Keep in mind there is an asymmetry here. I had two bad experiences total with vet crew in my early days. Both were problems with communication. I have enough stories of novice pilots not listening to fill the Vatican Secret Archives, most of them are pilots who are told X is bad, X is easily avoidable, and they do X again, repeatedly. Usually I'm nice but sometimes I make my point more grumpily. Like the guy who was told ramming was a bad idea in a metamidion and went on to do it five more times getting us killed on four out of the five occasions. Or the guy who wouldn't turn impact bumpers off and couldn't understand why his ship couldn't bring guns to bear even after I explained it, three times. Or the guy who set up an ambush, on our enemies spawn, when both enemy ships were in the middle of the canyons over a kilometre away killing our ally, and I informed them politely for the second time, and so they rage quit. Or the guy who brought double flak pyra in spite of me telling them over and over that it is a weak build. Or the guy who wouldn't turn off hydrogen. And on, and on, and on. None of these things are difficult to avoid (the instruction 'press the one key and the balloon will stop taking damage' is about as simple as it gets). Making these mistakes once is fair enough, folks gotta learn, but so many players think they know better than the person with hundreds or thousands of games under their belt. And way to many people pilot without sufficient experience.
Vets who bash novices and back seat drive suck, but considering the crap we have to deal with this is, on the whole, an exceptionally tolerant community. Sounds like you had a crappy experience Major-Malice, and I'm sorry to hear about that. But keep in mind when you get terse comments from experienced pilots that they have virtually no means of controlling who they get paired with (there is no kick function), match maker frequently (perhaps more frequently) pairs them with very derpy folks, and you are the third person today who they have had to politely inform that hwacha galleons with mortars in the light guns aren't the best idea ever. Oh and the last two didn't change their guns even though they were given a careful explanation of the damage mechanics. Oh and one of them said they would, but changed their mind because Lion gun OP shut up 720 noscope pro mlg swag. Then they spent the next 15 minutes blaming said vet because without piercing damage said galleon couldn't get a kill. Also they kept ramming. The mountain. With moonshine. In reverse. And then they ate a puppy.