Author Topic: What do you name your ships and why?  (Read 111700 times)

Offline Ayetach

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What do you name your ships and why?
« on: April 09, 2015, 04:26:37 pm »
Hello forumites!

I've seen some pretty zany names on GoIO and on occasion inquire about their history. Here are mine:

In the beginning I started off with Nordic Mythological creatures and some of the ship names evolved over time for various reasons, I also originally had the call sign KNM which means Konglige Norsk Marine which essentially means 'Royal Norwegian Navy' as I am Norwegian after all :P - but later I renamed that to KTN which is the call sign for kTen subclan and pays tribute to its history as a group through the games I play today :)

Squid - KTN Fenrir
History: Fenrir is a nordic mythological creature (the wolf) and it felt fitting for something that ruthlessly attacks its prey as a ship like this.

Mobula - KTN Jormungandr
History: The great snake Jormungandr from Norse mythology, its an awesome name, an awesome creature and was admittingly the leftover name I had for this ship.

History: Came with an assembling kit and everything :P Pretty self explanatory.

Galleon - KTN Valkyrje
History: Valkyrje, nordic angels that raise the dead from the battles fought by Viking warriors. Galleons just have that Goliath aura fitting for itself - esp since its a superb support ship.

Spire - KTN Yggdrasil
History: Yggdrasil is the tree that holds the world of many beings together in Norse mythology. This ship reminded me of a great tree (of death more like XD) it was previously called 'lollipop' in Norwegian as well.

Junker - KTN Hrimthurs Boreas
History: Back when triple art junkers was a thing, I felt Hrimthurs was a fitting name since it was the name of trolls who froze their victims into stone (paralysis much the same to victims of arti junkers), the Boreas was greek term for winds (from a discussion I had with MysteriousMedic in finding Ryder related names for ships).

Goldfish - KTN Onomatopoetikon
History: This was a fun one, Onomonopia, the origins came out from Heldigris and I talking about ship names during Team Lazy's participation in SCS a ways back.

So what are your ship names and history behind them? Share your stories below!

Offline David Dire

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Re: What do you name your ships and why?
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2015, 05:11:26 pm »
Squid - The Applebee
History: reference to the government spook/stealth spaceships in the Halo books.

Mobula - Flying Nimbus
History: Reference to Son Goku's Flying Nimbus In Dragon Ball, which he rode to get around places. I named it this after I noticed the Mobula looks like a cloud.

Pyra - All Seeing Eye
History: We all get this

Galleon - Orbital Super MAC
History: Reference to the Giant MAC (Magnetic Accelerator cannons) in the Halo books, which are... well, Magnetic cannons that fire giant metal slugs. Super MACS, however, were even bigger, and were in Planet Reach's orbit. Super MAC's are basically two times the size a normal MAC.

Spire - Kami's Lookout
History: Another Dragon Ball reference

Junker - *TEMPORARY* FlammenWerferBlimp
History: It has all flamethrowers, so why not just get a German reference?

Goldfish - Honour thy Crane
History: One match, as being a super rad Blenderfish captain as usual, I ram killed 3 ships in a 2v2. The cool part, though? These three ships died from rams just becauset they backed into the crane of death on Paritan.

Endnote: I know, I'm a super nerd.

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: What do you name your ships and why?
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2015, 05:23:40 pm »
Galleon- HMCS Wanderlust: It looks like a trading ship, so...
Junker- HMCS Arkos: The name of my favourite RWBY ship.
Pyramidion- Fist of the Unicorns: Reference to Halo, and ramming.
Mobula- HMCS Hailfire: I like Hades.
Spire- Freud Was Right: Phallic symbols EVERYWHERE
Goldfish- HMCS Champagne: Because POP

Offline VomAct

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Re: What do you name your ships and why?
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2015, 05:44:31 pm »
Galleon: Overachieving Walrus

History is basically I was using it to 'cheeve whore and the name sort of stuck.

