Author Topic: Lore, in all it's brilliance, is graciously accepted.  (Read 8694 times)

Offline Johnathan Likkly

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Lore, in all it's brilliance, is graciously accepted.
« on: July 03, 2014, 02:26:13 am »
Hello there traveler,

Forgive me if this isn't the correct place to place such a request, but I'm still rather new here.

My name is Johnathan, Johnathan Likkly. I'm a young pilot, and rather new to this fantastic world, and I must say, it's utter grittiness caught my attention rather immediately.

Now usually, as I travel through the many different realms of video games, I tend to become quite creative; engulfing myself in the world's lore, and the lore of the people who play them.

I'm, as of late, looking for a new home, and as it turns out, this game has tickled my fancy.

If it should please you, I would like to do some research, and see that this forum is quite active in those regards. If there are key elements to this place, it's people, or anything else that may be of pertinent value, would you be so kind as to direct me to them? It would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time, and safe travels to you.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Lore, in all it's brilliance, is graciously accepted.
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2014, 03:22:55 am »
It's a pleasure in meeting you Mr. Likkly.

We have a few sources to find certain parts and aspects of the worlds lore. So far it has been much speculation, but there is a solid foundation on which those speculation derive from. Which can be found here.,12.0.html

If you are also in need to find a place to start, there is a discussion page in which you can set your feet in. Also feel free to look around as we have a very diverse bunch ruffians and vagabonds.

We welcome you in our home and hope we will see you around.

~Shen Zhao, Ox

(Sorry if it sounded too formal, had to RP it as a formal dignitary :P. but yes those links will provide you with what you need. The second one can lead you to the Factions backgrounds, while the first are discussions. Also take a look around the Cantina for some inspiration)

Offline Johnathan Likkly

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Re: Lore, in all it's brilliance, is graciously accepted.
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2014, 02:17:49 am »
*I stand, giving a sharp salute*

No sir, it's appreciated beyond doubt. Thank you for these, I'll be digging through them for a few weeks I'm sure.

*Drops salute*

I'm glad to see the community is rather friendly here, haven't seen anything really negative yet. Very welcoming, that.

Anyways, as I said it will be a while, but I hope to compile my own works shortly. I have a fair few adventures I'd like to spin for the fine people around here, and I'd like to make sure they're as good as I know them to be.