Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1458165 times)

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1110 on: April 11, 2013, 05:02:48 pm »
--Garden District--

Roland and Ny-Lee made their way to Oliver's place. The usual twenty minute walked turned into an hour on account of Roland.

"I hope Dr. Oliver can help you love."

Roland nods as they knock on Oliver's door. Moments later, Oliver opens it and sees the two.

"Morning Roland, Ny-Lee what brings you..." Oliver takes a look at Roland's ankle. "Never mind, please come in."

Oliver brought the two inside and sat Roland in a chair. Oliver took off Roland's shoe to get a better look. Oliver grimaces a little.

"How you managed to stand or walk without crutches is incredible. Tell me Roland, does it hurt when I apply pressure to it?"

"Only a little."

"Hmm.... well the swelling is natural, but how long has it been like this?"

"I think two days."

"Huh. Okay, I'm going to get some surgical tools."

"Dr. Oliver! Don't tell me Roland needs surgery?"

"No, no, I'm going to get something to drain the swelling from his ankle. It's completely safe."

Ny-Lee sighs in relief. Oliver leaves and comes back with a bucket and a few surgical tool. Oliver then carefully cuts and drains Roland's swollen ankle and then bandages the ankle.

"Aright, that should do it. I'd say to keep to your crutches for a few days. Also, I'm going to assume either Yiski or Zill is footing the tab. Heh, whoops sorry for the unintentional bad pun."

"Zill said he would be paying."


Roland and Ny-Lee leaves Oliver's and started to walk back toward the saloon.


"Yes, love."

"Since, we are going to take an hour to get back to the saloon, I suggest we take the scenic route back."

"Roland, are you suggesting we take a longer path on your just patched up ankle."


Ny-Lee sighs, gives Roland a kiss, and tucks her arms under Roland's right side. The two now made their way into the market.


Yiski sees Honeybadger and company.

"Skies, the hell happened to you all? Wait. Just come over to the bar and I'll set you fellas up with some Frost Fires."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1111 on: April 11, 2013, 05:15:42 pm »
*BdrLine comes in the saloon with what looks like some confusion on his face*
*He sees everyone at the bar and goes up to them.*
*Primary to Zill and Yiski*

"Ok i just got to ask to see if i'm crazy or not. This mourning as i left my house, I saw three Imperial Galleons near the city heading towards the Council Docks as well as some of my mother's companies trading ships. Is something happening?"

Offline Connor Mc.

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1112 on: April 11, 2013, 06:01:31 pm »
*A man walks into the bar, he smells musky and has an eye patch over his eye, he looks annoyed*

"Has anybody here seen a man recently about yay high?"

*He holds his hand up a little above his head*

"His names Connor, he's my captain and we can't seem to find him at the moment, my best guess would be to check the bars"

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1113 on: April 11, 2013, 07:20:24 pm »
*Honeybadger, Jibbs, and Sarah sit down at the bar and took their drinks.*

Honeybadger: "I'll tell you what happened in a minute, but allow me to introduce you to Sarah, my old friend from the Baronies."

Sarah: "Pleased to meet you."

*Honeybadger pulls out a large sack of coins and places them on the table then looked around the room*

Honeybadger: "Where's Connor?"

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1114 on: April 11, 2013, 07:38:47 pm »
Zill looks around the room and shrugs.
"Haven't seen that new guy all day. He does always moan about his boat being broken all the time, so maybe check the Port."

He orders a No.3 and looks around the room again, noticing Jun'ko hadnt come down yet.
Guess she fell asleep again. Ill check on her soon.

Zill then nods to Sarah.
"Anyone out of the Baronies is a friend around here. Of course, they owe me and Yiski a lot more than they could afford."

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1115 on: April 11, 2013, 07:56:12 pm »
*Jibbs finishes his drinks then turns to Honeybadger and extend his hand*

*Honeybadger nods and reaches into the bag of coins and pours half of it into Jibbs hands, his face lights up*

Honeybadger: "Don't spend it all in one place now..."

Jibbs: "No of course not..."

*Sarah looks at Jibbs and squints one eye grossed out*

Sarah: "You don't need to drool..."

*Jibbs closes his mouth, stands up from his seat, and turns towards the door*

Jibbs: "I should probably find Connor." Maybe he can find me a big enough coin bag...

*Jibbs waves goodbye to everyone and leaves the saloon*

Honeybadger: "If anyone is interested I'll tell you what happens when I play poker."

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1116 on: April 11, 2013, 09:08:35 pm »
*Yiski turns to BdrLine.*

"I'll bet some Hellfire it has something to do with Paradox. If not him, then I don't know."