Pyramidion: Terminus Est

History: A badass executioner's sword in Gene Wolfe's New Sun series

Spire: ---Redacted---

History: It looks like one of those black bars over censored stuff

Squid: El Muid Campeador VII

History: Taken from El Cid Campeador, it is the latest in a long line of mine squids.  Yes I only fly mine squids because they are amaaaaaazing!

Mobula: Bananabula

History: I painted it yellow. It looks like a banana. It confuses casters who try to say it. What more can you ask?

Goldfish: Shostakofish

History: Shostavitch is a badass composer. Shostakofish is not a composer, and is also not badass but whatevs.

Junker: Bruh-nker

History: Because it annoys FluffyHetsche :D

Offline Indreams

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Re: What do you name your ships and why?
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2015, 05:46:21 pm »
I should definitely post on this thread.

My inspiration for Steampunk, and my inclination to love Airships, comes from Ghibli Studios. Movies like Castle in the Sky, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, and Howl's Moving Castle impressed me with their giant flying machines.

So, I've attempted to name every ship in reference to Ghibli works.

Goldfish - Tiger Moth

Tiger Moth was a Pirate Airship in Castle in the Sky. The Protagonists crewed on this ship to find Laputa.

Galleon - The Goliath

The Goliath was an Air Destroyer in Castle in the Sky. The Antagonist, Muska, flew on The Goliath to reach Laputa. It had an impressive broadside armaments.

Spire - Laputa

Laputa was the "Castle in the Sky". The Spire, with its cylindrical shape, felt like a Laputa to me. However, I might end up finding a better name for the Spire.

Mobula - Porco Rosso

In the Movie Porco Rosso, Porco Rosso flies the red seaplane Porco Rosso. I painted my Mobula maroon, and it looked like a porco rosso, so I named it Porco Rosso

Squid - Wolf of Tibere

In a small scene in Proco Rosso, two seaplanes launch against invading pirates with an announcement "... Black Stallion, Signore Bulkar, and No. 2, The Wolf of Tibere, Captain Visconti!". They get shot down immediatley, but it was still cool. Sorry about the low-qual photo. It was the best I could find for this obscure plane.

Junker - Junkers G.38

This is a new one. Renamed just this week. Junkers G.38 was a German transport aircraft created in 1929. It saw much use during the Second World War. How this plane is connected to Ghibli studio is yours to guess. *Hint: It features in their latest film about a Zero Plane manufacturer.

I haven't got one for the Pyramidion yet. Nothing so far has struck me as being like a Pyramidion. But don't suggest anything, its more fun figuring it out myself. Currently, my Pyramidion is named Hawkbit, in reference to Richard Adam's Watership Down.

And another funny little reference. My character is made to look like Muska's Agents in The Castle in the Sky. Pictured below.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 05:50:23 pm by Indreams »

Offline Zyem

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Re: What do you name your ships and why?
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2015, 05:52:47 pm »
Anubis (Pyramidion): Namesake of my first cat, who I lost to antifreeze poisoning
Diego (Junker): Namesake of the brother cat of the brother/sister pair, who I also lost to antifreeze poisoning
Fin-esse (Goldfish): Goldfish have fins + finesse
Lexx (Squid): Named after the titular ship from the Lexx series.
Doubloch (Galleon): Nothing special, shortened version of "Double Lochnagar" which is the ammo for the carronades I took when I first flew it.
i- (Spire): "i-" kinda looks like a Spire.
Flytato (Mobula): It looks like a flying potato.

Such creativity.

Offline Lanliss

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Re: What do you name your ships and why?
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2015, 06:17:16 pm »
I am so bad at names. All of my ships are named Infallible. I do this because it allows me to end all of my official correspondence involving GOIO with "Lanliss, Captain of the Infallible", which I enjoy. I suppose I can add Roman numerals after their names, in the order that I named them.

