Author Topic: Good ship for a new crew?  (Read 26184 times)

Offline Indreams

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Re: Good ship for a new crew?
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2014, 01:14:02 pm »
Ah, good old GeoRmr with his insistences on Gunner and Heatsink Ammo.

What he said is perfectly correct. Second buff engineer is not particularly useful on a pyramidion.

Especially for you, starting out with a new crew, its better to have one buff engi and two repair engis. It'll take two to keep the ship going until they figure out the rhyme and parkour of repairs.

Btw, it only takes four hits to buff the engines. Its worthwhile to tell your buff engi to check on the engines every once in a while. You don't know how smooth a pyramidion flies with engine buffs.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Good ship for a new crew?
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2014, 05:37:28 am »
So is everyone just getting the kiddies addicted to the ship crack that is the meta pyra?

Is it cool to have kids get addicted to ship crack? Because from here on out they'll just rely on this crack on a pinch and will be less open to other styles and tricks.

Offline Kouhei Sakurai

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Re: Good ship for a new crew?
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2014, 09:24:54 am »
So is everyone just getting the kiddies addicted to the ship crack that is the meta pyra?

Is it cool to have kids get addicted to ship crack? Because from here on out they'll just rely on this crack on a pinch and will be less open to other styles and tricks.

I actually prefer support ships, but I thought this would be a good way to let my friends remember the various damage types and how the armour/permahull system works.

Anyway... a progress report. So today I had a game with them, and indeed Metamidion was good at helping them learn a bit about damage types, hit markers, even a bit about gungineers. Got a bit too ambitious and tried a long range Spire instead. Let's just say we got ahead of ourselves. But at the very least we scored a kill somehow (though I kinda suspect we KSed our ally.) Oh, and I suck as a pilot.

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Good ship for a new crew?
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2014, 10:20:36 am »
As mentioned before, Carro/flamer Pyra is noob proof, but the Hwachafish is simple, fun and wrecks novice pubbers every time.  Gat on the left side, carro or flamer on the right.  Spam Hwacha, turn left, Hwacha loaded, turn right and unload it, repeat.  If a ship happens to pass by on the right side, your Hull engi gets to have a bit o' fun.  Meta Junker on one side, carro/flamer on the pther works well as a brawl junker, I find.  It's up to you, but good on ya for bringing in new members.

Offline Indreams

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Re: Good ship for a new crew?
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2014, 12:04:42 pm »
You won't need this, since you'll have a crew of communicable friends, but...

Aft Flame Galleon

You are the helmsmen, but your entire crew sucks. They are completely irresponsive, or just wearing yellow ponchos. You need to fly the ship on your own.

Take an Aft Flame Galleon. Be an engineer captain. Spanner-Mallet-Spray with lesmok and a piloting tool of your choice. Ignore the entire bottom deck. Chop it off if you can.

Drive the ship backwards, and solo the entire match. You got a flame and balloon right next to you. The hull and the port gun is right downstairs. If you ignore the entire bottom deck and the engines, the Galleon is a very compact ship.

Move your ship into position, backwards. Arm the flame with lesmok and deal with the enemies yourself. When you've spent your clip, tap your balloon with a mallet, get on the helm, reposition your ship, and get back on the gun.

When the hull is down, it's only a jump away; fix it. If you need something special, you got the port gun, put whatever you'd like on it. When your engines are down, hope to God that your incompetent crew can do something about it.

You have pretty much a slow, tanky squid that you can fly on your own. It's a terribly incompetent ship, but it'll perform better than your  awful crew (if you have them). And you'll have a heck of a time being a Rambo.

Offline Dutch Vanya

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Re: Good ship for a new crew?
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2014, 12:08:18 pm »
And the fact that this can work against inexperienced crews is why the flamethrower is stupid.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: Good ship for a new crew?
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2014, 12:58:28 pm »
Newbie captains taking a galleon is a pet peeve of mine. They never stop flying in circles and rarely put theirs ship in a position to be effective. Most of the time they can be ignored completely. Which means their ship and the 4 people on it are not playing the same game as the rest of us.

What is worse is they think they are doing good because they are never killed, instead of realizing they are dead weight to their team.

One game a galleon and its crew rage quit after we were down 4-0, yet I was able to win the game by parking my ship near the AI crewed galleon occasionally ramming it to orient its guns. So detrimental was the Newbie's piloting to the effectiveness of the ship that an all AI crew was able to out perform him.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2014, 01:00:39 pm by HamsterIV »

Offline DJ Logicalia

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Re: Good ship for a new crew?
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2014, 01:42:16 pm »
Newbie captains taking a galleon is a pet peeve of mine. They never stop flying in circles and rarely put theirs ship in a position to be effective. Most of the time they can be ignored completely. Which means their ship and the 4 people on it are not playing the same game as the rest of us.

What is worse is they think they are doing good because they are never killed, instead of realizing they are dead weight to their team.

One game a galleon and its crew rage quit after we were down 4-0, yet I was able to win the game by parking my ship near the AI crewed galleon occasionally ramming it to orient its guns. So detrimental was the Newbie's piloting to the effectiveness of the ship that an all AI crew was able to out perform him.

One time a while back, a friend and I were crewing on a noob galleon, and at one point we literally only repaired the right turning engine so we could get guns on the enemies. I'm not sure how many "this ship has no front guns" before they understand :P

Offline Omniraptor

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Re: Good ship for a new crew?
« Reply #23 on: December 08, 2014, 03:41:07 pm »
yeah, I also selectively buff turning engines to make the pilot go where I want sometimes :D

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Good ship for a new crew?
« Reply #24 on: December 08, 2014, 05:19:18 pm »
yeah, I also selectively buff turning engines to make the pilot go where I want sometimes :D

If they have more than 2 seconds experience though, they'll blow the fuck up with ECKSBAWKES HUEG RAEG.