Author Topic: "Top" crew members  (Read 50191 times)

Offline Schwalbe

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"Top" crew members
« on: November 12, 2014, 02:04:37 pm »
OK, sooo there is a topic about top pilots - so I thought we could sit and say some words about crew members, or crews in general, with which it was real fun to play with.

Here's mine:

- Mr.Disaster and his bro alkomaster: I know these guys in real life, we altogether make quite a decent team, and we are something that noob-captains should be very, very afraid of. I mean - our captains. The amount of sarcasm is usually quite unbearable for its target.

- Barlundir: I flown with him about three matches and it was so freaking hilarious (singing along via voice chat "I don't want to set the world on fire" while frying the hell outta enemy ship with flamers).

- LeonXross - this guy is insane captain. He talks a lot, he's funny (imho), and his laughter while playing his freaking full-banshee mobula for the first time, occuring at every salvo... quite creepy. BUT IT WAS SO DAMN FUN. He tends to shout at people, but only when they act retarded, so it's justified.

- Dovah Quinn, rkkboy, Serg Balin: "The noobs not this ship deserves, but noobs this ship needs". I played with them my second or third match I played as pilot, this was their SECOND MATCH in the game, and they were pulled together way better than most of more experienced players I ever met. This guys have my huge respect and it is pity, they - for whatever reason - stopped playing the same time. That's really a pity. Shortly after the reign of my ship Nastiez, spreading terror among new players ended.

- RolandTelcontar: Well, he is skilled player from my country, usually calm and steady. ^^

How about you, lads and ladies? Who are the players you keep in yer kind memories?

Offline Frogger

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Re: "Top" crew members
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2014, 03:38:29 pm »
I'll list three of my long-term Mandarin/Duck crewmembers who are particularly near and dear to me.

In no particular order:

Gorath: A Pastafarian, Gorath was a member of the team that posed the biggest non-Duck competitive threat to the Paddling during the days of Cogs Season 1. He was renowned for his mortar gunnery, a skill which was put to great use when he came to top deck for me on the Dancing Feather during the Mandarin days. Though the Pastafarians bowed out of Icarus competitive after Cogs Season 2, I had the good fortune to randomly pub with Gorath sometime in late January/early February of this year, and was immediately blown away by his skill on any number of weapons. At the time, I was in need of substitutes for front and top deck on the Feather, and so after a few Box Socials together he became my regular top decker, providing me with many a clinch, nearly impossible long-range mortar kill which neatly tied up what would have otherwise been very difficult situations due to overaggression/poor positioning on my part. A true beast of a crewmember in all respects.

Favorite Gorath moments:

The camera angle really doesn't do it justice here, but this kill was made going full throttle, adjusting altitude at almost 300m from target, a slim Junker hull. A great kill, especially with the respawned galleon looming ominously in the distance:

Another great kill that helped make up for a really messy game on my part. The CsRy pyramidion was going full backpedal, in the clouds, adjusting altitude, close to mortar max eff. A real relief of a kill, given the sloppiness on my end.

Lueosi had me by the balls here, but Sammy softened him up a bit and I managed to turn the tables. A great almost-finisher by Gorath - not quite a kill, but pretty damn good considering the relative speed and distance of the two ships:

Illmatar: For me, the original Hades master. Illmatar is a man of few words but of numerous long-range, highly accurate magma blasts. I first encountered Illmatar as a new duck just a couple weeks before the RAFT's Paddling game in late August of 2013, and was immediately impressed by his ability on the gatling. He ended up becoming my regular bottom deck, and was unfailingly available for practices and games. Both his skill and commitment were instrumental to the running of the Feather, and his amazing Hades gunnery allowed for truly nutso kills at ranges where it just shouldn't have been possible. The silent destroyer.

