Author Topic: Voting, voting everywhere  (Read 9409 times)

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Voting, voting everywhere
« on: April 12, 2015, 07:50:12 pm »
Devs want to make unlimited rematch with voting mechanics (if >=60% says 'yes' - then it's a rematch) and I really like that step. I think voting is an amazing mechanic and we should even go one or two steps further, so let's give out our ideas. For the sake of the thread please don't post votekick suggestions. I'll start:

1. Scramble/ non-scramble voting
Speaks for itself I think, if more than 60% people doesn't want to scramble, it doesn't happen (default option if someone doesn't vote is scramble)

2. Change to map X
If lobby wants to change to some map but it's not in the 3 choices game gives. Say, there are all DM maps in the queue and someone says "C'mon, let's play some KotH", and people agree, vote, and are happy with their new map. Again, 60% threshhold seems fine

3. Reset timer/ add one minute to timer
Because sometimes stuff.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Voting, voting everywhere
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2015, 08:03:52 pm »
Or they could just leave custom lobbies alone even if they select fill from matchmaker. This is the #1 reason I perpetuate the infinite custom lobbies. When I'm with friends, I want to play with friends. If people want to leave, thats fine. I have no problem sitting in a lobby if I get to team with the people I want.

Rest, agreed.

Offline Byron Cavendish

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Re: Voting, voting everywhere
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2015, 09:30:32 am »

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Voting, voting everywhere
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2015, 01:01:58 pm »
more into a meritocracy than democracy.

I mean the amount of times a high novice count lobby votes dunes (had it for 5 matches in a row ffs)

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Voting, voting everywhere
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2015, 04:13:15 pm »
Thats why the game has me down with Dunes as the favorite map. I absolutely despise it but a huge chunk of my matches happened on it cause noobs wanted it. Course that was when it was big and open. Not all the clouds it has now.

Offline MagKel

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Re: Voting, voting everywhere
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2015, 05:13:31 pm »
2. Change to map X
If lobby wants to change to some map but it's not in the 3 choices game gives. Say, there are all DM maps in the queue and someone says "C'mon, let's play some KotH", and people agree, vote, and are happy with their new map. Again, 60% threshhold seems fine

The problem i see with this option compared to the 3 map options is that you need relative majority of the votes, which is fine right now with the top map getting all the uncasted votes and always an even number of voters. if you make the list bigger, you could end up with runner ups, maybe 2 or more maps with the same number of votes that would require a second scrutiny.

3. Reset timer/ add one minute to timer
Because sometimes stuff.

Even if a minute is nothing compared to the lifespan of the universe [or the geological transformation of prehistoric organic molecules in precious oil to burn (or the slow growth of a tree in the luscious forests of Borneo that would look so so nice in as my kitchen table)] by the time the extra minute is set for vote, the voting process takes place and a result has been decided... well there you got a minute.

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: Voting, voting everywhere
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2015, 07:28:05 pm »
2. Change to map X
If lobby wants to change to some map but it's not in the 3 choices game gives. Say, there are all DM maps in the queue and someone says "C'mon, let's play some KotH", and people agree, vote, and are happy with their new map. Again, 60% threshhold seems fine

The problem i see with this option compared to the 3 map options is that you need relative majority of the votes, which is fine right now with the top map getting all the uncasted votes and always an even number of voters. if you make the list bigger, you could end up with runner ups, maybe 2 or more maps with the same number of votes that would require a second scrutiny.

I think you misunderstood me and you thought I want voting mechanic to replace current choice of maps. No. 3 map thing would still work, but you would have an OPTION to call a voting (seriously no one has ever seen this nowhere?) to ask lobby whether they want to change the map to X. If 60% says yes, then the map is changed (default option is no, if someone doesn't vote).

3. Reset timer/ add one minute to timer
Because sometimes stuff.

Even if a minute is nothing compared to the lifespan of the universe [or the geological transformation of prehistoric organic molecules in precious oil to burn (or the slow growth of a tree in the luscious forests of Borneo that would look so so nice in as my kitchen table)] by the time the extra minute is set for vote, the voting process takes place and a result has been decided... well there you got a minute.

Are you trying to make a point that the voting itself would take a minute so it would be pointless? Well, you can set some kind of limiter of 20-30 seconds (as it is in CS:GO) of voting time. Also I don't think pressing one button would be so time consuming. The ones who don't vote are counted as opposing vote (so in this case, the "no" vote), or you set a condition that some fixed percentage of lobby must vote in order for vote to be valid (...just as it is in CS:GO).