35. Generator with flywheel power storage, connected to the ship's engines to provide power.
36. AC/Voltage converter which steps down power levels
37. Electrical outlet bank with several different outlet types.
38. Power strips. (Not power strippers... o_o)
39. ALL THE THINGS NEEDED TO PERFORM THE RETHBURN SUMMONING RITUAL TO SUMMON THE RETHBURN, (i.e ceremonial candles, paintbrush, matches, paint, a disposable slashfiction to use in the ritual, the texts of summoning, et cetera.)
40. an iPod loaded with jazz, easy listening music, and mood-setting music, along with a stereo system/iPod charging dock, to set the tone.
41. Rose petals. So many rose petals.
42. The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. (Now to find the question.)
43. Mood lighting.
44. Creative liberty.
45. My sanity.