Some of my favorite Illmatar moments:

In a Gents game, managed to land almost two full clips of hades on the Gent Mobula at around 1300m, giving us a key long-range kill to take the Bo3:

Vs. SAC, Illmatar managed to drop the hull of a respawned junker, giving us a shockingly fast one-clip kill and probably saving the Quackbar from a death due to a mistimed engagement:

Another vs SAC. It's not readily obvious, but Illmatar was actually trick-shooting through a tiny crack in the vertical debris of Paritan here:

N-Sunderland: My Icarus brother from another mother. Sundie and I spent countless hours strategizing together on how to tackle the Paddling and a myriad of other competitive challenges. Renowned as one of Icarus' top engineers, he was also a brutal gunner, excelling on a variety of weapons, both heavy and light. I first saw N-Sunderland in some Let's Plays of Dr. Spaceman's flakfish, and had the good fortune to encounter him in some random games shortly after I started Icarus back in November of 2012. We became good buddies and regular shipmates, and it was to my great surprise and satisfaction that Sunderland was one of the RAFT crewmembers I had on my ship after I was selected as captain for the RAFT following a long, 6-month absence from the game. It was Sunderland's ability with the mercury that allowed us to snipe out the Lucky Duck's lumberjack during our "snipe rush" approaches vs. the Paddling, and along with Illmatar he formed half of the Hades gunnery team which gave the Mandarins the ability to get the fast mid-range kills upon which our strategy so depended. While I think his true passion for the game died out sometime in November of 2013, after the RAFT disbanded and the Mandarins coalesced, he stuck around long enough to give the Mandarins the edge they needed to pull through and win the Sky League.

Some of my favorite Sunderland moments:

Popping out the Lucky Duck's LJ with some highly accurate merc fire under full kerosene:

In tandem with Illmatar, a grab-bag of nasty double art-hades quasi-insta-kills:

Honorable mention: Echo! Echo was only around for a few of the Mandarins' matches at the end of the Sky League, but he proved absolutely invaluable as my front decker. A great communicator and a crack shot with the Artemis, his previous experience as a competitive captain allowed him to give me just the right amount of spotting/positioning information at the right times. Two of my favorite Echo moments: first, during the Mandarins-GwTh Sky League game, he promptly alerted me to an extremely well-executed Fiasco Total hydrogen ambush, allowing me to duck under Fiasco's balloon-damaged pyra and come up on its stern at medium range with hades-art; and second, his uncanny ability to keep mental track of which components were active on enemy ships, allowing him to properly isolate and disable a key turning engine on an enemy CsRy pyramidion during the last game of the Sky League finals, permitting us to make a tidy flank completely unmolested and secure the Bo5 victory.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2014, 03:51:06 pm by Frogger »

Offline Replaceable

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Re: "Top" crew members
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2014, 05:20:16 pm »
Not anywhere near as in depth as Froggers post. But,

The best Engineering team of all time:

Tyberius and B'elanna.

These have managed to keep the ship alive when no-one else thought possible.
It's gotten to the point where Tyb and B'elanna= Invincibility buff.
(It just means we can only blame melon if things go south.)

But they are so in sync with each other. They don't need to speak and they never go to the same component unless they need to..

Best moments have to be any moment in Thralls-Cake in RnD Invitationals.
Or running away from Sacrilege in Hephaestus.

But there are so many more. Lots that you don't notice because they are so gosh dang good.

Offline Spud Nick

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Re: "Top" crew members
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2014, 01:31:02 am »







Madi Lee




I will post more when I can remember more names.

Offline Spud Nick

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Re: "Top" crew members
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2014, 07:44:48 am »








I think I'm still missing a few...

Offline KitKatKitty

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Re: "Top" crew members
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2014, 12:56:10 pm »
YAY! CREW gets some attention!

Allison!!! <3 her! Quiet yet always doing what needs to be done before anyone knows it needs to be done. One of the very few people I actually trust as main engi if it's not going to be me.

Bberry! I'm not sure anyone needs a reason why. It's Bberry!!!

My partner in crime, MacBernick! Always dependable regardless of what mood I'm in. I can be playing bad and he picks up the slack and makes me look good.