*Yiski then turns to Honeybadger.*

"I believe some of the regulars took him to the infirmary."

*Eventually, Yiski sees Ny-Lee and Roland walking back inside. Yiski walks up and takes a look at Roland's ankle.*

"Hey, looks like the doc got the swelling down."

"He did and I have to say it feels more comfortable wearing my shoe now."

"Well, I'm feelin' better with a full days rest. Go ahead upstairs and relax. I don't need you breakin' your last good ankle."


*Yiski watches the two walk upstairs.*

"Not sure leaving those two alone was a good idea. Meh, they'll have to tell BdrLine sooner or later."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1117 on: April 11, 2013, 09:35:21 pm »
*To Yiski*
"I don't think it has to do with Paradox. For some reason it had Yeshan flags, but no fleet designition. They look brand new. Does it have to do what we did?"

*BdrLine just shakes his head*
"Never mind what I said, I'll get a Frost Fire"

*Upstairs with Ny-Lee and Roland*
*Ny helps him to the bed*
"Now just stay and relax, I be going back downstairs to get some things. You need anything?"

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1118 on: April 11, 2013, 09:45:33 pm »
*Yiski taps his finger on his chin for a few seconds after handing BdrLine his Frost Fire.*

"Yeah, I don't think it has anything to do with us either. If it did, the whole damn Council would've been houndin' me and Zill."

*Meanwhile, upstairs.*

"Hmm... could you get me a glass of water? Our scenic route had gotten me thirsty."

*Ny-Lee nods with a smile and heads downstairs.*

"Yiski could I get a glass of water for Roland and a Clear Skies for myself."

"Sure, just give me a sec."

*Yiski hands Ny-Lee the drinks and she heads back upstairs. Yiski smiles and turns to BdrLine.*

"So, how are you feelin' about those two gettin' married? Heh, it'll be hysterical when I can call you my son too!"

*Yiski laughs and makes himself a Hellfire and downs it.*

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1119 on: April 11, 2013, 10:06:32 pm »
*Honeybadger looks around the uninterested crowd*

Honeybadger: "Nobody wants to hear what happened?"

*Sarah rolls her eyes*

Sarah: "Give it a break Honey."

*Honeybadger shoots Sarah an annoyed look, then went back to his drink*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1120 on: April 11, 2013, 10:27:57 pm »
*BdrLine shakes his head and drinks his Frost Fire*
"wouldn't that make me your nephew in law or something along the line."

*To Zill*
"Speaking of you, do you know why there are new galleons and trade ships here?"

*BdrLine then turns to Honeybadger*
"I want to hear it, it could be interesting."

*Back up stairs, Ny-Lee hands Roland his water*
"Here you go my dear. So since I am watching you until your leg heals, you want to do anything."

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1121 on: April 11, 2013, 10:45:08 pm »
*Honeybadger turns to Bdr grinning, Sarah rolls her eyes and goes back to her drink*

Honeybadger: "Well Bdr, it all started with me and Jibbs walking down a dark, seedy alleyway...*

*Honeybadger recaps the tale from start (OOC: So go read it, its ok I'll wait) and slows down when he said "plan B"*

Honeybadger: "So there I was, Jibbs and the waiter were shot and on the ground, and I had three men with guns trained on me, including myself..."

Sarah: "And I was getting manhandled by some goon..."

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1122 on: April 11, 2013, 10:54:50 pm »
*Honeybadger picks up from last night*

-- Poker Room Last Night --

*As soon as Honeybadger had mentioned plan B, he quickly spun around and shot the goon closest to the limp body of Jibbs nearby the wall and kicked his chair into the stomache of the henchman directly behind him, disarmed him, and dived to the ground as the man across the room holding Sarah started firing and hit the man who had been hit in the stomache by accident*

*Honeybadger bounced in the floor next to Jibbs*

Honeybadger: "NOW!"

*Riggs reached for his second pistol in the confusion of the gunfire, just as Sarah grabbed the henchmans arm, dropped to the ground, and pulled him over her. He didn't have time to react before the now smiling Jibbs detonates the bomb he had hid under the table that he had set last night*

* Riggs didn't even have his entire revolver out of his holster before the bomb went off under him sending him flying a short distance to the wall, hitting him hard and knocking the wind out of him*

*Once some of the smoke had cleared, Sarah shrugs off the now dead goon onto the ground, he took most of the blast force, the table must have jumped to the ceiling because everything that was once on it was now on the ground *

*Jibbs slipped on a poker chip as he stood up and unbuttoned his shirt revealing a heavy flak jacket*

Jibbs: "If he shot me in the face, it would have been your ass."