EDIT: just thought about this. It might help to explain the fact that I have had a pretty decent track record of keeping alive. I am usually not the reason my team loses, at least not directly. It might sometimes be my fault due to lack of support for my teammate, but I am rarely the one dying.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 06:24:24 pm by Lanliss »

Offline FluffyHetsche

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Re: What do you name your ships and why?
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2015, 06:21:29 pm »
Junker: Bruh-nker

History: Because it annoys FluffyHetsche :D

OY! >:C

Pyramidion: Honeybun - Dunno, seemed fitting and I like bunnies c:

Goldfish: Lebkuchenherz (used to be Hwachahugs) - I wanted something cutesy in German and I like this term, so why not? It means "gingerbread heart". Hwachahugs is self explanatory if you know me :D

Mobula: Chubby Bunny - The mob really reminds me of one of my first pet bunnies because she was really overweight. Don't judge me, I was 8 when I got her :c naturally I fed her way too much..

Spire: Pfannkuchendrache - Literally means "pancake dragon". It's kind of an inside joke I have with Draaaaaaagon, though I don't actually remember who or what exactly started this..

Galleon: Snapping Turtle - Doesn't need much explaining now, does it?  :D

Squid: Catallena - Once again: I just like the sound of the word and seems to fit the squid in my opinion c: It doesn't really mean anything, it's just the name of a song I enjoy!

Junker: The Boomcrab - Makes stuff go BOOM! (I generally fly munkers, so yeah.. MINE ♥) The shape of junkers just reminds me of a crab, especially since their guns are mostly on the sides. Looks like a crab walking sideways ~

My ship names tend to change from time to time. Sometimes they're puns, sometimes related to animals (or both) etc. but these are usually the ones I stick with!
« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 06:24:34 pm by FluffyHetsche »

Offline Indreams

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Re: What do you name your ships and why?
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2015, 07:39:29 pm »
I am so bad at names. All of my ships are named Infallible. I do this because it allows me to end all of my official correspondence involving GOIO with "Lanliss, Captain of the Infallible", which I enjoy. I suppose I can add Roman numerals after their names, in the order that I named them.

EDIT: just thought about this. It might help to explain the fact that I have had a pretty decent track record of keeping alive. I am usually not the reason my team loses, at least not directly. It might sometimes be my fault due to lack of support for my teammate, but I am rarely the one dying.

Has anybody done Jenny? Like Forest Gump? Jenny I, Jenny II, Jenny III, and so on and so forth.

Offline Carn

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Re: What do you name your ships and why?
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2015, 07:57:30 pm »
I should definitely post on this thread.

My inspiration for Steampunk, and my inclination to love Airships, comes from Ghibli Studios. Movies like Castle in the Sky, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, and Howl's Moving Castle impressed me with their giant flying machines.

So, I've attempted to name every ship in reference to Ghibli works.

Goldfish - Tiger Moth

Tiger Moth was a Pirate Airship in Castle in the Sky. The Protagonists crewed on this ship to find Laputa.

Galleon - The Goliath

The Goliath was an Air Destroyer in Castle in the Sky. The Antagonist, Muska, flew on The Goliath to reach Laputa. It had an impressive broadside armaments.

Spire - Laputa

Laputa was the "Castle in the Sky". The Spire, with its cylindrical shape, felt like a Laputa to me. However, I might end up finding a better name for the Spire.

Mobula - Porco Rosso

In the Movie Porco Rosso, Porco Rosso flies the red seaplane Porco Rosso. I painted my Mobula maroon, and it looked like a porco rosso, so I named it Porco Rosso

Squid - Wolf of Tibere

In a small scene in Proco Rosso, two seaplanes launch against invading pirates with an announcement "... Black Stallion, Signore Bulkar, and No. 2, The Wolf of Tibere, Captain Visconti!". They get shot down immediatley, but it was still cool. Sorry about the low-qual photo. It was the best I could find for this obscure plane.

Junker - Junkers G.38

This is a new one. Renamed just this week. Junkers G.38 was a German transport aircraft created in 1929. It saw much use during the Second World War. How this plane is connected to Ghibli studio is yours to guess. *Hint: It features in their latest film about a Zero Plane manufacturer.

