This is not a long thought out idea so
bear with me. I've been thinking again about the carronade and various proposed fixes that wouldn't start another tired conversation about the gun that is completely overpowered or underpowered based on the situation when I realized I may be looking at the wrong side of the equation. So I began thinkning about potential buffs to defense against carronades like armored balloons, increasing upward arcs of gats and mortars and so on. However this idea struck me earlier today and I wanted to get the community's thoughts.
The Question
What if damage to a downed balloon did not transfer to hull or had a reduced transfer to hull.
Now as I am sure you are all aware, when the balloon is downed all damage done to the hit marker of the balloon gets counted as a damage to the armor and hull. What if this didn't happen, either entirely or partially. Quick, to the conjecture corner!
The potentially good
1. Balloon popping would still be a useful zoning technique.
2. Balloon blocking would be a bit more awesome
3. Ships like the every ship other than pyramidion wouldn't be hard countered by the existence of a carronade in the match
The potentially bad
1. This could be a bit of a nerf to carronades and lumberjacks
2. But where does the damage go?
For me though when I am in combat and I lose my balloon, I'm not thinkning of the really crappy fact that I am now falling out of the fight and that my ally is all alone. Instead, I am focused on selfish fears, that I am now super vulnerable to gat mortars. Surely zoning in of itself should be a useful advantage. It already sucks to not have a working balloon on an airship, can't that be enough?
My proposal, and this may be a better idea for dev app testing, is try a few things
No damage transference
Reduces by X% damage transference
Different damage multipliers for shots hitting a downed balloon.