Author Topic: Uncharted Skies  (Read 556156 times)

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #360 on: July 25, 2015, 01:06:59 am »
Transport, Hanger Bay

Climbing out of the Crane's control room, Frey softly lands back onto the floor.

"I could grab a small bite, been in the control room looking over some files that a little break wouldn't hurt." he says as he dust off his uniform.

Opening a door, he leads both of them down the corridor then into the galley. Entering, they notice that several people have been inside as plates are still leftover on the tables and sink.

"Hmm, someone had a field day," he comments at the mess.

Going over and opening a cabinet, he pulls out a loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter, and a jar of jelly. Placing them down on the counter in front of him, he struggles to open the jar of peanut butter with his only hand.

"Umm, mind if you can give me a hand?" he asks holding out the jar in front of him ,"oh did you also her, we have a guest on board that we need to keep a special eye out for."

Some Restaurant

"It's nice seeing you as well," Courage replies back with a goofy smile towards Dalhia.

"Order sir?"

Courage shakes his head as he is brought back into reality, "What?"

"I said, 'Order Sir', what can I get for you." asks a waiter standing besides him.

"Oh, sorry, I'll have a Crescent Bright Tuna filet please, and do you have iced tea?"

"Yes we do," says the waiter as he writes down the order, "It will be ready in a few minutes."

Thanking the waiter as he leaves, Courage asks the both of them, "Anything else today besides shopping?"

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #361 on: July 25, 2015, 09:55:43 am »
Cargo Bay

Alister manages to connect the wire with only one accidental electrocution. He's not an engineer, but he knows how to make combat repairs, and how to do certain modifications. Pulling the lever, a clanking sound can be heard from the area below the squid that he was working on. "Good. Now for step two." Grabbing the bag, he once again goes under the squid. Drilling and hammering sounds can be heard, along with an indeterminate shanty.

Militia Docks

They are finally signed up. The two brothers, identical twins, had heard that some old friends were crewing on this job. James and John Raven, collectively known as The Raven Twins. Technically, the were related to King Gregor, but were so far out on the family tree, that the didn't bother bragging about it.

"So Alister is on this job?"

"I heard that he has partial command actually."

"Good for him, maybe he'll get that temper under control."

The brothers look at each other and laugh.

"Well Alison is aboard as well, according to the bartender. She can either draw his fire, or leash him."

"I never understood those two."

"We don't have to understand how, just be thankful that she can."

"Excellent point. How much you want to bet that Carn is working on something special."

"It's Alister, if he's not eating, sleeping, or fighting, he's working on a project. I heard that the employers actually paid for a squid for him. So it's likely he's modifying it."

"Ugh. Marauder squids. I hate those harnesses."

"They may be uncomfortable, but you know how effective they are."

The twins head onto the ship both having a sabre on their left hip, a slender parry blade on their right, and a rifle across their backs.

"Judging from the time, he's probably not in the galley."

"To the cargo bay then?"

"To the cargo bay."

Top Deck

On the top deck, Alison sees that Carn isn't their. Sighing she goes back into the ship, she hopes that he's not causing trouble again.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #362 on: July 25, 2015, 10:24:45 pm »

"Let me guess," she took the jar and opened it, also moving to open the other, "The psychopathic criminal kind of guest? Are we dumping him out in the desert?" She opens a cabinet and pulls out a knife.

"By the way," she said gesturing to his arm with the knife, "How'd you get that anyway? Seems like a bit of a hindrance if you're coming along."

--Some Restaurant--

"Being tired and not getting enough sleep."

Lorena nodded to this and added, "Dad and Richard have been cooking something up in that workshop of theirs since last night, somehow I doubt they've slept at all but they seem fine and fully functional. But what we've been doing is wondering what exactly it is they're working on."

Dahlia leaned forward in her chair, "The last time they did some tinkering they attempted to build door into the roofing of the warehouse, before that they made some modifications to the rocket craft they built for the race and system to launch it from the ship, and apparently they had a hand in the creation of the Mobula but I'm not inclined to really believe that."