I haven't got one for the Pyramidion yet. Nothing so far has struck me as being like a Pyramidion. But don't suggest anything, its more fun figuring it out myself. Currently, my Pyramidion is named Hawkbit, in reference to Richard Adam's Watership Down.

And another funny little reference. My character is made to look like Muska's Agents in The Castle in the Sky. Pictured below.

dude, we need to fly together, i LOVE castle in the sky, anyways i dont pilot a lot so im just going to name some of my ships
Pyramidion:Currently is the Stygian Night (Its painted black) but i will soon give its original name of Bad Company back (Reasons because a: i love the song Bad company by Bad Company and b: because i dont want to be nice to my enemies)

Squid: Currently the Winds of Tartarus (For awhile i was going for a greek mythology them for my ship names) But will be renamed again as Harassment Charges (reason because i fly it in a harassment style)

Galleon: A Ton of Brick (Reasons: cause i'll ram into you like a ton of bricks. I like galleon ramming  :D)

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: What do you name your ships and why?
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2015, 08:00:16 pm »
Apparently two threads about ship names in The Lounge were not enough.

Offline DJ Logicalia

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Re: What do you name your ships and why?
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2015, 09:33:50 pm »
Taken from another thread with some slight updating

All of my ships (minus my Junker) were named after personal affects of existential philosophers

Pyra: Albert Camus' Coat: Algerian born, french philosopher, Albert Camus just might be my favorite thinker of all time. And the French are nothing if not good dressers. Look at that man's coat

Squid: Kierkegaard's Collar: Another one of may favorites, and that guy had a big collar

Galleon: MUS Kafka's Hairgel: Kafka had some tidy hair. He had to hold that mess down with something

Junker: MUS Tipz n Trix: Named for Bard founder, friend, and Sensei to all the early Bards who has since been eaten by Dota 2

Spire: Dostoevsky's Beard: Brilliant Russian novelist and owner of a pretty rad beard. The spire is long and kinda beardlike. Plus, it's fun to say FEAR THE BEARD whenever I 1v1 a metamidion with my gat/flak spire

Mobula: William James' Eyes: One of the most important figures in early psychology and a philosopher with a pretty intense gaze.

Goldfish: Nietzsche's Stache: Because of Nietzsche and his lovely facial hair. Doubles as a shoutout to Nietzsche's Mustache from [Clan] Clan Clan (who also has some great ship names)
Where it fits, I added MUS in front of my ship names, as it was the very first Bard clan tag.

Recently I've changed the name of my spire to La Peste which is the French name for the book The Plague by Albert Camus. It's a fantastic piece of work.

Offline PixelatedVolume

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Re: What do you name your ships and why?
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2015, 09:49:40 pm »
I named my junker George B. Wylith for no other reason than I thought it was a cool name when I made it up.

My galleon is Hippopotamus because that's just how it feels to me.

I use a variety of puny/load out specific names on my goldfish.

Offline David Dire

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Re: What do you name your ships and why?
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2015, 09:51:12 pm »
Taken from another thread with some slight updating

All of my ships (minus my Junker) were named after personal affects of existential philosophers

Pyra: Albert Camus' Coat: Algerian born, french philosopher, Albert Camus just might be my favorite thinker of all time. And the French are nothing if not good dressers. Look at that man's coat

Squid: Kierkegaard's Collar: Another one of may favorites, and that guy had a big collar

Galleon: MUS Kafka's Hairgel: Kafka had some tidy hair. He had to hold that mess down with something

Junker: MUS Tipz n Trix: Named for Bard founder, friend, and Sensei to all the early Bards who has since been eaten by Dota 2

Spire: Dostoevsky's Beard: Brilliant Russian novelist and owner of a pretty rad beard. The spire is long and kinda beardlike. Plus, it's fun to say FEAR THE BEARD whenever I 1v1 a metamidion with my gat/flak spire

Mobula: William James' Eyes: One of the most important figures in early psychology and a philosopher with a pretty intense gaze.

