New Leaderboard ImplementationSome may have wondered what the empty leaderboard is about. Those of you who are around for longer already have seen it used during first weeks of Hephaestus Challenge a year ago. But now with the involvement of Ayetach I am
proud to announce a new leaderboard season! It will only last 3 months to see the concept in a live environment while getting feedback to improve the implementation.
Basically what you need to know is simple:
AccessibilityIt is incredible easy to join the leaderboard season. All you have to do is, sign-up at the SCS (weekly skirmish event) or other favoured tournaments. But what if your clan or team is too small? Not a problem! Just group together with another clan or some of your best friends in this game. All you need to take care of is getting a team of
at least three clan mates per clan sign-up and voila, your results and participation will be valued. That way two clans can get the points at once. Multiple clans with equal points awarded. Mixed signups are great fun, so lets reward you for it!
Favours ParticipationSo what if you are new, or the team hasn't practiced much together. You will never be able to rank up on the board? No worries! Participation matters! Winning benefits you, but you gain a base point value just by participating and if you sign-up regularly you will rank up over time! Also top-ranked teams get a whole new adjustment system...
Diminishing ReturnsSo here we come to the most interesting point about the implementation: No longer will one or two top tier clans dominate the leaderboards with their wins - this is due to the adjusted value of points they get based on where they rank on the leaderboard this gives up and coming teams a chance to take on the top spots as well. Diminishing returns ftw!
Implementation rulesLet's look at the concept (2vs2 only so far), scores are calculated weekly:
- 2 points for participation if you don't score a win any of the matches.
- 1 point each win for 1st ranked team (based on the leaderboard).
- 2 points each win for 2nd ranked team.
- 3 points each win for 3rd ranked team.
- 4 points each win for all other ranking teams.
- Only clans are rewarded for points in the ranking (no special team ranking)
- A team can register a maximum of two clans for the ranking, both clans gain the full amount of points each
- A team has to have at least 3 clan members participating in the roster (to get points for the clan ranking)
- If your clan signs up with multiple teams, the best resulting team will be counted for the points.
- For the record: This is a ranking system and designed to gauge your skills and participation in the SCS, therefore no prizes are awarded.
The leaderboard season will start next week
Sunday August 2, SCS #62.