Author Topic: Newer player wanting to know some more info about in game meta/stratagies.  (Read 18245 times)

Offline ItzSlugo

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Hello Guns of Icarus Community!

I am a newer player that recently picked up the game during the steam sale and I am having a blast with game and am looking forward to play a lot more of it! I have played somewhere around 30-40 matches already choosing mainly the captain/pilot role and have gotten a pretty firm grasp on the simple game mechanics and strategies. I tend to use a mostly aggressive play style diving right in the action head first with the pyramidion class ship and it usually works out  pretty well winning sometimes 5-0 or 5-1 with almost little to no competition with a lack of words(not trying to sound like a jerk to my fellow captains). As I am about to progress to level 4 and outrank the lower tier 1-3 matches, I want to know is my play style successful in higher level play? What other tips/tricks or strategies would you give to an aspiring captain? Is there a dominating meta/ship and gun combo at the moment? And what pilot skills do you find most useful? And finally what things can I do to improve my play?

Sorry for the wall of text, just really excited to know more about the how the game works! Thanks, Lugo

Offline Alistair MacBain

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The gat mortar Pyra (often metamidion) is the most used ship i would say throughout the existence of the game. It is good at getting in close and killing as fast as possible. It works often but sometimes you have to watch out for your engagement path. Charging a broadside of a galleon for example will most likely get you killed. Hwachas can be quite devastating as they will destroy your frontguns rendering you to not doing alot as long as they are rebuild.
If not spraying effectivly fire can be quite devastating aswell. If facing a lumberjack (carronades tend to be shielded by the armored balloon a bid) you need to watch out to not loose your balloon.

But and thats the most important part. Play together. If you face two enemies you will most likely die. 4 guns do more damage than 2.
For pyras i can suggest getting a buff on your balloon to be able to use height as pyras tend to have a hard time managing height without pilot tools.
For skills i use kerosene (dont like moonshine), phoenix claw and hydrogen. Kerosene and phoenix claw are somewhat of a nobrainer. Works in nearly every case.

Offline ItzSlugo

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Thanks for the info! Will definitely take the advice, I really like to use the phoenix claw like you said especially on the Pyra with its slow turning speeds. I guess another question that popped into my head is there any other ships that match the play style of the Pyramidion?

Offline Alistair MacBain

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The pyra is the allrounder. It can do everything decent with a relative good surviveability.
A Mobula can be flown a bid similiar with getting in close and killing fast. It has a higher damage potential but lacks surviveability.
2x gat on lower, 2x artemis on mid and a mortar top
You will shred through the enemy really quick but fire and flechette will do bad things to you.
A squid is more control/disable oriented but is kinda unique closerange.
A junker can get decent trifectas and is similiar in tankyness but with more armor than permahull. Also slower at engaging and harder to keep the enemy in arc.
Goldfish is also more disable oriented. Hwacha or carronade Goldfishs can be quite devastating at closerange but need alot of coordination with the ally to use effective.
Spires and Galleons are more long to midrange ships. There are closerange builds for them but those can be counter quite easy due to their lack of mobility.
Another similiar guncombination i can suggest are the hades combos.
hades lflak, hades banshee and hades artemis
They are more midrange than closerange due to the 150m standard arming distance of the hades (and lflak) but can devastate alot while allowing to keep outside of range of the enemies weapons.

Offline GreyTea

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Close Range
-Mortar top left, -Engineer Greased Rounds,Mallet spanner chem.
-Gattling- top Right, Gunner, Heavy Greased Incendiary with a wrench

Middle Right-Mortar-Main engineer Greased round, Mallet spanner Extingusher
Middle Left - Flare/minelauncher* Situational

Pilot tools- Kerosene Hyrdogen Claw

Medium range-

Flak top left-engineer Burst Rounds-same kit
Hades top right-Gunner-Lesmock Greased Incendary

Middle Right-Artimus- Main engineer-Burst-standard kit as above
Middle Left- Flare/Minelauncher Situational

Pilot tools-Kero-Hyrdo-Impact bumpers

Long Range-
Top Left Hades-Engineer-Lesmock-stanadrd kit
Top Right Artimus-Engineer-Charged Buffkit*Wrench Buff Chem

Middle Right Artimus-Main engineer Burst-Standard Kit
Middle Left Artimus -Main engineer Burst-Standard Kit* Note Middle right can be done by pilot Pre load with Burst and pilot take burst ammo, on an open map steady the ship and there is a way to get 3 artimus and a hades firing at one target on a pyra devesates.

Pilot tool Impact bumpers, Leave on when leaving the helm to help steady ship, Kero and hyrdo for escapes

Above are the 3 standard loadouts i take depending on range note this are my oppions and open for debate which most people will, there are alot of strats to use and the pyra is verstile enough, so best bet read and experiment see what fits you best,

Safe Skies

Grey T

Offline ItzSlugo

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Thanks Grey! I will definitely experiment with the different range builds and give the info that for the crew builds to my friends I play with. I really want to try out the Impact Bumpers and the Flak cannons.

Offline pandatopia

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One thing that many low-mid level pilots struggle with is vision.