Goldfish: Nietzsche's Stache: Because of Nietzsche and his lovely facial hair. Doubles as a shoutout to Nietzsche's Mustache from [Clan] Clan Clan (who also has some great ship names)
Where it fits, I added MUS in front of my ship names, as it was the very first Bard clan tag.

Recently I've changed the name of my spire to La Peste which is the French name for the book The Plague by Albert Camus. It's a fantastic piece of work.

I remember when you guys were called [MUS]. Good times.

Offline MightyKeb

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Re: What do you name your ships and why?
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2015, 06:30:21 am »
Taken from another thread with some slight updating

All of my ships (minus my Junker) were named after personal affects of existential philosophers

Pyra: Albert Camus' Coat: Algerian born, french philosopher, Albert Camus just might be my favorite thinker of all time. And the French are nothing if not good dressers. Look at that man's coat

Squid: Kierkegaard's Collar: Another one of may favorites, and that guy had a big collar

Galleon: MUS Kafka's Hairgel: Kafka had some tidy hair. He had to hold that mess down with something

Junker: MUS Tipz n Trix: Named for Bard founder, friend, and Sensei to all the early Bards who has since been eaten by Dota 2

Spire: Dostoevsky's Beard: Brilliant Russian novelist and owner of a pretty rad beard. The spire is long and kinda beardlike. Plus, it's fun to say FEAR THE BEARD whenever I 1v1 a metamidion with my gat/flak spire

Mobula: William James' Eyes: One of the most important figures in early psychology and a philosopher with a pretty intense gaze.

Goldfish: Nietzsche's Stache: Because of Nietzsche and his lovely facial hair. Doubles as a shoutout to Nietzsche's Mustache from [Clan] Clan Clan (who also has some great ship names)
Where it fits, I added MUS in front of my ship names, as it was the very first Bard clan tag.

Recently I've changed the name of my spire to La Peste which is the French name for the book The Plague by Albert Camus. It's a fantastic piece of work.

I remember when you guys were called [MUS]. Good times.
What are you talking about?! [MUS]gods dont exist!

So I did put out my ship names last time, but I didnt explain all. In no particular order:

Squid - Greasy Dream

Once I joined the Iron Fork Of Friday in a doublemerc pyra. I got along with Squiggly Bandit, it's pilot anfd we've formed for a few matches after that. Once he was telling the crewmen, "Bring greased rounds, I want that grease aaaall over this ship." It quickly evolved into a series of sexual innuendos, and since then Greasy Dream represents my desire to find Squiggly in real life, take off his clothes by force and rub grease aaaaalll over him.

Galleon - Industrial Nightmare

The older brother of Greasy Dream. I came up with this name while I was literally looking at the galleon with the intention of coming up with a name- and then noticed the two giant pipes sticking out from it's starboard that pumps steam out every so often. Made it look Pirate-ey, so Nightmare fits okay aswell.

Pyramidion - St. Glaswegian Kiss
This one was suggested by a friend. Glaswegian Kiss I believe is a slang for a headbutt with the literal intention of breaking one's face.

Goldfish - Jessica Nabar'O
This one has quite the story behind it. It was the character name of a friend in a Starship Troopers Roleplay server whom was a Petty Officer 2nd Class (NCO) of the Federal Fleet and had somewhat of an adorance for Ravens. He also is the one who suggested Glaswegian Kiss and has had dreamed of a black dyed Raven decal'd fleet of his own at one point, so when Raven Skull was added I made an effort to make his dream come true (except he doesnt play often anymore)

Junker - Bag of Chips

Self explanatory, I once Hydro'd my balloon to death in an attempt to "open the bag" with this thing.

Spire - Tourist Attraction

Spire is just nearly impossible to hide sometimes.

Mobula - I'm currently still on a naming journey with this ship, will post when I find a name I'd like.