Personally I've been seeing an incredible amount of goldfish. Previously a hwacha-fish would have a very tough time taking on a carro-fish, but they're relatively closely matched now. I've actually seen a lot of hwacha-fish get the upper hand. Hwacha spire tends to be pretty popular as well. Then the all hwacha galleon. It's just a giant lion-gun party.
Pyramidions still get used, but they get trashed by just about anything, especially lion guns. Mobulas do pretty well, but I think it's mostly coordinated teams bringing those. Random pubs still have a hard time with most ships. Squids are... ok. Again, they would take a coordinated crew, and they still suffer greatly against disables.
Overall a lot of ships seem more disable heavy than being run as pure kill ships. It appears only some of the guns were adjusted for gunner stamina, while the rest were left as they were. This definitely tipped the scales a bit and shifted the meta. I want to say things are still relatively balanced, but I just don't feel that way. Hwacha-fish is the new metamidion though. Should it still be called a metamidion?