Even before the nerf the Minotaur wasn't all that effective. After playing against a Metagalleon with a Minotaur instead of Flak on Waterhazard in comp, the Galleon pilot said he would have wanted a Heavy Flak. A Minotaur/Hades/Flak Spire in the same event on the same day was more troublesome, but we managed to ge early Artemis pressure on it and our Hades made sure that the Spire Hades was repairing the armor. We did have to retreat against it once though, but then our ally ramkilled it from behind. That match and the match afterwards ended with us spawnkilling them, because Minotaur is so annoying.
What I learned from that day was that the Minotaur shouldn't be used as a primary gun, no matter how good it is, it will never be good enough. But buffing it a little bit, including a faster projectile speed, wouldn't be all too bad, it would also mean that the projectiles have less time to scatter, causing less spread over distance, unless I am wrong about that one, but less reload would make it a killer in pub matches, since not all of them time the shots to minimize its effective by using Kerosene/Moonshine.
Although the Minotaur should be able to counter the long range stuff, on a Galleon it was very effective when it protected its ally in a more close ranged scenario.