/remembers a time when mentioning removal of music (sonar) was received with nothing but negative responses from people here who practically made love to GOIO tunes.
/facepalm this community...again...
This, so much this....
why would some want drums gone? Its the only way for people to find eachother than circulating around canyon or paritian constantly.
THIS, so much THIS!!!
As much as many people may say that drums are killing the suspense, there's that one important reason of having those drums. Yes, many people indeed are not getting themselves into ambushes as easily, for they are aware the enemies are close, but the only reason those people can prepare an ambush in the first place is because they can find their enemies via drums. Even now it's really hard at times to find your enemy for first ten minutes of the match, running in circles from spawn to spawn with passages at the edge of the map, and all of that with drums included, because at some point one will hear the drums and take a detour. With the amount of hard cover on some maps, not to mention a crapload of clouds between them, how do you expect anyone to find one another on some maps?
I suggest organising a test tournament, with one of the rules being getting the music turned off for everyone, just for a test. I'm sure that clans that will join the tournament will show their high level of sportsmanship and just go with it fair and square. If it's going to work, if people will find a way to find eachother the same month they will start the match, sure, drums can be removed, as for what they are here. As it currently stands, I believe that more often than not it's not the amazing vision of your crewmembers with spyglasses that ever lets you see the enemies, it's the drums that help you be aware of their presence, and therefore finding them in a close proximity.