--Outside the Saloon--
Walking down the path towards the Buring Skies from the docks, Niko and BdrLine are discussing about the upcoming invasion.
"Are you sure that you and your cousin's men are staying for this? You heard what we are up against, plus this is a city you guys barely know.
*smirks* "Hey you are the one who asked for extra ships to help out streghten the ones here. So by 'contract' we are 'required' to do so. And come on, it's going to be a good fight. "
"Yeah... a good fight... still, my friends and I know alot of people there..."
Niko puts a hand on his shoulder.
"It's war, that it is all about."
Sighing BdrLine just keeps on walking towards his temporary home. As the two arrives at the door, BdrLine's personal radio that he brought with him today started to beep.
"Who the Flak is this?"
He grabs it from his side and switch it on to hear. So far only static was heard until he heard a faint sound of Melin's voice.
"Bdr, Bdr, can you hear me???"
Surprised to hear his friend from the Baronies, BdrLine ups the signal for better reception.
"Yeah I hear you, but how? Aren't you with the incoming attacking force?"
Suddenlly a new voice comes on and I was that of Zankif.
"Nope, after we hit Izumi, he and others that went with him here stayed to see if anyone tries to do conduct those experiments again. Once he heard the order for this new 'King' he was shocked and rushed back to my warehouse."
BdrLine and Niko listen as they both open the door to the saloon and find a seat at the bar.
"Yeah, when I heard that, I quickly called in my Division, the 13th well you know, and asked what the hell was going on. Apparently they said that a coup d'état has taken place, quick and silent. And the new King has convinced the public for expansionism."
BdrLine still a bit confused interrupts Melin
"Wait, wait, wait, how do they know all about this. The 13th is still part of the Baron Militaries."
*chuckling* "You for got how secretive we are and only the old government knows about us, not his new mock one. So far, the men in my division are trying to sabotage anything without hurting our fellow men. Also we manage to help rescue some of the leaders from the old rule."
"Ok, so where are you guys know?"
"Well once we heard the news, Melin decided that you guys needed some help. So I mustered at least 12 ships of my men and are almost to Anvala."
"Thanks guys, we need all the help we can get, but why didn't you radioed me sooner."
"Our long range transmitted was busted and had to scramble fast to get into medium transmission range. So far we passed Cathedral I think. Oh and Bdr, you need to tell your Admiral and Commamder this, the first wave will be mostly made up of their old shipmates and are held under the penalty of death if they don't comply to the new reign. Also their friend Roy is somewhere on another ship, I don't know where but it's not the first ones that's for sure. But that's all I got from my spies before the fleet left Baron borders"
Letting all this information sink in BdrLine and Niko look at each other and how to tell Zill and Yiski.
"Thanks Melin, see if you can relay their battle plans to us as well."
"No problem, but Bdr, try not to kill many of them, they are still my people"
*deep sigh* "We'll try, out"
The radio then turns to static as he cuts the reception. He places a hand on his head and lays on the counter.
"Man I needed a drink"