Even though I consider Richard LeMoon a pilot he is also one of the best crew ever. Can literally play any position from main engi, gungi or gunner with ease and precision.

Lydia and B'Elanna both amazing.

So many great crew members. 

Offline Indreams

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Re: "Top" crew members
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2014, 01:14:28 pm »
Elfonia. Suggested dual buff burst-round mortar pyramidion and executed it perfectly. Most fun I've had piloting a pyramidion.

HamsterIV? I've never actually flew with him, but I've played a few matches that he was in. Seemed like a mostly friendly and helpful guy. Has great guides on the forum as well.

That one person I flew with yesterday with the name starting with 'a' (sorry, I can't spell your name). Sorry that I flew a long range spire on dual dawn. Kept the ship alive despite the horrible circumstances.

That one 10 year old who came straight from COD. Awful communicator and engineer. Sailor's tongue and sniper's eyes. He was sniping components with a gatling at maximum range.

Offline Kamoba

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    • Robin and Magpie Leather
Re: "Top" crew members
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2014, 01:36:30 pm »
Beee as a main engineer or buff gunner!
Silverst as anything he wants to do on the ship, I know he'll do it well! He also makes an awesome co-pilot and pug trainer. (pug as in pick up group, not the popular dog.)
Pitchipsy as a goldfish captain for the giggles!
Gorath I had the pleasure of Gorath as a main on my ship yesterday! Dude was main, side gun during three arc moments and training the two newbies (who turned off their novice at lvl 1 and 5) Gorath's patience was great!
LeonXcross During the full only hades mobula match! my ears hurt from the captain chat going non-stop! but the tower of stationary mobula's one ontop of the other all firing Hades at the enemy and blacking the skies cause three of the other 4 captains to surrender very fast!

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: "Top" crew members
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2014, 05:32:24 pm »
Basically everyone from my clan and friend list :P

Offline B'Elanna

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Re: "Top" crew members
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2014, 07:33:03 pm »
Lydia Litvyak : The kindest and strictest of them all. She does it right and she wants you to do it right. Don't make her tell you twice.

Inkjet : If something is not buffed and chem sprayed you're a huge disappointment. According to her calculations you even have 0.241 seconds to breathe before restarting the cycle, why are you still standing here?

James T. Kirk : The calmest person with a temper made of titanium. The father of the flame, first descendant of The Oven. Don't give him a squid, for the love of gods.

Melon McCrabernathy : Master of the Galleon, but gods forbid he has to arc a side-gun on a Pyramidion. One of the best and most fun pilots to fly with (Bonus: British voice pack 2.0 boarding school edition.)

TyberiusTheThird : Best co-engineer in the galaxy. He knows where I'm going before I know where I'm going. My competitive co-engineer by choice. Weather he's nice and patient, or the grumpiest piece of shit that comes in all shades of jerk is depending on what kind of person you are. (Bonus: fuck-you-melon voice pack.)

Replaceable : A buff-engineer supreme! When it comes  to prioritising buffing, cheming and shooting replacable is your cupcake! When you need to find him check in Replaceable's Cute Land of Candy and Cuteness first. (Bonus: cute-british-schoolboy voice pack)

Spud Nick : With almost 10000 Matches, the most humble pilot to come across. Always in a good mood, never tired of teaching new people, and never judging you for mistakes you made. Visit him in Spud's Kitchen! Every Wednesday!

Andika : My gunner of choice. She feeds her lions with your components, fear the almighty Andika and her adorable evil snickering whenever you see her name pop up with a bunch of your teams equipment attached to the damage chart.

Zander Broda : grumpy grump grump grump

FluffyHetsche : The best gunner Overwatch has to offer! Adorable yet deadly.

Jon Ardenoth : Is there anything his glorious chest hair won't solve? (Bonus: Australian voice pack!)