She worked a kink out of her back and yawned, "Still, whatever it is we're interested, if only to know if it's going to randomly explode when we least expect it."

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #363 on: July 25, 2015, 10:37:11 pm »
Cargo Bay

"Well, there's definitely a squid in here."

"And a familiar looking axe propped up next to it, along with some boots sticking out."

"He's hasn't had her a week, and he's already going at it."

"He already rigged the harnesses."

"Ugh. I don't want to think about those harnesses on a squid. It was bad enough on that junker."

Both brothers turn slightly green at the memory. Then they start to call out loudly.

"Hey, is it true that Angleans have fur between their toes?"

"Of course! How else do you think they stay warm!"

Crawling out from under the squid, Alister calls right back.

"And your great grandpa couldn't keep it in his pants. So I guess not ALL royalty is inbred."

"You know Alister, that hurts."

"No it doesn't. You two try and act hurt every time."


Alister grins. "James and John Raven. It's been awhile. You two sign up?"

"Yep. Heard you and Alison were on here. And we could use the cash."

"John spending to much time in the brothels and James to much time at bars?"

Simultaneously, they shout. "I AM NOT! BUT HE IS!"

Just outside the Cargo Bay

"Oh no. Not the twins. Between them and Alister," A shudder runs down her spine. "We're going to need extra provisions. And medical supplies."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #364 on: July 25, 2015, 11:09:30 pm »

"No we are not putting him out in the desert," Frey starts as he spread the two toppings on the bread, "he has some valuable information that can help us. As for my arm and leg, got it a month ago from a hawacha blast curtesy of our avian friends. My captain and I were out trying to scout them, but apparently they were watching us the whole time."

"But I'll be mainly here on the transport, looking through what we have and providing the necessary help if we should come into contact with them, this isn't my first time dealing with them before." he finishes as he tops of the peanut butter side with the jelly side.

Taking a bite of the sandwich, Frey goes over to the table as he spaces out while remembering what was left at Izumi of the experiments before they blew up the facility. He clenches his first to the more recent events that almost gotten his and his crew's lives.

"Melin's friend and his allies has started the fight against them, I'm hoping that the teams we are sending are going to end it."

Some Resturaunt

"I wonder how Bdr haven't met Alex and Richard sooner, almost everyone at the docks know of his projects and mishaps, heck the Council even has records of every explosion."

Soon Courage's order arrive at the table and is placed in front of him. Taking his knife and fork he begins to cut into the fish and taking several bites.

Wiping his mouth with his napkin he looks at the both of them, "Mmm, this is delicious, want to try a piece?" moreso to Dalhia.

Offline Koali

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #365 on: July 26, 2015, 03:26:01 am »
Completely oblivious of the story unfolding around him, Koali sat in Gaige's workshop and sharpened the many switch axes he had built.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #366 on: July 26, 2015, 07:44:07 am »
Cargo Bay

Alison walks in and sees what she had suspected. The twins were aboard, and by the looks of it, signed up. "Great, now we'll need a herd of cattle just to feed you three."

"Alison!" Both of the twins grin and walk over, using large motions indicating a desire to hug her.

"Oh no boys. I'm in a mood." She resumes her death stare, only now it's pointed at all three of them.

"Uhhhh okaaay then." The twins back off.

"Really Alison? They just got on board and your already whipping them?"

"You have no room to talk. Remember those guards earlier?"

"They weren't on the crew, and they were rude, AND they were grunts."

Rolling her eyes at Alister's reasoning, she goes back to the door and calls over her shoulder. "I put your gear in a cabin, the closest to the armory. Your welcome." And with that, she leaves heading out into town.

"Well, she hasn't changed much."

Groaning both aloud and internally, Alister comments. "You guys don't know the half of it."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #367 on: July 26, 2015, 09:15:40 pm »

“Well whatever happens, we've got your back. Well, that is unless we're dead, death tends to complicate matters.” She finished her sandwich and joined him at the table.

--Some Restaurant--

She contemplated the offered bite for bare moments before it was missing from the fork. While Dahlia had a look of delight on her face Lorena was shaking her head in amusement before answering.

“Probably due to circumstance, I head Azn was a member of an influential family and Dad hasn't been back to Yesha is years, has no reason to now we know where my Grandparents are living. And we've only set foot in Anvala a couple of times at that so the chances of us having met before the festival would have been minimal at best.”

She took a bite of her food, “Besides, Dad and Richard are less inventors than they are bored, tinkering is only an occasional thing, and only when they have a clear idea of what they want to accomplish, the rocket race is a good example of this. Dad mentioned once at lunch that they had the engine they used stashed away for months before finding a use for it, once they had the craft done they probably treated it like any other machine they've worked on, finding ways to improve it. It's why it now has two banshees and an addition gatling loaded instead of just the gatling for the gunner position. It's also why they haven't done anything to it except general reinforcing.”

--Middle Residential, Davis' House--

The kind of people who live in this part of the city tend to be people with jobs and a stable income, so unlike them Davis lives alone in a building meant to house 4 people comfortably. Not that he really minds after all. He unlocked the door and stepped in, sitting on the couch he dumped a small bag of letters on the coffee table and began to sort through them.

“Lets see, a couple of letters from sis, a few letters from people offering jobs -don't need those right now-, a letter from father...” What?

He tore the damn thing open and began reading through it, his dad never sent him letters, if only because his dad shouldn't know where he lived. So it begs the question of how he got his address. Probably from searching his sister's room, a plausible explanation and one he was willing to entertain for the time being. He sighed, it was a letter asking to come home, that and one reminding him that if he wanted to play soldier he could take a position closer to home, which he wouldn't. Davis had had enough of being stuck in one place long enough during university and that wouldn't happen anytime soon, he'd also need to figure out transport to Chaladon which probably wouldn't end very well.

Still, at least his father was beginning to accept that a sheltered life wasn't for him. Recalling the incident when he told his father that, no, he wouldn't be taking over the family business, and that he would be joining the military, he did after all have a few other siblings that were willing. That never happened and instead he fled the island and became a mercenary, and he enjoyed it for the most part, sometimes however jobs were complete bull, but that was only occasional since he learned what kind of jobs from what kind of people he should be taking.

He began to look through the letters his sister had sent him, the most recent being about 2 weeks ago. If there was one person he actually enjoyed contacting it would be his sister, at least she wouldn't berate him from choosing his own path in life, besides, like him she wouldn't be inheriting the family business either, instead wanting to be a musician, studying music at university. He had heard that she was really good at it and from her letters, he could really tell she enjoyed it. Which was good, it was one of the few reasons he actually supported her, well, aside from actually liking her. Seriously, even though he loved his siblings he only really enjoyed spending time with Catherine. Which was thankful because the rest of their siblings were stuck up and hardly relatable at all, even though his sister got along with them just fine, and for some bizarre reason looked up to him, he could never explain that at all. Still if this letter said that school was out for the time being and coming to stay for a while- Wait what?

Because life sometimes has a tendency to throw things at him out of the blue he- there was a knock at the door.

"Davis are you home!?" Seriously?! What?!

After preparing tea he sat down at the couch with his sister, her long sandy brown hair braided as opposed to his reddish tint which he kept cut short.

"I waited two days for a response you know, when you didn't reply I thought I'd surprise you when you got back, from the dead look on your face I guess I succeeded?" She asked, innocently enough.

"Yes, yes you did." He cleared his throat, "So, how was school?"

She looked at the pile of unopened letters still on the table. "You never read my letters." She pouted, she did that a lot actually. "Okay fine, it's been... alright, I had a recital." She said.

"Oh? And how did that go?"

"Well enough... I invited you." Well, shit. "It's not your fault, I guess you were out on a job huh?"

"Yeah, just got back actually."

"And that means you'll be back for a while right? We can hang out here in the city, grab some food, maybe see if there are any shows in the city."

"I, um, may have accepted a job, today."



