Author Topic: Any other longtime supporters feel like they were lied to?  (Read 49682 times)

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Any other longtime supporters feel like they were lied to?
« Reply #45 on: October 24, 2015, 06:45:49 am »
What the fuck people.

He brought up quite a valid point (at least for me, cause I wouldn't express what I see in this game better), and all you do is picking through his words?

I see. You are trying to keep the post derailed. Even letting it to die out would be more appropriate.

PS: I have a high fever and shitload of work, so lunacy is stronger with me than usual - though I mean not to cause a shitstorm.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 06:47:31 am by Schwalbe »

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Any other longtime supporters feel like they were lied to?
« Reply #46 on: October 24, 2015, 07:12:06 am »
What the fuck people.

He brought up quite a valid point (at least for me, cause I wouldn't express what I see in this game better), and all you do is picking through his words?

I see. You are trying to keep the post derailed. Even letting it to die out would be more appropriate.

PS: I have a high fever and shitload of work, so lunacy is stronger with me than usual - though I mean not to cause a shitstorm.

He complained about the size of the player base in a rage like post, he made no constructive points on how things could be changes, simply bitched that they should be changed, thus I made point of.acknowledging his post myself and simply complained about the decaying state of my mother tongue. :)

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Any other longtime supporters feel like they were lied to?
« Reply #47 on: October 24, 2015, 08:12:06 am »
Cant edit but realised I meant to say *not acknowledge his post.
Hope its clearer:)

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Any other longtime supporters feel like they were lied to?
« Reply #48 on: October 24, 2015, 09:09:14 am »
I'm sorry. I might be a bit too feverish at the point... how the hell was that a rage-like post? He pointed out the problems of this game today. He mentioned nothing about changing anything. It's passive-aggressive at best.

Also, he noticed what's happening in community after the introduction of a certain atrocity and some events, more specifically: a chain of events, cough cough COUGH fucking lungs:

The concept is great, but all the flaws with this game have led it to having almost no dedicated players anymore. When new players do come by, all they manage to do is bring out the salty side of some players (myself included). It's probably not their fault. The game has a high learning curve and the tutorials are shit. But the salt winds up driving them away in the end, which in turn makes the game even more dead.

Not constructive? Maybe. But pointing out the problem is still more constructive than eluding yourself that everything's fine or shit. -.- It's like that problem of half-full/empty glass - it's better to know whether it's filled with piss or not. -___-

That was what I meant. Thank you. Now, allow me to suffer the agony of learning all the shit for OS laboratories this monday, and Data Transmission for friday. Yeah, I'm pissed about that.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Any other longtime supporters feel like they were lied to?
« Reply #49 on: October 24, 2015, 09:53:46 am »
Let me translate that from Salty to English. (this is a roast post, don't take it seriously)

"literally no one plays anymore" = none of the people I used to play with play anymore, literally.

"You can have all the sales and DLC you want, but that's obviously not had a long term effect at all" = the player numbers are about the same, but my friends are still not playing.

"It's a shame, really." = I really miss my friends.

"but all the flaws with this game have led it to having almost no dedicated players anymore." = Why the hell is my green list not green? Where are you guys?

"When new players do come by, all they manage to do is bring out the salty side of some players (myself included)" = I am seriously salty and literally speak for the entire community of salts. We are thinking about starting a club. Salts of Icarus. It sort of reminds me of a club I wanted to start as a kid, but never really got around to it. We were going to ban all parents. I am sure it would have worked. That was sarcasm. I would have been sent to bed early, most likely.

"It's probably not their fault." = It is totally their fault for not learning the game before they play with me. Damn that makes me salty. I spent a hell of a lot of time getting from their level to mine. They could at least do the same. Nubs.

"The game has a high learning curve and the tutorials are shit." = I mean that literally.

"But the salt winds up driving them away in the end, which in turn makes the game even more dead." = I have no data to back that up, but it sounded awesome in my head. I figured, hey, why not add a bit of drama to the salt.