Tanya Phenole : Sweet as honey, but don't chem the hull and balloon every 20 seconds, and you are hanging on a thin thread, which she will cut, from 200 feet high, hovering over a pointy building. (Bonus: Russian accent voice pack!)

Dutch Vanya : King of the Mobula pillow fights! Never cross, always a good sport. A pleasure to have as a friend!

Dr. Panda : My dearest Panda, Bully Babe extraordinaire, fearsome Goldfish and Mobula pilot! Her voice can melt hearts, and drowned many a' sailor in the deep fogs of the Paritian Rumble, never to be heard of again.

-Mod- Josie : This adorable little Muse Goddess is a Cake we all know by heart. Endearing, patient. Keeps calm and mraus on. Home to Josie's laboratory of tea and science. (Bonus: Hermione voice pack)

C. Darwin : A sure shot with the Merc, an ambitious Spire pilot and a general badass. Do not question her. She has a grey beard which she grew over years of being an all-knowing white dude with thoughts 'nd stuff.

Miss Kitty Muffins : Mrau mrau mrau. Mrau mrau. Mrau. .mrau.

Madilee : A reliable engineer, a much more scary pilot! She will shred you to pieces while acting all cute and sorry. She is not sorry. She is going. To murder. Your ship. For points.

Grey Tea : Bonus: northern british voice pack. bugs: every 3rd word you just have to guess out of context. but that's fine, he'll take the piss out of you anyway. All his insults sound like endearing terms for small to medium sized animals.

Sandy Hawkins : Inventor of the Platform Birthday Mobula. My CA of choice. Summon by saying "G'day, mate! Go have a gander at that Sheela cook in' shrimp on the barbie!" and if you did it right he will appear saying "nooiiiccceee", as goes the Sandy Hawkins lore.
Gilder Unfettered : The moral defender of squids. Ever pounding on the gate of the muse gods, costing them their divine sleep, there is hardly a more challenging job than bearing his buff kit on a squid. It is said that if the wind is just right, and the sun barely strives over the cold mountains of the Northern Fjords, you can hear Gilder mrau the entire soundtrack of all the Star Wars.

oh and

« Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 04:50:33 pm by B'Elanna »

Offline Lydia Litvyak

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Re: "Top" crew members
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2014, 09:20:02 pm »
B'elanna: if things are breaking she'll panic and leave her post to help while going "fix it fix it fix it" and it's really cute

D.lo-res: is a robot

Offline Kamoba

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Re: "Top" crew members
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2014, 09:16:38 am »
Ohhh I forgot to add!!!

Watchmaker OP Engineering!!

Terrkas Great Engineering and amazing at training swabbies and powder monkeys into the basics of things. :)

IdaLs Despite her self concious nature at her abilities, she is a naturally good shot with mortar and understands the firing arc well! Friendly and asks for more stuff to do to help!

Bubbles! Great Co-pilot for when arranging flaking and ambushes! (but used a Hwacha Spire for it  :-X )

Offline Tanya Phenole

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Re: "Top" crew members
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2014, 10:12:25 am »
Tanya Phenole : Sweet as honey, but don't chem the hull and balloon every 20 seconds, and you are hanging on a thin thread, which she will cut, from 200 feet high, hovering over a pointy building. (Bonus: Russian accent voice pack!)

I am naturally absent-minded. Absent? Absinthe? Castaneda? Yeah, I can FEEL that enemy is there, what he is thinking of, and which tooth he will have aching in two days. Greet your spiritual ally

Offline FredTheFifth

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Re: "Top" crew members
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2014, 01:40:21 pm »
Mezhu- The only person that I would trust to solo engi on a mobula with buffkit

Deltajugg- The best heavy flak gunner I ever did see

GeoRmr- Best main engineer ever

Xemko- Greased hades at max range op.

Skrimshaw- Doesn't crew normally but if he does you can count on him giving advice you know you must follow

Offline Replaceable

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Re: "Top" crew members
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2014, 01:51:11 pm »
GeoRmr- Best main engineer ever