She looked at him and sighed. "Oh Davis what am I going to do with you?"

"Well, I mean we don't leave immediately, so... Why don't we grab dinner tonight? My treat, I'll check in tomorrow and maybe we can spend the day shopping, you can use the house when I leave, maybe see if anyone will be willing to host a recital or two."

"Yeah, that's sounds like fun." She smiled. I AM THE CHAMPION! "Just for the record if I decide to have a few friends over when you're gone, I am not holding myself responsible for any damages."

"Please don't damage the house, I actually kind of like this place."

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #368 on: July 26, 2015, 09:28:36 pm »

Before going out into town, Alison decides to get something in her stomach besides questionable rum. Upon entering she sees the Commander and the auburn haired woman. Honestly, she can't remember actually introducing herself to them. Aside from being seen fighting Alister, both verbally and physically, she doesn't remember any contact with them. "Um hi. Just grabbing a bite to eat. You Commander Frey, right? I don't believe we've actually been introduced. And I don't think we have either Miss."

Cargo Bay

"So we're going south eh?"


"Seems a lot of firepower just for some mapping, huh?"


"Are you going to tell us why?"


The brother's shrug. They've had missions like this before, and they're both still in one piece.

"Alison isn't the one cooking, right?"


"Thank the sky."
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 09:35:18 pm by Carn »

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #369 on: July 26, 2015, 09:46:49 pm »

"Funny because I remember cutting a weapon strap on you, good times, good times." She took a bite of her sandwich. "Also, you look as if you've seen a ghost, or an ice worm. Is something wrong?"

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #370 on: July 26, 2015, 09:58:04 pm »

"Yes, and I remember getting my blade under your armor without you noticing until I pointed it out. But we didn't ACTUALLY catch each others names. And I'd rather not have a feud with a coworker on a job like this. It would be unnecessarily messy, not to mention a liability in combat." She pinches the bridge of her nose. "As for something being wrong, well, two old associates of Alister and me have signed up. Twin brothers each with an appetite to match his. They're good at what they do, don't get me wrong. Some of the most naturally gifted engineers I've ever met, and effective fighters. They both can shoot and fight equally well with either hand. But, they are both 19 and you know what 19 year old guys are like. At least Alister is finished going through puberty, and can act mature when necessary."

Cargo Bay

"So your rigging that squid up in you favorite way, right?"

"Of course."

"Need any help?"

"Considering you two know what your doing, yes. Should be able to get this finished much quicker with you two here."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #371 on: July 26, 2015, 10:09:30 pm »

"I thought I hugged you." She looked at the other woman funny, "Well you've already got half of my name, might as well give you another fourth. Reagan, nice to finally make your acquaintance."

She thought for another second, "Also those two sound like a bottle of fun, remind me to bring some leashes."
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 10:11:10 pm by Piemanlives »

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #372 on: July 26, 2015, 10:20:33 pm »

"Reagan, and mine is Alison. Also they would probably either a) figure a way out, or b) eat them. They're mostly just snarky and slightly rude. They usually don't mean it, when they actually want to insult a person they prefer using other methods." She think for a moment. "Though, there is a high chance they could be rather flirty to that blonde who hangs around you. She seems close enough to their age to pique there interest. Thankfully, I can terrify them, and Alister has always been able to beat the tar out of them until they listen. Last job we all did together, that was a monthly occurrence. He made a bet with them, that if they could either knock him out or pin him for 1 minute, then he'd give both of them his cut of the pay. They never even came close, but they did get better at fighting."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #373 on: July 26, 2015, 10:24:36 pm »

"Amelia can take care of herself, I think."

She thinks for second, "Men are a completely different battlefield thinking on it now."
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 10:44:05 pm by Piemanlives »

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #374 on: July 26, 2015, 10:28:03 pm »

"I have a feeling they think much the same of us. In all honestly, despite his personality flaws, Alister is a much more level-headed person then when I met him. He was 19, and half his personality was a volatile mix of anger, pride, and stubbornness. Now that's only about a quarter."