Author Topic: Guns of Icarus - League  (Read 103607 times)

Offline Mean Machine

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Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« Reply #75 on: February 28, 2015, 11:28:34 am »
Guys, I think you made your point. I agree weapon shouldn't be banned, but I'm not going to pretend that I care much, since I'm not a big fan of it. Anyway, they probably banned it because they were afraid of losing those three guys. I don't know if those guys complaining about it were from same team or not, but if they are not and their whole team agrees with them, then they could lose three teams and whole thing would fall apart on last day.
I'm not defending anyone here, even though it seems like, I just think that there is no need for beating the dead horse now, we can discuss this next week like they said, so they will have better feedback and more time to decide what to do for next week or season or whatever.

Offline Sammy B. T.

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Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« Reply #76 on: February 28, 2015, 12:11:56 pm »
And what about being afraid of teams leaving because they don't like weapons banned arbitrarily because of a tiny minority of players complaining?

If no matter what someone is going to be angry with a decision that will be made, choose the consistent option not the arbitrary one.

Offline Dementio

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Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« Reply #77 on: February 28, 2015, 12:12:56 pm »
I am ok with the decision made by the organizers. The Minotaur's place has not been decided yet and I would like to see some "normal" matches instead of the long drawn out ones created by long range + minotaur vs long range + minotaur, which I believe might not be an uncommon combination.

And nobody knows what Muse is up to, they can very well change a lot of stuff as time is continuing, so you would see an arguably unbalanced weapon that is potentially different in every match it is used in, which also creates differently balanced matches, which the teams themselves might use as a reason to explain their victory or loss, even though the reason of their victory or loss might have had entire different reasons.

I mean if you turn it around what good does the Minotaur do for the tournament when it is not banned? Nobody has had time to hardcore practise that gun and as far as I can tell it only makes matches much more longer than they should be. So why not ban it until had time to establish its place?

And also yes, the organisers should make their decisions less "last minute" like.

Offline Skrimskraw

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Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« Reply #78 on: February 28, 2015, 12:30:39 pm »
I am ok with the decision made by the organizers. The Minotaur's place has not been decided yet and I would like to see some "normal" matches instead of the long drawn out ones created by long range + minotaur vs long range + minotaur, which I believe might not be an uncommon combination.

And nobody knows what Muse is up to, they can very well change a lot of stuff as time is continuing, so you would see an arguably unbalanced weapon that is potentially different in every match it is used in, which also creates differently balanced matches, which the teams themselves might use as a reason to explain their victory or loss, even though the reason of their victory or loss might have had entire different reasons.

I mean if you turn it around what good does the Minotaur do for the tournament when it is not banned? Nobody has had time to hardcore practise that gun and as far as I can tell it only makes matches much more longer than they should be. So why not ban it until had time to establish its place?

And also yes, the organisers should make their decisions less "last minute" like.

but matches are 15 mins long, and these are not pub games?

Offline nhbearit

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Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« Reply #79 on: February 28, 2015, 12:54:06 pm »
The thing is, before you ban weapons, all teams are equal. They have had the same amount of opportunities to practice with whatever weapon regardless of how new or established the weapon is. Once you ban a weapon, especially with little to no notice, you change the equation. Teams that spent time investigating the new weapon are at a disadvantage compared to teams that didn't spend time looking at it.

Mean Machine, you really should care. Not only should you care, but this should scare the living crap out of you. I, and every other competitive captain, have to budget time for eight people. We have to decide who practices what and to what extent. We have to have these things decided in advance. Competitive captains simply can't afford last second changes to rules. Sord has already put time and effort into figuring out the minotaur. We've invested in learning how to use it and how to get around it. The decision to ban the minotaur has effectively made that time a waste.

I never even knew a forum about it existed, let alone was about to influence a rule change. I also must insist that a full conversation about whether or not to ban the gun starts THIS Sunday, March 1st. I simply need this resolved as quickly as possible. The longer this takes to deal with, either way, the more time gets wasted.

Offline Mean Machine

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Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« Reply #80 on: February 28, 2015, 01:04:03 pm »
The thing is, before you ban weapons, all teams are equal. They have had the same amount of opportunities to practice with whatever weapon regardless of how new or established the weapon is. Once you ban a weapon, especially with little to no notice, you change the equation. Teams that spent time investigating the new weapon are at a disadvantage compared to teams that didn't spend time looking at it.

Mean Machine, you really should care. Not only should you care, but this should scare the living crap out of you. I, and every other competitive captain, have to budget time for eight people. We have to decide who practices what and to what extent. We have to have these things decided in advance. Competitive captains simply can't afford last second changes to rules. Sord has already put time and effort into figuring out the minotaur. We've invested in learning how to use it and how to get around it. The decision to ban the minotaur has effectively made that time a waste.

