Also I call a mantifish. A noob fish, because its a very very popular goldfish for noobs.
Same with the quad manti galleon. I call that noob galleon.
...So anything at all that uses the Hwacha is immediate noob. Yeah, on the Gally maybe pair it with an HC. But dualhwacha Gally has more disable power, is more forgiving, and can disable two ships at once.
And the Goldy: HC is mainly for anti-bloon, not disable. (Although it does a good job of that too). What else would you have a disable Goldy use? An HF?
More on topic: Toothpick'd
When you literally fly through a Spire, snapping them like a toothpick.
'Oh god my Armor/Hull!': When an enterprising Brawlbula trains four Gats on you.