By my calculations (and I could be off, 'cause they got crazy complicated), the Minotaur, with direct piercing and splash impact, would do a bit more DPS to the balloon than the Dragon Tongue, and just marginally less to the hull. It would also do just slightly less damage than a Hades to the armor, yet have the bonus of never missing with Heavy Clip. With those damage types reversed, its damage to the balloon and hull would be just a little less than a Hades, yet would outrank a Hades for armor damage.
You seem keen to learn so I'll see what I can do.
After doing my own calculations, I have to ask how much damage are you using for the Impact AoE? If we change the secondary from Shatter to Impact, it would be rebalanced (i.e. definitely not 175 damage). Impact damage type is rare and has the best, all-rounded damage modifiers. The damage output is simply ridiculous to everything besides components.
Following the argument from Richard LeMoon, I see the core problem. What he is asking for is simply a small amount of Flechette damage, not Impact. There is a misconception that Impact would do better against Balloon as compared to Armor. Balloons have 1200hp and is designed to go down fast when targeted. That is why Flechette based weapons naturally have high damage. Impact damage type is very difficult to balance without being too strong against armor/hull.
However, because the Minotaur is so all-rounded, I don't think any of it would make it weaker than the current Shatter type, unless the damage is negligible.
Assuming the splash damage is changed from Shatter to Impact, I am using damage numbers of 60 direct Piercing and 175 Splash impact.
I am also prepared to list the equation I use:
Damage per second = clip size (direct bonus * direct damage + splash bonus * splash damage) / (clip size / shots per second + reload time)If anyone sees an error in the above, please let me know. I'd love to have more accurate numbers.
By using the above formula and assuming that every projectile hits its target and also does splash damage, this comes to 72.3 balloon dps, 60.7 hull dps, 50.9 dps, and 25.9 component dps. This gives it similar Dragon Tongue balloon and hull dps (71.4, 61.9), places it near the midway point between Hellhound and Hades armor dps (39.7, 61.5), and nearly identical Scylla component dps (25.7), all accounting for individual reload times, yet ignoring ignition chance.
Here are the damages, again, as I calculated. First with Piercing/Impact, as you proposed. Then with Piercing/Shatter as it presently is. Then with Impact/Shatter, and finally with Explosive/Shatter:
bllon, hull, armor, comp
72.3, 60.7, 50.9, 25.9 Piercing/Impact
10.4, 06.5, 27.6, 80.0 Piercing/Shatter
31.6, 23.8, 18.4, 85.3 Impact/Shatter
11.1, 22.4, 11.7, 81.4 Explosive/Shatter