Why base the ships in roles? Well i see what you mean, but there is no real defenitive role.
Spire support?
IT needs support.
The spire change makes the ship more equal versus another ship. Basicaly, any ship with 2 guns was as strong against the spire as the spire was with 4 guns versus him back. Now it makes it so that the spire can survive or atleast deliver the 4 guns before the spire dies by a greater ammount. Meaning, you cant exactly outgun a spire as easily. Because, it is allready and physicaly should be outgunning the other. The spire is allready a big ship too. But thats just health.
The spires Speed however, as much as i love it. Kinda feel like would be too strong. Maybe... The top speed is what im concerned for. The acceleration i always wanted to be very high, like 5-6. 4.5 is actualy pretty high if the top speed is also going up, but the top speed makes it get up close a bit too hasty. Still the spire is a very killable ship, you really dont have to anticipate for the armor to go down, it just does. Currently, its health forgives what the spire does and its size.
The pyra, yeah the accel nerf is a weird one. Its -0.25 doesnt exactly fit with the pyra. It is always better when a pyra ambushes. So really, it should keep its accell. But for being such an easy to manage, easy to take care of ship. I agree with its 600 health. Seriously that thing will still hold up because it is easy to manage.