Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1430728 times)

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1995 on: June 17, 2013, 11:39:18 am »
--Military Air Dock--

Plasma is kneeling in a pool of oil, glowering at a partially disassembled engine.
He glances at Lauren as she walks past, giving her a tight-lipped nod. Then goes back to tinkering with the metal monster. Clicks, curses, and jets of some fluid or another punctuate his progress.

He turns when he hears the click of a particular set of boots on the hard floor.
Verra looks nonplussed at the guts of the engine covering her lieutenant.

Captain Verra
"Will she be ready in time?"

"Yes, she will. The new Mercuries on on their way now. I'll have this lump of metal working by the time they get here."

Captain Verra
"You could let the engineers deal with it. You didn't need to do it yourself."

Plasma shrugs, eyes fixed on the careful machinations, gently teasing them into place.

"It helps. They outnumber us three to one. Even with the batteries, it's going to take a Miracle. I'd rather not be thinking about it at this moment. It's nice to lose myself in a machine."

He pulls his arm from the cog-filled guts with apparent satisfaction, and beings to replace the larger parts strewn about him. Verra, watches for a moment before leaping onto the deck and vanishing from Plasma's field of vision.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1996 on: June 17, 2013, 11:40:12 am »

Althea looked at Shink and rolled her eyes. Yiski laughed.

"Opening, yes. For business, not exactly. Though gettin' in a possible last drinks wouldn't hurt."

The three walk in and Yiski makes himself and Shink a Hellfire.

"Am I not getting one?"

Yiski gives her a confused look.

"This could the last day I live."


Yiski then hands Althea a Hellfire as well. Yiski turns to Shink.

"So why are you here instead of on a ship?"

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1997 on: June 17, 2013, 11:46:03 am »
*Takes a swig of the Hellfire*

"Eh. I've been put on 'reserve' or whatever that is. I'm thinking of taking out Not My Fault regardless when the real action starts."

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1998 on: June 17, 2013, 11:53:25 am »

Zill left the three to get the junker ready and headed to the Burning Skies. Despite his intentions, only those directly involved knew about it, and he felt he owed Yiski some insight. He pushed the metal door, the hinges creaking as it opened. He wore and old, dusty tricorn hat, his usual bandana mask with goggles, and a heavy dustrider jacket. He walked to the bar and sat among friends.
"A Hellfire Yiski. Flak me if I didn't get one before the invasion."

"You don't look like you normally do. Something's different..."

"New haircut?"

His humor wasn't received too well with Althea and she gave him a stern glare. Zill motioned toward the back room and Yiski nodded. They went back and closed the door, leaving the others to stare in curiosity.

Zill patted Yiski on the shoulder.
"So old friend, what are your plans after this is over, for better or worse?"

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1999 on: June 17, 2013, 12:15:00 pm »
--Saloon Back Room--

Yiski sighed at Zill's question. Both men knew the recent activities and orders of the Council irked them and it seemed things would only get worse should Anvala successfully repel the invasion.

"Not sure. Even if we manage to survive, I don't think I'll stick around Anvala. Council's gotten really paranoid about anyone comin' in and it's started hurtin' business. That and the Council bein' a pain in my neck for the last week or so."

"How do you plan on leaving? It's not like the Council's going to let you walk out."

"Well, it's not much of a set plan. More like a work in progress. How about you? I know you know the Council's gettin' worse. You plannin' on stickin' around?"

Offline Gryphos

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2000 on: June 17, 2013, 12:30:50 pm »
--Firing range--

Nidhogg had just got his first headshot on the dummy, an achievement which he was extremely proud of, and continued to boast. This went on until Tristan brought over an Elite, who fired three shots, one in each eye and one in the forehead of the dummy, which shut Nidhogg up. Then, satisfied in Nidhogg's slight increase in ability to handle a sidearm, Tristan brought Nidhogg up to the battlements and walked together along the length of it.

"I'm scared, I think I'm going to die."

Tristan, startled by this sudden expression of fear, stopped and faced Nidhogg.

