--NARRATOR--By the evening, Roland, Ny-Lee, and Lauren have the saloon transformed into a decent looking restaurant. While the group believes it to be five-stars, objectively, it's about 3 1/2. The dinner Ny-Lee cooked was a standard three-course meal with a dessert. Roland would be the waiter.
Thirty minutes pass with no sign of Yiski.
And soon an hour passes.
And another.
Lauren puts her head down in depression. Roland walks over in an attempt to comfort her.
"I am sorry for this. If I had not suggested Yiski take me to the Academy, this might not have happened."
Lauren puts her head up and forces a sad smile.
"It's okay. The problem would have found him somehow. All problems do."
The group decides to call it quits and start cleaning up. Ny-Lee takes the meal she cooked and wrapped it up to be eaten later. Roland and Lauren reset the main floor to its original state.
In about thirty minutes, the saloon is back to normal and the food properly preserved. Then, out of cruel karma, Yiski walks into the saloon. The three who prepared the romantic evening just stared at him, but Yiski didn't know why. Yiski gives a sigh and stretches his back.
"Those gunsmiths know how to ruin an idiot-proof design. How this city hasn't been taken over because of their incompetence is sheer dumb luck."
Yiski then starts heading into the back, but is stopped by Lauren her face and voice were annoyed.
"I waited for you."
"Waited on me for what?"
"Just the two of us? I don't think we planned that?"
"Yes, for the two of us and no, it was going to be a surprise."
"Did you think a dinner between us would've made things better?"
"It would have been a start."
At this point, the tension between the two was rising... fast. Sensing the pending danger, both Ny-Lee and Roland decide to go stay at BdrLine's place. It maybe crowded when they get there, but it was certainly safer there than here. When the two left, neither Yiski nor Lauren noticed them gone. Yiski then started increasing his voice.
"You know what would have been a start? You tellin' me you were alive for the past eight years!"
"I did it to protect you!"
"Yeah, and look how well that turned out! You took everythin' we had together and threw it to the side because thought you knew better!"
"No buts! I didn't need protecting and you know it!"
Lauren stood in silence. She couldn't answer because she did have one. Yiski was right. Despite his advice, most decisions Lauren has made usually end up backfiring in some way or coming back to haunt her. Tears started welling up in her eyes and she sat down to cry.
Looking at her state, Yiski had enough and headed into his room.
Lauren's idea of things improving between them seemed impossible now.
--NARRATOR END----END OF DAY 81--Okay, the thread will be locked until the end of my finals on May 11th. Wish me luck... I'll need it.