No geo, stop insisting that 'just rescaling balloon health and dmg-> ez fix'. It is a fix but one that has extreme consequences to many other aspects of the game. Suddenly balloon tools are not as punishing to use since dps/rps ratio is greatly reduced. Likewise, carronade is weaker since the balloon can survive a clip with a well timed mallet wack (it already can, assuming unbuffed carro). Faster balloon rebuilds negate the need for crew loadout adjustments and simultaneously change the dynamics of many other guns. If the 'simple' change of changing balloon health and damage values the gameplay shifts dramatically.
OT, I'd change the raw damage numbers so that each unbuffed heavy shot aimed against balloon drains exactly 51% of its' maximum health. Carronade still wins on the long run, as it should. This way though people would have a longer reaction time before the first pop, and after the first pop you have a larger time window during which to seek a chance to escape or retaliate.
"balloon tools are not as punishing to use since dps/rps ratio is greatly reduced."IMHO balloon tools are currently more punishing to use than they should be (see the many threads people have made about this in the past) So yes, this is a good thing. If this is an issue guess what - this shit can be rebalanced to the same state by maintaining the current damage done by pilot tools, it would require more immediate engineer attention but guess what - that's also a good thing because it encourages pilot engineer communication.
"Likewise, carronade is weaker since the balloon can survive a clip with a well timed mallet wack"Duh, that's the fkn point.
"(it already can, assuming unbuffed carro)."Oh, well what the fk was your point then?
"Faster balloon rebuilds negate the need for crew loadout adjustments."Duh, that's the fkn point.
"..simultaneously change the dynamics of many other guns."This would not affect any of the other guns because
ALL the balloon modifiers for damage types would be scaled proportionately. For example, An artemis shot to the balloon would deal the same % damage as it does currently.
"gameplay shifts dramatically."Duh, that's the fkn point - More exotic ships are nolonger insta countered by anything with a carronade - We would likely see more mobulas in close range maps like Paritan for example.
"people would have a longer reaction time before the first pop"
This is bad, carronade is a disable weapon - disable should have immediate effect to negate kill oriented load-outs;
my change keeps this immediate effect disable philosophy while only changing the prolonged survivability aspect.
I'm insisting even harder.