"Don't be, you won't. Or rather, I doubt father would let you."

Nidhogg laughed.

"Well that's an encouragement lecture to be passed down through the ages."

"I could try and be a lot more eloquent. I could quote prophets and philosophers 'till the cows come home. But at the end of the day, any man who doesn't fear death... is an idiot. Every man or woman here..."

He gestured to all the soldiers around them.

"... Is terrified, as am I, as are the enemy themselves. War is old men talking, and young men dying. Many will die, while few talk, and one king sits on a throne with a rod so far up his arse it's a wonder he could even sit on that thing in the first place."

Nidhogg laughed again, before patting his brother on the back and staring at the horizon.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2001 on: June 17, 2013, 12:56:21 pm »
-Saloon back room-

Zill stared at Yiski for a moment before speaking.
"I know that before this invasion hits, I'll be getting a long-winded letter from the Council demoting me from Admiral. They want to control it themselves, but they won't get it till after this fight."

He stared off at Yiski's brew tanks. His thoughts wandered for a moment before he looked back at Yiski and continued.
"I didn't invite Nova and the mercenaries back just for the invasion."

"Where will you go?"

"The Burren has been calling for a long time. Easy to stay hidden, plenty of profit to be had."

"You mean pirating and smuggling."

"Details Yiski. I'm not going to disappear forever, but I'll be damned if the Council ends me. I like Anvala as much as you do, but it's not worth it to me anymore."

"Skies, they would rather hid me in a workshop making weapons for them for the rest of my life. I just want to run my saloon dammit."

"Well, Yesha is nice this time of year."

They continued their discussion...
« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 12:58:00 pm by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2002 on: June 17, 2013, 01:00:00 pm »
--Outside the Saloon--

Walking down the path towards the Buring Skies from the docks, Niko and BdrLine are discussing about the upcoming invasion.

"Are you sure that you and your cousin's men are staying for this? You heard what we are up against, plus this is a city you guys barely know.

*smirks* "Hey you are the one who asked for extra ships to help out streghten the ones here. So by 'contract' we are 'required' to do so. And come on, it's going to be a good fight. "

"Yeah... a good fight... still, my friends and I know alot of people there..."

Niko puts a hand on his shoulder.

"It's war, that it is all about."

Sighing BdrLine just keeps on walking towards his temporary home. As the two arrives at the door, BdrLine's personal radio that he brought with him today started to beep.

"Who the Flak is this?"

He grabs it from his side and switch it on to hear. So far only static was heard until he heard a faint sound of Melin's voice.

"Bdr, Bdr, can you hear me???"

Surprised to hear his friend from the Baronies, BdrLine ups the signal for better reception.

"Yeah I hear you, but how? Aren't you with the incoming attacking force?"

Suddenlly a new voice comes on and I was that of Zankif.

"Nope, after we hit Izumi, he and others that went with him here stayed to see if anyone tries to do conduct those experiments again. Once he heard the order for this new 'King' he was shocked and rushed back to my warehouse."

BdrLine and Niko listen as they both open the door to the saloon and find a seat at the bar.

"Yeah, when I heard that, I quickly called in my Division, the 13th well you know, and asked what the hell was going on. Apparently they said that a coup d'état has taken place, quick and silent. And the new King has convinced the public for expansionism."

BdrLine still a bit confused interrupts Melin

"Wait, wait, wait, how do they know all about this. The 13th is still part of the Baron Militaries."

*chuckling* "You for got how secretive we are and only the old government knows about us, not his new mock one. So far, the men in my division are trying to sabotage anything without hurting our fellow men. Also we manage to help rescue some of the leaders from the old rule."

"Ok, so where are you guys know?"

"Well once we heard the news, Melin decided that you guys needed some help. So I mustered at least 12 ships of my men and are almost to Anvala."

"Thanks guys, we need all the help we can get, but why didn't you radioed me sooner."

