All of my names for my ships are nature inspired.
Pyramidion - The Sky Wolf - Because when I fly that strong, sturdy, steady ship with a mean bite. I use Wolf hunting tactics.
Galleon - The Sky Bear - Because when I fly that big, mean, brawling ship. I fight brutally like a Bear.
Squid - The Sky Fox - Because when I fly that fast, agile and light little ship. I'm fast, light, sneaky, and clever like a fox.
Junker - The Sky Badger - Because when I fly that durable, mean, viscous ship. I fight viciously like a Badger.
Spire - The Spying Owl - Because owls are amazingly silent, and far-sighted predators of the sky that can pick out tiny animals in the night from very far away.
Mobula - The Sky Whale - Do I need to explain? I don't think I need to explain.
Goldfish - The Screeching Hawk/The Screaming Warhawk - Because you can swoop down fast and create some serious noise with those front guns.
The Goldfish's name is subject to change. It's the only one I'm not sure I'm comfortable with.