On a whole I like how the latest patch has hidden player's level numbers in lobby, but I would like it to go further. I would like to do away numeric levels entirely. In its place we should have badges earned via achievements and displayed by player customization. These Badges can have a text title corresponding to the rank they earned like "Roustabout", "Artilerist", ect. Also community badges like "teacher", "Bounty hunter", "Bug Reporter" could be added into the mix for people who do special things outside the achievement system.
The player should be able to choose from all badges they have earned to display next to their name in lobby. Ideally these badges should be distinct with no way of telling which one is better. When a user mouses over a badge it should the title of the badge should appear "Roustabout" "Bounty Hunter" "Teacher" "Lunch break Victor". Also in the mid game tab screen the badge's name should appear next to the player.
Hopefully this system will allow veteran players to flash some bling without intimidating newer players into prematurely abandoning matches. It will also provide more incentive to play for the achievement hunters amongst us. Also I can go back to being a "Roustabout" and not worry about what people think about the number/title next to my name.