Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me introduce myself , your devoted crew Sigismond Galwyn.
This is my humble appliance for your great Gentlemen circle. Your distinguished prowess in the sky have impressed me to the higher point and I take my gentleman hat off to you.
I am still quite new in the job of crewing in the sky. I like being second engineer , as I think it's useful to have all the repairing and rebuilding tools while having still some free time for shooting ennemies.
Also I am a non-native speaker in english ,so please be indulgent if I don't understand perfectly what you told me as quickly as you would have wished. But don't worry , I do be able to speak and listening english, even if there are still some obscure technical jargon about flying ships i do not know yet

So, after having set out that , I would be very happy if you still want me to join your honourable Gentlemen Circle.
Yours Faithfully,
Sigismond Galwyn