I've decided to throw out some ideas that have been sitting in my head for new weapons. Frankly I think GOI could use a larger variety of weapons for more ways to build ships and dis out pain and destruction, which if your a little bit psychopathic MORE DESTRUCTION = MORE FUN!!!
You wont find any fancy art here or too much math from me as I am no artist and not a mathematician either I'll just post my ideas here in the forums and see what people have to say. Is it a good idea? is it bad? Why? Feel free to post your own ideas as well especially if one of mine inspired you.
Without further rambling finally my idea a simple javelin launcher.
arcs: 35 degrees either side, 35 degrees up, 10 degrees down
Damage: mainly flechette with some explosive
EX (direct damage: 80 flechette, burst damage: 30 explosive)
6 shots per clip
1 shot per second
9 second reload
accurate and moderate speed projectiles (handle like harpoon gun shots with lesmok)
reason this would not be like any other gun, it is a light gun that pops balloons at medium to long range instead of close, as well as being designed to kill by breaking the balloon and then shooting hull after they smash into the ground and lose their armour.
+effective at range
+decent damage against balloon
+ no arming time so still deals damage at point blank
-poor arcs
-cant disable enemy weapons
-long reload time can give enemy crew a chance to counter
Note* again all these numbers are pulled from the air i have no idea how well this would stack up to other weapons like the carronade, whether it has good dps or if 9 seconds of reload time is actually enough to time to be able to counter. Its more the ideas and niche role im focusing on.