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2016, 09:21:03 am »
Hm hm, still a very interesting thread, as i assume all participants are still on deck: Are there any ressources (tables) on DPS ? Those numbers in the ingame manuals are not easy to understand as are rate of fire or reload speed that only show numbers without relations (like Shots per second/ Whole clip in seconds etc.). Best, Allons!

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Lesmok Gat Vs Greased Hades
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2016, 10:03:19 am »