"Oh well, it was a fun ride while it lasted." = I will still play. GOIO, game of the year. Filthy casuals. I hope someone sees this post as bringing up valid points instead of focusing on my misuse of the word 'literaly'. I am sure my fellow salties will back me up.

« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 09:55:34 am by Richard LeMoon »

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Re: Any other longtime supporters feel like they were lied to?
« Reply #50 on: October 24, 2015, 10:08:02 am »
To be fair Richard, I was in a similar place when I came back about a month ago from a year long break or something. The only people I used to play with were TAW+a few, but all of TAW have quit and I had to meet new players and join new groups but I'm enjoying the game the same as I ever did. So get out there and talk to people in lobbies!

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Any other longtime supporters feel like they were lied to?
« Reply #51 on: October 24, 2015, 10:12:08 am »
If I am salty of anything or anyone, it's more the veterans of this game and community than anything else.

And there's more to this banter of his than you claim. Even if your roast is partially true.

But hey, what the fuck does that angsty asshole Schwalbe knows.

The more I... encounter people, the more bitter I become.

Offline UndyingUndyne

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Re: Any other longtime supporters feel like they were lied to?
« Reply #52 on: October 24, 2015, 07:25:12 pm »
Oh god, what have I done? I unintentionally misused the word literally (I'm not an English major, sue me), and I managed to derail the entire thread!  :-[

In all seriousness, though, are we seriously going to discredit everything I said simply because I misused one single word? Granted, I was rather salty at the time I wrote it, but there are valid points in the argument.

Muse seems to be having difficulty in having the new players who do come around because of sales and DLC keep playing, thus increasing the average players online from the 200-400 there are now. I get it, this is an Indie game, so there aren't going to be League of Legends number of players online. But you would think that after all Muse has done to get their game out there, there would be a larger player base. Hell, after all those Youtubers played the game together several months back, I remember seeing 3,000+ players online. What happened to them all? Did experienced players drive them away with salt like I suggested? Or is there some other reason I've failed to consider?

Honestly, I haven't played the game nearly as much as a lot of you have. I was kinda hoping maybe you guys would discuss the issue more and suggest other problems, and then a proper discussion about solutions could happen.

But nope, let's just all focus on how that guy can't use the English language properly! That guy's such a scrub! He clearly doesn't have any credibility because of it, so let's just make fun of him instead of having a productive conversation!

Offline Hunter.

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Re: Any other longtime supporters feel like they were lied to?
« Reply #53 on: October 24, 2015, 08:03:34 pm »
Personally, I've always seen the issue as to why players don't stick around as a marketing thing. I feel that the majority of players pick the game up with friends to crew a ship together. Eventually 1-2 players get bored and leave leaving 2-3 players playing with randoms and getting stomped and then leaving as well. If the game had less of a focus on joining up with established friends there would be more player retention as people would join and become a part of an existing in game community.

This is of course all theory from what I've heard from new players who stopped playing, personal experience and looking at how the game is marketed and piecing some stuff together - I have no marketing training nor factual figures so take it as you will.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Any other longtime supporters feel like they were lied to?
« Reply #54 on: October 24, 2015, 08:26:32 pm »
Its a PVP game that relies on teamwork. That is already two x marks by it. PVP and teamwork doesn't mesh with profits outside of MOBAs or twitch shooter crap and PVP denotes a certain scum factor of player that is more prone to being distracted by shiny objects than not. Generally speaking of course, not folks around here. If you post in forums you are automatically taken out of that category.

In some ways I think the horrific moe asian version of GOIO, which would have happened had a publisher picked up this title, would have been a better PVP seller. Simple because it would have been flashy and cheesy. Filled with fan service and all sorts of things designed to get attention and keep attention. We like to laugh at the idea of that but I could see it very easily becoming a seller in this Coddified world. You don't attract a huge audience with sim games, not these days at least.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Any other longtime supporters feel like they were lied to?
« Reply #55 on: October 24, 2015, 11:18:04 pm »
What Gilder said. It is not the Salts driving new players away for the most part. It is the unique game play. Look at the highest selling and highest player retention games. They are formulaic to a fault, catering to exactly what people expect to play. GOIO can't do that because its core is different.