I never even knew a forum about it existed, let alone was about to influence a rule change. I also must insist that a full conversation about whether or not to ban the gun starts THIS Sunday, March 1st. I simply need this resolved as quickly as possible. The longer this takes to deal with, either way, the more time gets wasted.

Well I guess I just don't care. I mean, we were practicing against and with minotaur too, but I would never make such a huge deal out of this, for no matter what gun or tool. I would say I don't agree with choice, but I wouldn't start posting I might quit or "we were practicing so it's not fair"... If someone has to easy off, I would expect that experienced team like yours would be the one. I'm not saying you're wrong to ask what you ask, but can't we just  forget about the weapon for one day and we can discuss it tomorrow and whole next week. It's not like they said they won't allow it for whole tournament and they are willing to discuss it. I would guess that those guys who were asking for gun to be banned are probably quite unexperienced players or haven't played competitive yet maybe and they are afraid to play against this gun. I know it doesn't sound fair, but I think we should just forget it for today and discuss it for next week, there will be plenty chances to use the gun in competitive play, no need to lose sleep over one Saturday.
Idk you're just acting like this particular saturday is only day we would able to play with minotaur in competitive and your practice will go to waste.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 01:06:38 pm by Mean Machine »

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« Reply #81 on: February 28, 2015, 01:05:03 pm »
According to the thread
I see 3 votes against and 3 in favor.
Yea: Steve CZ, Sammy B T, Lueosi
Nay: Sedrion, Dark Chiyo, Elrico le Manchot
In my math that's a tie

Offline Dementio

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Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« Reply #82 on: February 28, 2015, 01:49:48 pm »
but matches are 15 mins long, and these are not pub games?
But these matches are 20min long:
Updating rules :
- Only 1 game of 20min max + 5min overtime (for both matchs against same team), 1 game goings, 1 game commings. You fight a single team : 2 times on the same map, with switching sides.
and I was talking about the decision of banning a gun, not the length of game.

In my math that's a tie
If it is a tie, is it not up to the organisers to have the final say?

Offline Foxx

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Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« Reply #83 on: February 28, 2015, 01:55:26 pm »
it's so last second that we've had enough time to put - with this one - 16 posts about it.

As for me, It's a fun gun, but i'll find a way to survive without using it for 1 week, as the plan doesn't hinge entirely on a single gun. but hopefully it'll be available next week.

I'll echo Dan on this with not having a problem with the organisers having the final say.

Offline VVhite Angel

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Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« Reply #84 on: February 28, 2015, 04:57:32 pm »
The last second decision wasnt the best choice, i'm know. I would love have much time someday :)

Well, i take all point of view in consideration, i really want to discuss again in few days, i think SCS will bring something interesting about Minotaur ... maybe :) Im waiting for it.
Now we got the time between each day of play, i can say we will ask again and maybe allow all weapons.

Btw we are quite happy after this first day.
Some little problems about the dual teams (1 ship + 1 ship) we are aware of that and are already thinking about how to solve this (maybe for next season).

Hope everyone got fun too.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 05:01:43 pm by VVhite Angel »

Offline Imagine

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Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« Reply #85 on: February 28, 2015, 07:51:23 pm »
I am ok with the decision made by the organizers. The Minotaur's place has not been decided yet and I would like to see some "normal" matches instead of the long drawn out ones created by long range + minotaur vs long range + minotaur, which I believe might not be an uncommon combination.
No one knew where the hades or mine launcher were going to fit in either, yet I'm pretty sure they were never banned from any competitive play.

I'm not participating in the league, but taking votes and banning something just because it happens to be new is arbitrary as all hell. I can't possibly see how banning it is justified.

Offline -Blue-

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Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« Reply #86 on: February 28, 2015, 07:57:40 pm »
Just saw this perhaps too late, or we would have played :( maybe next time...

Offline MeSako

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Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« Reply #87 on: March 01, 2015, 04:13:24 am »
"- Equity battles, build in miror, once you have played on the red side of the map, you will play against the same opponent on the blue side."


What happened with that?

Offline VVhite Angel

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Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« Reply #88 on: March 01, 2015, 05:39:48 am »
"- Equity battles, build in miror, once you have played on the red side of the map, you will play against the same opponent on the blue side."


What happened with that?

Due to the lot of event that will take place after the league, we can only do a single match against same opponent. Hope we finally bring this important rule back for season 2.

Offline LogHalley

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Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« Reply #89 on: March 01, 2015, 08:22:26 am »
I'm sorry, i'm really really sorry about what happened yesterday, there's been quite a misunderstanding about when we could play. I was talking about sunday >.<
I never, never said we could play on saturdays, and i pictured this event differently
404 Would gladly join, but i have to say we're hardly available on saturdays! How much can the match move?
We can't play on saturdays, we can provide one ship on sundays, we can provide 2 ships any other day. "Moving the match" half an hour doesn't really help..