Memes - dr Cox edition!
1. When noobs complain that "it's veteran responsibility to play and teach new players if you care for the future of the game!"

or this

2. When guy with below 100 matches played joins my ship from matchmaker

3. Vets and noobs relations in the nutshell (vet perspective)

4. As a vet LITERALLY A MINUTE AFTER you join random match from matchmaker solo queue

5. Vets vs noobs relations one more time (noob perspective)

6. How vets cope with noobs

7. Explaining why full flak isn't the best loadout ever

8. When that squeaky-shrilling 10-year old just can't shut up in the lobby

9. Some noobs/assholes

10. But then you meet that one noob that has positive IQ and you're willing to give him some advice

11. When some guy is blabbing to ready up

12. And my personal favourite

(bonus janitor - when the lobby is stacked to your advantage and your enemies are assholes)
Scrubs is the best show ever