"Our long range transmitted was busted and had to scramble fast to get into medium transmission range. So far we passed Cathedral I think. Oh and Bdr, you need to tell your Admiral and Commamder this, the first wave will be mostly made up of their old shipmates and are held under the penalty of death if they don't comply to the new reign. Also their friend Roy is somewhere on another ship, I don't know where but it's not the first ones that's for sure. But that's all I got from my spies before the fleet left Baron borders"
Letting all this information sink in BdrLine and Niko look at each other and how to tell Zill and Yiski.

"Thanks Melin, see if you can relay their battle plans to us as well."

"No problem, but Bdr, try not to kill many of them, they are still my people"

*deep sigh* "We'll try, out"

The radio then turns to static as he cuts the reception. He places a hand on his head and lays on the counter.

"Man I needed a drink"

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2003 on: June 17, 2013, 01:31:27 pm »
--Saloon Back Room--

Yiski and Zill tossed a couple more mugs of Hellfire between themselves.

"Yesha, huh? Does sound nice. But I was thinkin' more along the coast. I always did want to see Lauren in a swimsuit."

"Heh. I think Jun would practically jump me if I suggested we go to the beach."

"Skies. Why'd you think I said that? Women love the beach. Somethin' romantic to them, but you and I both know our 'priorities.'"

The two laughed as they clinked their mugs and took swigs.

Offline Sgt. Spoon

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2004 on: June 17, 2013, 01:37:31 pm »
--Streets of Anvala--

A lone man staggers across the empty pavement, each step relying heavily on his cane as he slowly makes his way up the alley. His hair and beard is long and raggedly, covering most of his face, and beneath his tattered rugs, the hospital gown is now ripped and bloody. He feels his bloodied gown with his hand.
It wouldn't have had to come to that... you bastards

A pair of guards crosses the road ahead of him without taking notice, and he continues his walk throughout the city, stopping at each crossing, keeping out of sight of any guards walking past.

Were are all the people? And why are there suddenly soo many guards everywhere? *flinches at random* Something's certainly up here...

He stops and checks his cane. It's well and sturdy, wrapped in a layer of old cloth-rags, which is still keeping together. He then continues his walk.

Offline Gryphos

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2005 on: June 17, 2013, 02:22:12 pm »
--The Wyvern--

The Wyrm's newly repaired ship, 'The Wyvern' sailed through the skies along with the rest of the Baronies' fleet with the Wyrm at the helm. Although the Wyrm had essentially failed in his original task, he had been offered a chance for redemption by helping the fleet take Anvala, which the Wyrm did not complain about in the slightest. He ordered one of his mercenaries to take over before strolling onto the main deck of the galleon and pulling out his rifle. He took aim at a nearby bird and tracked it around the ship, before shooting it down as it passed overhead. The bird landed with a thump at his feet. He was then joined by a regal looking man in fur clothing. The man was Lord Eric Gallafell, a lord sent by the king to 'keep an eye on' the Wyrm.

"Was there any point in that?"

The Wyrm knelt down and examined the bird carcass.

"They say, in the olden days, sages could see the future by examining the entrails of dead birds."

Gallafell leant down to the Wyrm's level, looking at the dead bird.

"Oh really, and can you see the future in the body of a dead bird?"

"In a way, yes. This bird's dead, so too shall a lot of people be in the coming fight... But I don't need a dead bird to tell me that."

He got up and kicked the bird's carcass off the side of the ship, before climbing the steps to the helm and taking position there, adjusting course slightly so as to avoid collision with another ship. Meanwhile, Lord Gallafell yelled up to the Wyrm.

"And don't forget! You still need to kill that bastard Nidhogg and his fool of a brother if you must! He needs to pay for murdering my children!"

The Wyrm walked down the steps back to Gallafell.

"The way I've been hearing it, your fool of a daughter stepped in the way of a duel, taking a sword in the belly, which then took out your son, a partaker in the duel. Your entire family are full of fools and they brought about their own demise. It's all just natural selection. So don't seek revenge for an accidental act, and don't expect me to carry out you petty, vengeful endeavours. I'll wage war for the highest bidder, but I won't assassinate a particular man for the pleasure of an old fool. Good day sir!"

