ok I want to make an apology for how confusing my post was.
Im sorry lydia, i just read it again and i can see how i am not really answering anything.
I am not a woman (just checked

) so I dont know what kind of harrassment you are going through.
however I found these topics in your statement:
1. the male part of the community is misoganists.
2. devs and mods not handling the problem.
3. the response to girl gamers in goio.
to the first topic I want to say this:
the people you talk about you call 14 year old misoganists might be true, i dont know. But I know this: these 14 year old trolls/misoganists is not what I like to call part of our community. This forum is the absolute elite of the community, the users here are people who invest time in the game, share ideas etc. We have a very little amount of verbal slander going on here. Now Im not denying that things are diffrent in the game and not saying that people outside of the forum cant be part of the community. However the trolls ingame the people that are harassing you, will never be respected as part of the community, words spread quickly and Im sure if we had a name calling list of trolls etc. everyone would be careful around these people.
this topic is in relevans to the first one.
before we go further with this I want to make some things clear about devs. There are community devs, and there are programming devs/art devs whatever you call it. the latter is working goio fulltime, programming etc. which is why we rarely see them on their dev accounts, I know they are using other accounts but that is not relevant. These dev do not have the time to deal with player to player problems. this is why we have keyvias and a group of interns, which often switch around. - these are the people that can deal with ingame problems.
however of those devs maybe 3 have the authority or ability to actually handle long term bans... This is a longer process where all reports, direct evidence etc. is taken into account. I can tell you this, its not an easy job for them.
under the devs we have the other interns and the moderators. me being part of both groups can say that it is very limited to what we can do. about 2 months ago we had a large group of ca´s without any ingame powers to enforce code of conduct, but we are currently getting more moderators to handle these situations. However giving a player this sort of power needs to be handled very carefully, you cannot give it to any ca without trust and experience.
But back to the topic. Us moderators are not kick/ban happy, not at all. We are very very careful about every situation and time after time these are the problems I find with ingame player relation problems:
one player is getting trolled, asks for help but has no evidence, or is willing to get it. -not much we can do without seeing what actually happened.
a player is calling a mod to deal with a troll, but is also himself being unreasonable or trolling the other player. -we usually tell both parts to stop, which they do more than often. all i can say here is dont argue back. A simple principal about internet trolling is "never argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience."
When we finally deal with these situations as mods we do a simple. warn, warn, kick, ban procedure. In extreme cases where an entire lobby is at it, we close the lobby. but my point here is simple, nothing is going to happen after we warn or kick. and the reason for that is simple, we can only report them so far, and you have to report them and send screens of what they wrote to back up your evidence. If you dont do these things the handling of the situation doesnt go further after a mod warns or bans. - you can ask Schwerbelastung how many troll players etc. he has talked into behaving better, or ask keyvias how a email written warning effects players to behave better and apologize. It does help if you help us report these players, WITHOUT shouting back at them and giving them reasons to report yourself.
the morg post is a joke.
guys are guys, girls are girls. It is natural for us to band together, because we have more common interests with our own sex than with the other sex. I´m sorry if it offended you, but it´s just a joke about making a group for "real men". We arent against any girls wanting to play with eachother, we just thought it was witty to comment on it and make a satiric joke about it. I cannot say anything than smile at it and start joking with some of us. I know you rydr people like to joke about me forexample.
anyways in the end here I want to say a last thing. Groups of people are usually reffered to as a single individual, like someone saying girl gamers suck, meaning every girl gamer as a whole. This hurts the any persons feelings about being an individual and not being seen as such. goes all ways.
your comment about: "I guess what I'm saying here is that I'm really disappointed. I like you guys, and I want to believe you're better than this." is what I see as such. maybe 99% of the people here on the forum would never harass you ingame, and although you are rightfully entitled to be disappointed in some people, that does not apply to everyone else. Don´t blame all male gamers for doing this, blame the asshole 14 year old misoganists. - its just not nice to be blamed for other peoples mistakes.