*As Honeybadger gets up from the floor, he laughs at Jibbs statement, then quickly goes to the other side of the room to help Sarah up from the floor*

Honeybadger: "Think they'll still let you work here after this?"

Sarah: *Smiles* "Keep talking."

*Honeybadger helps Sarah up and goes the the wall that Riggs had been blown onto*

*Riggs coughed*

Riggs: "Heh, I had to push my luck."

Honeybadger: "There was never luck if the outcome was set in stone."

*Sarah hands Honeybadger his modified Colt .45 revolver and he pulled the pin back and took aim at Riggs who was bleeding from his bottom lip, and while with bomb powder*

Honeybadger: "I always win my friend."

*Honeybadger aimed for Rigg's head, and pulled the trigger*

*Honeybadger holsters his pistol and turns to Jibbs*

Honeybadger: "Ready to head out?"

*Jibbs nods and smiles*

*The two cover the head of Riggs with a burlap sack, and Jibbs carries his body out of the room into the confused and startled crowd of rich folks I the main room*

Honeybadger: *Trying to get around the crowd, Jibbs and Sarah followed* "Pardon me, excuse me. Sorry about the coat, its just dust it will come out."

*Honeybadger stops in his tracks and turns left to the bartender who recoils at the sight of him, Honeybadger reaches around the bar and grabs an unlabeled bottle, lays some gold coins on the table and tips his hat to the startled bartender, he then leaves the club*

*On the way back*

Jibbs: "So where do we drop this guy off? I think people are starting to stare"

*Honeybadger stops checking his pocket watch and looks at Jibbs with a smile*

Honeybadger: "The sheriffs office."

*Jibbs looks confused*

Jibbs: "That wasn't part of the plan, and we just killed someone, why would we take him to the sheriffs office?"

*Sarah looks back and laughs*

Sarah: *To Honeybadger* "You didn't tell him yet?"

*Honeybadger shrugs*

Honeybadger: "I thought he knew when Riggs mentioned 'Trinity'."

*Jibbs is now very confused*

Jibbs: "Wait, who's Trinity?"

Honeybadger: "A bounty hunter, but I prefer 'El Trinitario'."

*Honeybadger opens the door halfway before interrupted*

Jibbs: "But... That's you..."

*Honeybadger turns around and lowers his head*

Honeybadger: *While bobbing head once* "Yeah."

*They enter the sheriffs office and place the body on the Sheriffs desk, Honeybadger then takes the bounty form that shows Riggs face*

*It reads, Austin Riggs, wanted for murder, extortion, and forgery, 10,000 G. The sheriff recoils by that fact that this group of three managed to bag a most wanted*

*The sheriff took the bounty money out of the safe and paid Honeybadger the gold, everyone waved and left smiling*

Honeybadger: "Alright, once we get to the saloon, we'll split the money Jibbs"

*Jibbs nods*

Sarah: "Hey! What about me!?"

Honeybadger: "I owe you a drink. We also need to worry about staying the night somewhere..."

-- Saloon, In the present --

*Honeybadger scratches his head under his hat*

Honeybadger: "That should be it, I don't think I left anything out..."

*He grabs his drink and sips it.*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1123 on: April 11, 2013, 10:56:09 pm »
*Ny-Lee came back with Roland's water and handed it to him.*

"No, I do not think there's much to do."

*He immediately chugs his water down and wipes his mouth.*

"Ah, nothing more refreshing than ice-cold water."

*Ny-Lee chuckles and takes a few drinks of her Frost Fire and sits on Roland's lap, facing him.*

"Are you sure about that love?"

*Roland tilts his head and looks off into the distance. Ny-Lee lightly punches Roland on the arm for teasing her.*

"As much as I would love to do what you are thinking, I believe my ankle might prevent a few... maneuvers."

*Ny-Lee chuckles again and pushes Roland down on the bed.*

"How about you let me worry about that love."

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1124 on: April 11, 2013, 11:59:55 pm »
Zill is just minding his own, overhearing Honeybadger's long winded story.
"You're talking some nonsense to my pal Bdr here. I heard you got locked up last night and the guys let you go cause you were the lesser problem. Riggs was vermin and deserves a flak barrage."

He takes a swig of his drink and addresses BdrLine.
"The Galleons are a gift from the Empire, and new trade rights have been granted as well. If nothing else, we did some good for the City.

Upon finishing his drink, he decides to find out what happened to Jun'ko. As he enters the room he sees her curled up in a ball on the bed.
She must of gotten it worse than me. If shes not better by tomorrow then its off to Oliver.

He kisses her and goes back down for another No.3.