Hello guys, recently I've decided to take notes when I find something annoying in GOIO, here's what I got:
- Button [Invite party] (or sth similar) in crew form should 'actually' send game invites to your party (with all the "Mr.Disaster invites you to play" thingie) instead of just showing a message on the party chat.
- There should be a sound when captain changes the ship, when we got a recommended loadout offer and when the match will begin soon (different sound for 30 seconds and 5 or 10 seconds). Many of us while waiting in the lobby do something different (or just browse cat pictures in Steam browser) so the sound would be very helpful. Oh, and also a sound when we recieve a PM!
- A clan page should mention the member count. Now when I see some clantag I don't know I check the profile and go to the clan page. Then I realise that member count is not there, so I go to community, go to clan list, write a clan name, click a button (I cannot confirm with
ughhhhhhhhhhh) and then I can finally see how many members clan does have.
- Make an [Exit Match] button. I remind you of this thread: