Author Topic: The Community Video Tutorial Project  (Read 50841 times)

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: The Community Video Tutorial Project
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2015, 07:06:32 am »
The thing is, in my opinion, that we CANNOT avoid telling basics, mostly because most new players have no idea that what are they doing is a mistake.

I'd even suggest reading through some tutorials and make videos containing the knowledge in it, shown in a more friendly way, than epic-length wall of text. To show, how this really works in practice, especially why is it a really stupid idea to do some things that shouldn't have been done.

When talking about guns or ships - we should put an emphasise, that every single thing in this game (guns, tools, ships and so on) have some certain role, and everything can be very effective if used properly. It's difficulty to develop proper strategy that may create an illusion that, let's just quote another older topic created by newbie, for example, mercury is useless.

As for the steam group. I'm sceptic about that. As I suggested earlier - let's use Trello instead. It's friendly way to give tasks to each member of a board. The best comparison for that is a board divided in sections, to which you pin down small cards with task to do, name, and maybe some additional info about task itself.
What is very good about it - you can easily keep order. (we use Trello boards in our scientific society to handle the organisation of different events, projects, etc.)

I may do some voice acting, if it's needed. But I'm going to need READY script, because I tend to forget words. I may also record something (I think at least)

And we definitely must do a film about a sort of "etiquette" in this game. Because I see too many misbehaving punkheads, who just left their COD, that I'd like to spank, goddammit. I might be exaggerating, but you know - for example: "it's rude to use your own language in international group of people". Or "don't act selfish - winning is not everything. If enemy wins with his experience or outmanevours you, congratulate him and ask, whether he can teach you something. And vice versa - if a bunch of scrubs kick your 45-level ass, don't act like offended damsel."

Yes, this says one of those vicious, taunting, insane, uncivilized bastards.

And we must fucking tell them, that galleon is not that awesome as they might think. Because I'm bloody tired by constant encountering useless scrub galleons.

Offline Kamoba

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    • Robin and Magpie Leather
Re: The Community Video Tutorial Project
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2015, 08:48:58 am »
The thing is, in my opinion, that we CANNOT avoid telling basics, mostly because most new players have no idea that what are they doing is a mistake.

I'd even suggest reading through some tutorials and make videos containing the knowledge in it, shown in a more friendly way, than epic-length wall of text. To show, how this really works in practice, especially why is it a really stupid idea to do some things that shouldn't have been done.

When talking about guns or ships - we should put an emphasise, that every single thing in this game (guns, tools, ships and so on) have some certain role, and everything can be very effective if used properly. It's difficulty to develop proper strategy that may create an illusion that, let's just quote another older topic created by newbie, for example, mercury is useless.

As for the steam group. I'm sceptic about that. As I suggested earlier - let's use Trello instead. It's friendly way to give tasks to each member of a board. The best comparison for that is a board divided in sections, to which you pin down small cards with task to do, name, and maybe some additional info about task itself.
What is very good about it - you can easily keep order. (we use Trello boards in our scientific society to handle the organisation of different events, projects, etc.)

I may do some voice acting, if it's needed. But I'm going to need READY script, because I tend to forget words. I may also record something (I think at least)

And we definitely must do a film about a sort of "etiquette" in this game. Because I see too many misbehaving punkheads, who just left their COD, that I'd like to spank, goddammit. I might be exaggerating, but you know - for example: "it's rude to use your own language in international group of people". Or "don't act selfish - winning is not everything. If enemy wins with his experience or outmanevours you, congratulate him and ask, whether he can teach you something. And vice versa - if a bunch of scrubs kick your 45-level ass, don't act like offended damsel."

Yes, this says one of those vicious, taunting, insane, uncivilized bastards.

And we must fucking tell them, that galleon is not that awesome as they might think. Because I'm bloody tired by constant encountering useless scrub galleons.

Yes we need to explain the importance of the basics but if we revolve around the basics too much the over-all workload becomes too high.
So I suggest the script and commentator explain the basics while showing the operational crew.
For example: "Here is our main engineer Schwalbe, as you can see the junker has taken heavy damage and they have lost their armour, this has made the hull turn red, so he switched to his spanner and is rebuilding with his spanner as this is the fastest way. The armour is repaired and he has switched back to his mallet for the larger repair now that the component is not broken."

I imagine our script writer would be able to word it better myself. (I propose HamsterV for this.)

Yes emphasis on ship build is needed, making sure the Captain tutorial explains what guns are for disable power and what guns are for killing power, what guns need range and what guns need to be close.

Could you link Trello for us please, perhaps set up a Trello for us to use and link that?

Etiquette and communications yes this should be a thing, including an explanation, the guy who is saying "Don't take a Galleon" is not being an arse but doing so to help get the best result.

As for the point on Galleons, that's why I advise we only use Junker, Pyramidion and Goldfish, the people who watch the tutorials will almost certainly use the same ships featured in the tutorials.

So let's start getting organised and making this happen.
If there are no objections to using Trello, Schwalbe will you set it up for us to get started?

HamsterV will you be able to get started on the scripts?

I shall e-mail Eric (Muse) and direct him to this thread asking about muse POV on this idea and what help they can offer. (Official site links etc)

KitKatKitty, could you work with HamsterV on the scripts? I imagine he'll use googledocs or a wiki (like Omni suggested) for the drafts so you can both work together on it?

Nanoduckling, You're the only person I noticed offering help for video editing, do you include recording from spectator in that service?
If not, we will still need someone who has a computer able to record the match and use the spectator mode to show the crew in action..

So volunteers it's time to step up and let's make this a real thing. :)

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: The Community Video Tutorial Project
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2015, 08:57:44 am »
Board created. I'll add MrDisaster, but I'm going to need any way to add you - mail address or nick on trello (not sure bout the latter).

I'll read the rest of the post later, waiting for a game in lobby.

Offline Kamoba

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    • Robin and Magpie Leather
Re: The Community Video Tutorial Project
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2015, 09:04:22 am »
Board created. I'll add MrDisaster, but I'm going to need any way to add you - mail address or nick on trello (not sure bout the latter).

I'll read the rest of the post later, waiting for a game in lobby.

Nickname - Kamoba, I just signed up. - for those who want to sign up and get involved, sign up and throw Scwalbe your nicknames! :)

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: The Community Video Tutorial Project
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2015, 09:50:28 am »

So I suggest the script and commentator explain the basics while showing the operational crew.
For example: "Here is our main engineer Schwalbe, as you can see the junker has taken heavy damage and they have lost their armour, this has made the hull turn red, so he switched to his spanner and is rebuilding with his spanner as this is the fastest way. The armour is repaired and he has switched back to his mallet for the larger repair now that the component is not broken."

Worth considering. But we should not exaggerate with documentarism - if I wanted to watch nature film, I wouldn't play a game. :P
Use it as some shorts - definitely.

Etiquette and communications yes this should be a thing, including an explanation, the guy who is saying "Don't take a Galleon" is not being an arse but doing so to help get the best result.

We can generally make an episode about types of players you can find in lobbies. Might go as well as an episode about game slang dictionary.

As for the point on Galleons, that's why I advise we only use Junker, Pyramidion and Goldfish, the people who watch the tutorials will almost certainly use the same ships featured in the tutorials.

But somebody MUST say, that those ships are blocked in novice matches for a reason - and explain the reason.
I have an idea. Start every introduction to a ship with a small tour around it, showing what is where. ^^
As for the idea in previous paragraph - we can use those stereotypical types of players in some moments. You know - some of us would record our real selves playing some role. (@Disaster would be a perfect deep-russian noob, I guarantee it, we'd only need some russian dubbing)

I shall e-mail Eric (Muse) and direct him to this thread asking about muse POV on this idea and what help they can offer. (Official site links etc)

So far I sent them link to this thread, but without explanation. I guess they'll figure it out themselves. :P

I imagine he'll use googledocs or a wiki (like Omni suggested) for the drafts so you can both work together on it?

By the way, how the hell there is no GOIO wiki yet??

Nanoduckling, You're the only person I noticed offering help for video editing, do you include recording from spectator in that service?
If not, we will still need someone who has a computer able to record the match and use the spectator mode to show the crew in action..

This is a moment when we should stop and think.
About what?
Actually - we will need some sort of BIG digital storage for our video materials, so we can put our scraps of videos there in respective folders, among sort of other files (we'll have to figure some order of it), so the nanoduckling will only have to download files from there to work on. I'd suggest putting script/scenario/images/whatever there as well.

Send me your Trello nicknames, so I can add you, and we'll not spam around here.

Offline nanoduckling

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Re: The Community Video Tutorial Project
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2015, 10:36:31 am »
Cool, I'm in, will have to see how much time I can spare, but I will contribute something.

Just signed up for Trello, username is same as here, nanoduckling.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: The Community Video Tutorial Project
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2015, 10:41:19 am »
Send me your Trello nicknames, so I can add you, and we'll not spam around here.

I actually meant sent me those nicknames PM.
Just to remind.
Btw, nano, confirm your account please. (cause I guess that the unconfirmed one was yours).

Offline nanoduckling

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Re: The Community Video Tutorial Project
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2015, 10:48:50 am »
Hrm, well if I'm the only person who has non-linear video editing experience then I guess I will have to do. That is a pretty big task though, I probably wont have time to do that and the recordings. It is best we make the task of editing technical rather than artistic if I'm going to do it (so implementing someone elses story boards, etc.), I'm not much of an artist.

That said the folks from Dagz have done some great work putting together videos for their channel, for example:

I will try and grab Mos (Il Mostro) next time he is online I think he does a fair bit of their editing and will produce much more professional looking stuff than an amateur like myself screwing around in Cinelarra or OpenShot, if he is willing maybe we can find some way to split the workload.

I suggest we start small and dignified with a simple but achievable topic. There have been lots of great ideas here, but we are going to run into issues here, especially with our first video. We've had lots of great ideas, but I'm thinking something like a basic 3 minute engineering tutorial going through each of the tools with suitable side-by-sides for common noob mistakes.

So we grab ourselves a junker, introduce our main engineer, do heavy damage to the hull then repair it, then side-by-side each tool repairing with a clock showing which one is faster. Then similar things with the other tools.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: The Community Video Tutorial Project
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2015, 11:00:17 am »
I suggest we start small and dignified with a simple but achievable topic. There have been lots of great ideas here, but we are going to run into issues here, especially with our first video. We've had lots of great ideas, but I'm thinking something like a basic 3 minute engineering tutorial going through each of the tools with suitable side-by-sides for common noob mistakes.

Sounds reasonable. If somebody have more experience with graphics we might do some neat graphic presentation of each tool, you know - kind of briefing, introduction, and then show the practice.

So we grab ourselves a junker, introduce our main engineer, do heavy damage to the hull then repair it, then side-by-side each tool repairing with a clock showing which one is faster. Then similar things with the other tools.

I agree.

When you'll get to our board - add a new card, and copy paste the description into it. You can a checklist over ther - the whole interface is based on clicking or draging things, and is very easy to learn.
By the way, I guess you can add friends by yourself.

EDIT: Nice video. ^^ Simplistic yet powerful. I like.

By the way, if we need some music, I can ask a friend from my faculty to record something for us.
Example of his composing skills from my first game I developed.

However I doubt we'll need his help though. Still better to mention.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 11:04:39 am by Schwalbe »

Offline Kamoba

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    • Robin and Magpie Leather
Re: The Community Video Tutorial Project
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2015, 11:13:26 am »
Free to use YouTube music is easy to come by, just as long as we remember to credit the artist in the description (sometimes link their site) :)

The Dagz would be a great bunch to get involved in this, still trying to think of ways we can simplify the recording of everything, it may he worth our while to ask the regular streamers their input also, so I'll work on networking their to make sure we don't overload the project before it starts which means we have the simple start up project (rebuild times and tools) :)

So project number one: "Engineering 101: Tools and importance of rebuild times." ?

P.s. I could try to edit videos but only really play with MovieMaker which means I'm limited on effects..
« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 11:19:58 am by Kamoba »

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: The Community Video Tutorial Project
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2015, 11:32:00 am »
As for the recording software.

Action is pretty good - have plenty of options and doesn't slow computer as Fraps does. The only thing is, it record videos in a format that YT refuses to process, and each clip uses some wicked fuckload of HDD space.

Btw. If you haven't noticed yet.

There is some of my shitty ideas, and a sort of an example how this look like, in humble beginnings.

Edit: I really encourage you to add cards yourselves.
I might be a bit hasty, sorry, I'm oversensitive today.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 11:42:18 am by Schwalbe »

Offline nanoduckling

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Re: The Community Video Tutorial Project
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2015, 01:34:02 pm »
So I think there are probably a few generic resources we might need for any video we produce.

The first is a very short (<5 sec, probably ~3 sec) introduction. I'm thinking a simple and short ostinato (I can probably write this if it is this short) for the music with rapid cuts to ships exploding (pretty similar to the video I posted earlier from the Dagz) and a fade in logo. You do not want me making the logo, I just had to make one for a project I'm working on and yeah, just trust me you don't want me doing it. We should mix over the introductory spoken audio with the end of the ostinato (I will make the close simple so it doesn't distract), people have short attention spans. The intention is to let people know they are watching one of our videos, and not something random youtube has thrown up. We can fade in the topic of the video with the logo.

For the close we will need some credits and some outro music (again we want this short, maybe 10 sec). I'm thinking something simple like a black screen with the usernamees / names of the folks involved in white and some music playing. ExtraCreditz have a nice approach to outros where they feature an artist which might be good for us to emulate. We're trying to attract folks to the game who are motivated to learn to play, something tells me there is an overlap between that group and music geeks / musicians / composers. I'm sure the Bards know a few folks who would be keen to have their music showcased. I really liked the piece Schwalbe posted so if their friend is interested maybe we make something by that artist our first closing piece. If we need incidental music perhaps these folks might be willing to help us out (writing one simple bit for the intro I can do, anything longer we will need someone capable).

I think we can increase the clans support for these things is we include in the credits logos and links to the websites of the relevant clan pages. So we will need to pool the clan logos and websites.

We will need a common font that we use for all our text. Should probably be something which suggests steampunk but is easy to read. Will also need to be one with a suitable license. I'm not a font guy.

We are likely to need a generic bank of sounds and short music sections. We want to keep these in some common location so that putting together future videos is easier. A few of these we can probably source from places like

With this in mind I've created a card under to-do titled 'Generic Art Resources'. As has been previously mentioned we are going to need a fair old bit on online storage for all this stuff. Does anyone have any ideas as to how we might best proceed on that front?

Offline Dementio

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Re: The Community Video Tutorial Project
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2015, 01:41:28 pm »
I shall e-mail Eric (Muse) and direct him to this thread asking about muse POV on this idea and what help they can offer. (Official site links etc)

So far I sent them link to this thread, but without explanation. I guess they'll figure it out themselves. :P
Don't ever assume somebody is able to figure something out, ever, no matter the topic. When you are holding an actual conversation it is easier to guess what the other person means, but start assuming that the other end simply figures out everything and you lose. I do believe Muse has nothing against the idea of the community trying to help the community, but what does it matter to them as long as you don't need anything from them? Another question is if Muse is even capable of keeping track of a thread, do you want to assume?
Also, I find that all necessary is online already and you just have to look for it and you could assume newer people would just look at it, but still nobody has any idea of anything...

I imagine he'll use googledocs or a wiki (like Omni suggested) for the drafts so you can both work together on it?

By the way, how the hell there is no GOIO wiki yet??
There actually is a GoIO wiki which was outdated until recently when Extirminator started to improve upon it, at least context-wise:

Nanoduckling, You're the only person I noticed offering help for video editing, do you include recording from spectator in that service?
If not, we will still need someone who has a computer able to record the match and use the spectator mode to show the crew in action..

This is a moment when we should stop and think.
About what?
Actually - we will need some sort of BIG digital storage for our video materials, so we can put our scraps of videos there in respective folders, among sort of other files (we'll have to figure some order of it), so the nanoduckling will only have to download files from there to work on. I'd suggest putting script/scenario/images/whatever there as well.

Send me your Trello nicknames, so I can add you, and we'll not spam around here.
I am not trying to tell you how exactly to do your organisational work, but an idea would be using youtube as video storage. Just create a new account that everybody can use and upload every video as an unlisted one and put them in playlists that have the name of the tutorial that you want to create. So you have like one video for each gun in the game in the playlist "How to shoot 'n stuff" and whoever edits these can download them from there or through some other way. Downloading wouldn't also be necessary and it could still be watched.
Additional use of Google Docs or whatever you use can provide extra information.

You should also use some Guides as basic for your tutorials, for example this one that Wundsalz made for gunnery:

Also, if you desperately need somebody to record I could help you out with that, but otherwise I wish you good luck for your journey!

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: The Community Video Tutorial Project
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2015, 01:48:58 pm »
To be honest Daniel, I have something close to normal net connection since september. Normal - I mean not restricted by data transfer. So I'm not very experienced with using YouTube and stuff. Thanks for advice. :)

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: The Community Video Tutorial Project
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2015, 03:21:18 pm »
I wrote a Script. I hope you like it:

*Start with spectator view of the Metamididon with the camera slowly circling from a distance*
Narrator: Welcome to the Metamididon, one of the most common ships in Guns of Icarus. Lets see what makes it so special.
*Camera zooms into the starboard front Gatling gun*
Narrator: It has a Gatling gun to strip hull armor
*Camera sweeps over to the Mortar*
Narrator: and a Mortar to deliver the killing blow.
*Camera zooms out a but and views the side guns*
Narrator: The side guns are less important. here we have a flame thrower and a flare gun.
*Fade to Black*

*Cut to view from the helm*
Narrator: Each Crew member on this ship has a specific job. They are:
*looks at main deck engineer*
Narrator: the Main Engineer, *Main Engineer says hello and jumps up and down*
*looks at Gunner*
Narrator: the Gunner *Gunner says hello and jumps up and down*
*looks at Gungineer*
Narrator: Gunginner *Gunginner says hello and jumps up and down*
*looks at the helm*
Narrator: and most importantly the pilot. That's me.
*Fade to Black*

*Cut to POV of Main Engineer.*
Narrator: The Main Engineer should carry a Mallet, a Spanner and Chem spray. Ammo should be what ever works best with the side guns. Here we have burst which makes the flamethrower envelop more components.
*Player pulls out each tool as it is announced and runs to the flamethrower and gives a target drone dome burst ammo flame when the narrator gets to that part.*
Narrator: The Main Engineer is responsible for the hull and engines
*Player runs mallet circuit of hull and engines*
Narrator: Notice the middle engine can be reached from the bottom.
*Fade to Black*

*Cut to POV of the Gunner standing at the bottom deck*
Narrator: The Gunner's position is on the Gatling gun on the starboard side of the catwalk.
*Player runs up the ladder and gets in position.*
Narrator: The Gunner should carry a Pipe Wrench, Greased ammo, Lesmok ammo, and Incendiary Ammo.
*Player swings pipe wrench and cycles through the ammo*
*Cut to*

*Still on gunner POV now looking at two target drones, one at close range and one at longer range*
Narrator: Greased ammo has the highest DPS on the Gatling gun
*Player shoots at a close target drone*
Narrator: However it reduced the range of the gun
*Player Shoots unsuccessfully at a gun drone out of range*
Narrator: Lesmok increases range at the cost of DPS
*Player Swaps to Lesmok and hits out of range drone*
*Gun takes damage from off screen source*
Narrator: Remember your gun will turn and reload slower if it is damaged, Fix it between reloads.
*Player fixes gun during reload*
*Cut to*

*Still on gunner POV but with the Gun on Fire*
Narrator: Since you don't have a fire tool you will need to ask for help if your gun catches fire.
Gunner: "Gun is on fire, A little help please"
*Gun gets put out by engineer*
Narrator: Remember the engineer can not extinguish your gun if it is on repair cool down from your pipe wrench
*Gun Catches fire and gunner spam hits it with the wrench*
*Engineer sprays the gun on cool down to no effect*
Engineer: Stop That
*Gunner stops the wrench spam*
*Engineer puts out the fire at the end of the cool down*
*Fade to Black*

*Cut to POV of the Gungineer standing at the bottom deck*
Narrator: The Gungineer's or Secondary Enginner's position is on the Mortar by the balloon repair point.
*Gunginner runs to position*
Narrator: The Gunginner should carry a Mallet, Spanner, Fire Extinguisher, and Lesmok ammo.
*Gunginner shows each tool in order*
Narrator: The Gungineer is responsible for fixing all the items on the catwalk and shooting the mortar.
*Gunginner mallets a damaged balloon and main gun then puts out a fire on the gat*
*Fade To Black*