And with that he stomped back to the helm, leaving Gallafell to trod back to his quarters with his tail between his legs.

I've hated many cutthroats and mercenaries in my time, but I truly despise this one.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2006 on: June 17, 2013, 02:23:58 pm »
-Saloon back room-

An idea dawned on Zill after his last swig of Hellfire.
"Flak, why don't we take them to Truth Lake? I'm sure they will enjoy some beach time after all this, and no one will be looking for us there. Besides, I have to drop off William anyway."

He took a swig of Hellfire under his mask while Yiski thought on the proposal.

Offline Captain Lockheart

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2007 on: June 17, 2013, 03:13:21 pm »
Lockheart was preparing himself aboard the Yeshan Dragon his modified Galleon. He had also managed to catch one of his families trading escort ships. A standard Pyra, but still able to contribute to the war effort. The ship happened to be containing a cargo of hand explosives and small firearms fresh from chaladon. He had opened a few crates of ammo, guns and grenades and put them on the walls for the soldiers. Lockheart himself sat at the captains table in his quarters on the Yeshan Dragon with his pipe in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other.

"Damn, damn, damn. This may be it..."

He downed the rest of his whiskey and threw the glass out the window behind him. It shattered on the dock behind the ship.


"Ludvig, Get in here!"

Ludvig rushes in causing the door to slam the wall and bounce back to its original position.

"Yes sir?"

"Is she ready for battle?, oh and please take a seat and a glass of whiskey. It may be your last"

"Your orders sir"

Ludvig smirks and pours himself a glass of whiskey.

"anyway, she is as ready as she could be. The Extra Mercuries we had have been lined up on the top deck, the engine bearings greased, men prepped, rifles loaded and all the rest. I personally think we should send that boarding party of ours down to help the garrison"

"Good idea... Send them down now. First give then a pistol and a rifle each, then bring them up here in a hour for me"

"yes sir"

Ludvig saluted and walked out. Lockheart put on some light body armour and his war room jacket, before going to the mirror to do his hair.

"God i hope we survive..."

he put on his goggles, Yeshan sword, Family sword and 2 pistols and slung a bolt action sniper over his back. All the weight made him a bit slow, but he knew inside it would all be worth it. He set off to the Burning skies for a last proper drink.

Offline Sgt. Spoon

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2008 on: June 17, 2013, 03:53:52 pm »
The man is getting more and more tired, but keeps on going. Suddenly a pair of guards spot him on the street.

Guard 1:
"Hey you! What are you doing here? The whole town is under lockdown, why aren't you with the other civilians!

The man looks up in surpise, and with his last strength quickly dashes into the nearest alley.

Guard 1:
"Hey! Get back here!
Guard 2:
"Probably just a bum, ignore him. We got more important things to do than to chase after some old beggar."

After lurching through the alley till he's feeling safe again, he looks around him for a place to hide. Suddenly he lay eyes on a familiar building.

The Saloon... oh it's coming back to me... a bit

He sneaks up to a side window and takes a glance inside. The glass isn't too clear and the vision is muddly, but he seems to see some people in there. He sneaks up to another window and continues watching.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #2009 on: June 17, 2013, 04:18:31 pm »
--Saloon Back Room--

"A lake? Really? I was thinkin' more something along the Storm Coast."

"You know there's a reason why it's called Storm Coast."

"Yeah, but it's not always stormin'."

Zill didn't respond and took a sip of his Hellfire. The two men then stood in silence for a bit.

"You think we'll get out of this alive?"


The two then heard a commotion coming from the main floor. Yiski and Zill drew their weapons and went into the main floor. There they saw Althea dragging Spoon to the ground and holding him in an arm bar.

"Commander. I saw him staring through the window. I was not sure if he was a saboteur or not, but..."

"Stand down. It's Spoon. I'm actually surprised he's still alive."