Author Topic: Music in Lobby  (Read 22555 times)

Offline RomanKar

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Music in Lobby
« on: July 15, 2014, 07:41:32 pm »
I believe it is against terms of use of this game to "spam" music through your mic.  Now, I know it seems a bit hypocritical for me, renown player of Jazz would bring this up, but deal with it.  I don't believe I spam, and if I do, I will alter what I do, I do not think I spam.

Anyway.  There is a certain clan whose stated purpose is to spread music throughout Guns of Icarus.  I have almost all of them blocked.  Does anyone else find it weird that a clan has a stated goal that is in contradiction to the terms of use agreement?

Offline OnlyMan.

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Re: Music in Lobby
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2014, 08:46:26 pm »
 I think music in game/lobby is fine, as long as no one has a problem with it. It provides a fun atmosphere that allows people to express their creativity, which I am all for, given that our community already shows an interest in the artistic by playing a game so artistic itself. However, the moment someone starts becoming annoyed and asks the person to stop, they should. Everyone is entitled to a fun game environment, as long as it does not interfere in the fun of someone else. I have talked to a couple members of the MUS (the clan that you were talking about) before, and they are group of genuinely good people. They never play anything offensive, and they are more than willing to compromise. I dont think we should be too harsh on people who dont do anything to hurt the game.

Offline CheeseAlmighty

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Re: Music in Lobby
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2014, 08:59:41 pm »
In my opinion, playing music in the lobbies is fine, as long as no one is getting a headache from it. Or you stop playing when asked to. That also applies to people making obnoxious voices(I still don't get the "fapping noises", some people...), but let's not drift away from topic.
Because it's always funny when someone pops in a elevator music there, mocking the the lobbies. It's nice to hear an old 80s song, at least a fragment of it(playing songs from beginning to end is usually obnoxious.). My spirits are high up when someone plays Flight of the Valkyries. Hell, even I play some harmonica for poops and giggles of it(playing the blues is not really known for that, but oh well, you get my point.)

But "spreading music in lobbies" doesn't really seems, umm, pleasant. I can feel a lot of headache coming out of that statement. But if you ask them to stop, surely they will. Right? Riiiiight? Because a lot of people seem to be skipping this protocol, being block-happy... I've seen people say, I blocked you and reported. Even quite high level players. Without a single warning, a single word. That doesn't seem right to me as well.

So what I'm saying is(god I rambled a lot again), with mutual understanding and communication, annoying cases of music would decrease, hopefully. But if we go ahead and block them, without a warning and go "I blocked you, meh meh." like a little child, we can't make progress on that front :3

Offline Spud Nick

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Re: Music in Lobby
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2014, 09:21:14 pm »
That is funny you have them all blocked. I have them added as friends so I can fallow them around.

Offline sparklerfish

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Re: Music in Lobby
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2014, 11:22:49 pm »
I have almost all of them blocked too.  If I wanted to listen to music in the lobbies, I would put on music.  It's important for people to be able to communicate during that time while setting up for the match.  I don't want to be subjected to someone else's music involuntarily.  They don't ask before they just start continuously playing music, disrupting communication and generally being annoying.

Apparently they also play it in-game, which is probably worse.

Offline Imagine

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Re: Music in Lobby
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2014, 11:55:26 pm »
If someone puts on music over mic, it's an auto-block for me. I find it highly obnoxious.

Offline Spud Nick

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Re: Music in Lobby
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2014, 12:39:28 am »
If someone puts on music over mic, it's an auto-block for me. I find it highly obnoxious.

Even if it's this song?

Offline GreyTea

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Re: Music in Lobby
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2014, 03:54:57 am »
I think when it comes to music in lobbies,

If it is not loud and obnoxious and people on the team do not complain then fine, but if you get complaints  that the music is drowning out people trying to talk then its an issue,

To be safe always make a party and say am going to be playing music if anyone wants to join.

That way people who like it can listen people who don't have the choice not to hear it and still keep you off the block list, that way everyone is happy,

As regards to the clan, same prinicipal as long as its in moderation and in party's i don't see a problem with them trying to spread music. but if it gets out of hand and you have asked them to stop and they are continuing drop in a report and ill have a word,


« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 03:56:54 am by Grey T »

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: Music in Lobby
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2014, 04:58:24 pm »
So long as they turn off the music when some one asks them over text chat I am fine with it. We spend so much time in lobbies I encourage anything to spice it up. Live music is preferred.