*Still on Gunginneer POV, with two target drones in view*
Narrator: The morter has significant shot drop.
*Gungineer fires with the cross hair on aimed at the target drone then tracks the shot as it goes low*
Narrator: Compensate for this by aiming high
*Gungineer aims high and hits the target*
Lesmok ammo helps reduce shot drop
*Gungineer loads lesmok and empties the clip on the target*
Narrator: Morters deal explosive damage which is ineffective against armored targets
*Gungineer empties another clip on the target while reloading Gateling gun strips the armor*
Gunner: Stripped!
*Gunginner finishes off target*
Narrator: The best way to use the mortar is to hold fire until the Gatling strips the armor
*Gunner fires on other target drone with Gat, Gungineer hovers mortar crosshair on target*
*On Hull Strip*
Gunner: Stripped!
*Gunginner starts shooting when the hull armor drops*
*Target drone explodes*
*Fade to Black*

*Cut To POV of captain standing on the bottom deck*
Narrator: The captain is responsible for steering the ship, dictating crew positions, calling targets, and keeping the crew motivated. A microphone is neccisary for this position.
Captain: Welcome aboard the *Ship Name*. *Player Name* you are main deck, *Player name* is on the top deck Gatling gun, *Player Name* is on the Mortar by the balloon.
*Crew runs to position, captain runs to helm and once there checks that the players are in position.*
Narrator: The Captain should carry Phoenix claw, kerosine, and impact bumpers
*Captain cycles through items*
Narrator: There is no need for the captain to carry a spyglass since the rest of the crew will bring it.
*Captain looks over at main deck engineer who has pulled out his spyglass and is looking into the distance.
*Cut To*

*Still on captain POV*
Narrator: Phoenix Claw will increase the pyramidion's turn rate and damage engines while it is active
*Captain turns ship without Phoenix claw, then turns it on to demonstrate the change in turn rate*
*Captain turns off claw and stabilizes ship*
Narrator: Kerosine will increase the ships speed while also damaging the engines.
*Captain goes full throttle with kerosine*
Narrator: Impact bumpers will reduce collision damage and is recommended for new pilots who tend to crash into things.
*Captain activates impact bumpers as the ship runs into something*
Narrator: It is a good idea to let the main engineer know when you are using Phoenix Claw or Kerosine to they can respond to the engine damage.
*Captain looks back at main deck, Main Engineer is standing by the hull point with his spyglass out*
Captain: Burning engines
*Captain activates kerosine, Main Engineer puts away spy glass and goes to fix engines*
*Fade to Black*

*Load an actual game from Captain POV*
Narrator: Communication is vital for both captain and crew. The captain should keep tabs on newer crew members to ensure they are playing at their best.
Captain: Get to your positions and keep your eyes pealed for hostiles.
*Captain looks up and sees Gunner and Gunginner are at wrong guns*
Captain: *Player name* and Player Name* swap positions I need the engineer on the gun closest to the balloon.
*Observes player movements*
*Cut to*

*Captain checks Map and notices ally is moving off*
Captain: Burning engines to catch ally
*Captain looks back to see main engineer on stairs fixing the middle engine*
Captain: *Player Name* you can fix the middle engine from the bottom deck, stand under it and look up.
*Captain watches engineer fix engines properly*
*Cut to*

*Captain looking ahead while navigating map*
Any Crew: Two contacts North by North West *or actual direction of contact* Marked.
*Captain POV turns to see marked ships*
Captain: Good eyes, front guns stand ready, target is *enemy ship name*
*Cut to*

*Enemy Ships pull into range and both the gat and mortar start shooting*
Captain: *Gungineer Name* Hold fire until we see red hits, mortars are useless against armored targets.
*A lot of gat fire is hitting enemy balloon*
Captain: *Gunner Name* aim for the hull, the Gatling gun is not effective against the balloon.
*Cut to*

*Captain moves to point blank with enemy ship and turns his ship to the right far enough for trifecta*
Captain: *Main Engineer Name* we have trifecta get to the flamer.
*Flames start hitting the target*
*stay on scene until kill is made*
Captain: Good work crew
*Fade to Black*

*Fade into spectator view of a metamidion going after a spire camera is behind spire and to the side to get a view of the metamidion coming in*
Narrator: This concludes the Intro to the Metamidion.
*Spire explodes, Pyra flies through wreckage and then through the camera*
Narrator: See you in the Skies.
*Fade to Black*
*Roll credits*

Feel free to edit it for content and ease of production.