Clearly mines are the best part of goio by far. How do we make them even better? It might be interesting if there was some way to interact with them besides avoiding..
First off we should lower their hp drastically. Right now technically they can be shot at, but it takes like 40 normal gatling bullets to kill one.
I propose a few other ways to influence mines:
Set it on fire to make it rise (hot air rises, right). Finally a use for incendiary!
Pop its balloon with direct to make it drop. Already works, takes one heavy clip shot from light carro.
Shoot the spiky part to make it explode. Should not take much damage at all, it's a mine designed to explode on contact. A mine exploded like this should probably do reduced damage though..
Shoot it with minotaur to make it move a short distance in any direction. Mines pushed this way do reduced damage (say 60%). Bonus new gamemode: mine football!