Offline sparklerfish

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Re: Music in Lobby
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2014, 06:23:22 pm »
If they would just ask first (so I would have a chance to say "no"  :P),  I wouldn't really mind so much.  However, it's pretty rude to just assume that everyone wants to be subjected to whatever you're listening to and go ahead and play it.  It's like those people on the subway who have music blaring through their phone speakers for all to hear.  :/

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Music in Lobby
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2014, 06:28:16 pm »
Shinryaku! Shinryaku! Shinryaku! Shinryaku! Shinryaku! Shinryaku! Shinryaku! Shinryaku! Shinryaku! Shinryaku! Shinryaku! Shinryaku! Shinryaku! :P

Offline Mean Machine

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Re: Music in Lobby
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2014, 05:51:51 am »
Not cool. It reminds me of my times in high school. I took a train to other city where my school was, everyday. And everyday there was at least one dude on the train that would start bumping music as loud as possible. It's just so wrong for thousand of reasons. It's very impolite and unpleasant. They just start bumping that music, who cares if 40 random people in that cabin likes it or not, right? WRONG. There are people tired going back from work, there are students studying, there are mothers with babies, there are people reading etc etc...
Seriously, why can't you wait for another 40 min to get home and then you can blast your ears off, for all i care.

Ok, anyway, similar thing is here. I don't like people just start playing music and pretending or asuming that everyone in lobby likes it or is fine by it. If i want to listen to music, I can listen to it myself, I can start up youtube or media player or radio or whatever.

I have those guys on block list too and a lot of others that makes unpleasant noises for no reason as well. I'm sorry, but I just don't want to bother with such people and block list is a great future and I'm glad I can use it. I hope there is no limit to how many people you can have on block  :P
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 05:55:02 am by Lyss »

Offline Spud Nick

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Re: Music in Lobby
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2014, 04:55:27 am »
Not cool. It reminds me of my times in high school. I took a train to other city where my school was, everyday. And everyday there was at least one dude on the train that would start bumping music as loud as possible. It's just so wrong for thousand of reasons. It's very impolite and unpleasant. They just start bumping that music, who cares if 40 random people in that cabin likes it or not, right? WRONG. There are people tired going back from work, there are students studying, there are mothers with babies, there are people reading etc etc...
Seriously, why can't you wait for another 40 min to get home and then you can blast your ears off, for all i care.

Ok, anyway, similar thing is here. I don't like people just start playing music and pretending or asuming that everyone in lobby likes it or is fine by it. If i want to listen to music, I can listen to it myself, I can start up youtube or media player or radio or whatever.

I have those guys on block list too and a lot of others that makes unpleasant noises for no reason as well. I'm sorry, but I just don't want to bother with such people and block list is a great future and I'm glad I can use it. I hope there is no limit to how many people you can have on block  :P
If they would just ask first (so I would have a chance to say "no"  :P),  I wouldn't really mind so much.  However, it's pretty rude to just assume that everyone wants to be subjected to whatever you're listening to and go ahead and play it.  It's like those people on the subway who have music blaring through their phone speakers for all to hear.  :/

If only we had a block list for real life.

Offline RunHorst

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Re: Music in Lobby
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2014, 10:32:22 am »
For my part, I really like what MUS is doing. There's just something fundamentally enjoyable about sitting in a lobby, listening to The Ballad of Serenity1 with fifteen random people from all over the world while you get ready to blow each other out of the sky.

You seem to see a problem that, as far as I can tell, doesn't really exist with what they do and how they're doing it: MUS aren't a bunch of self-proclaimed DJs blasting Gangster-Yodel-Metal whenever they can. They are, as Aleyeska said, genuinely pleasant people who (in my experience) mainly if not exclusively play by request, in moderate amounts and loudness and never anything offensive. I'm pretty sure most of their members will stop it when and if you ask them.

I'm sure as hell pleased whenever I join a lobby to find that MUS is present there.  :D

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Offline Dutch Vanya

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Re: Music in Lobby
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2014, 07:20:40 pm »
For my part, I really like what MUS is doing. There's just something fundamentally enjoyable about sitting in a lobby, listening to The Ballad of Serenity1 with fifteen random people from all over the world while you get ready to blow each other out of the sky.

You seem to see a problem that, as far as I can tell, doesn't really exist with what they do and how they're doing it: MUS aren't a bunch of self-proclaimed DJs blasting Gangster-Yodel-Metal whenever they can. They are, as Aleyeska said, genuinely pleasant people who (in my experience) mainly if not exclusively play by request, in moderate amounts and loudness and never anything offensive. I'm pretty sure most of their members will stop it when and if you ask them.

I'm sure as hell pleased whenever I join a lobby to find that MUS is present there.  :D

1 -
For every awesome theme song, there are 100 songs that suck... Well, music is subjective, that's the problem.