Devs want to make unlimited rematch with voting mechanics (if >=60% says 'yes' - then it's a rematch) and I really like that step. I think voting is an amazing mechanic and we should even go one or two steps further, so let's give out our ideas. For the sake of the thread please don't post votekick suggestions. I'll start:
1. Scramble/ non-scramble voting
Speaks for itself I think, if more than 60% people doesn't want to scramble, it doesn't happen (default option if someone doesn't vote is scramble)
2. Change to map X
If lobby wants to change to some map but it's not in the 3 choices game gives. Say, there are all DM maps in the queue and someone says "C'mon, let's play some KotH", and people agree, vote, and are happy with their new map. Again, 60% threshhold seems fine
3. Reset timer/ add one minute to timer
Because sometimes stuff.