Remember that for the majority of ships, below and above are huge blind spots. People are trained to try to go as high as possible (for balloon popping/countering balloon popping), and thus scan the sky carefully.

The biggest blind spots bar none is right below them, and with a open air ship (mobula, squid, both of which also have fast balloon speed), you can sneak up and wreck people by hugging the dirt and staying below clouds, esp if you have a spotter partner with you.

Hydrogen is an essential part of that strategy as well.

Like people stated before claw is pretty overpowered, doing negligible damage and providing ridiculous turn speed, even on a galleon.

One thing to consider when trying to create your own "meta" is arc spread. There are guides on this, but remember that you want to be able to maximize gun coverage (obviously), and the most "powerful" weapons are not necessarily the best used in conjunction. Similarly, when fighting a ship with certain arcs, know what to do to dodge them.

Here are some things I noticed about each ship.

Junker - This ship requires good communication with crew. General "division of duties" is, 3 engies. 1 engie front gun and hull (you can hit through the little wooden panel while standing on the ramp leading down), 1 engie top deck guns + balloon/turn engines. 1 engie bottom guns + main engine. In order to fly a junker successfully, you need to rely on quick disableand overwhelming firepower with 3 guns. Your armor is huge, and you must kill them before it goes down because you have 0 hull hp. Contrary to intuition, this means do NOT ever focus on repair. If you are needing to repair you are either fleeing or dead already. The point is to never stop firing. In order to get triple arcs, you need to position the enemy at 10-11 or 1-2 o'clock. You need wide firing arcs, such as carronade, banshee, flamer, gat. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe triple artemis is no longer possible with the nerfs.

Pyra - ram ram ram. Regardless of your guns you always want to ram. The pyra has the best ram in the game, and with kerosene/moonshine it absolutely wrecks (no impact bumpers needed). You can sprint in with double gat even if you wish, and just ram them continuously. Remember though that your prow is above the gunners in front of the balloon, so aim low if you want to ram their hull. Engie on balloon/left gun, gunner on right/jump down for side, main engie on bottom deck. You can repair the main engine from below just by looking up.

Goldfish - One of the weakest offensive ships (unable to ever get more than 1 arc on main target), it requires a good combination of turning and positioning (possibly ramming) to do well. Fortunately it is extremely maneuverable to accomplish this. Always have a claw, and be able to count in your head the time it takes for your front gun (esp hwacha) to reload. On larger (longer) ships it is possible to flamer/gat + hwacha. Since you ever only have 2 guns max on target, gunner will swap between guns as needed with 2 engies splitting engines/balloon/hull/shooting.

Squid - never be seen. Come from above or below, never dead on. Flamer is extremely painful on this. Always aim for the engines first, then guns, then either squat them to death (triple flamer squid if you like, so you can spin and flamer while sitting on them), or stay on their butts. Repair the engines before anything else. A nonmoving squid is a dead squid.

Galleon - many favor a sniping side and a short range side. Not much meta here, just sheer firepower. Make sure you have good spotters, once a galleon is disabled it is very painful to save. Gunner + engie downstairs, main engie upstairs, pilot is in charge of the balloon.

Spire - by far the squishiest ship in the game, but 4 front facing guns (possible to get all 4 firing). You need long range spotters and good gunners, or close range sneakiness. If you're seen first, and you're not immediately shooting, you lose. NEVER try to run, always fly backwards, or you will immediately lose. Better to stand and fight. Generally speaking gunner is on main gun, engie downstairs for second gun + balloon, engie upstairs for right gun, pilot fires top left gun. There is a chute (and ladder) to quickly get between the decks in the middle of the ship. Pretend you're a fireman (or stripper...) and slide down. Always shoot first and repair later. Similar to the junker, the main idea is to kill them before they kill you.

Mobula - Be aware the mobula "floats" more than other ships. It feels like flying across ice, or as some say like flying a balloon. So remember that when attempting quick maneuvers. Has the fastest balloon action in the game, so use this to your advantage to engage/escape/dodge. No guns near the pilot, so you're looking generally at 3 guns max on target. Gunner will take top deck guns, while each engie picks a side and the bottom gun associated. One of the harder ships to successfully repair, it is an offensive ship so concentrate on firepower before repairs.

EDIT: one thing I forgot to mention that a lot of pilots don't do is fly backwards. You have full speed backwards, and flying backwards has two major advantages.

One is they can't shoot your engines, allowing easier escape.

Two is you can shoot at them with your front guns while escaping.

Its actually not hard to fly backwards (except on certain ships like the pyra, where your view is completely blocked). You do NOT need to reverse directions while turning. While looking backwards, "left" will still go left, "right" will still go right. Think of yourship as being on the rim of a circle and you'll see why.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 12:18:58 pm by pandatopia »

Offline MrJeff

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Its actually not hard to fly backwards (except on certain ships like the pyra, where your view is completely blocked). You do NOT need to reverse directions while turning. While looking backwards, "left" will still go left, "right" will still go right. Think of yourship as being on the rim of a circle and you'll see why.

And here I thought I was one of the best backwards drivers and considered a name change to "Tow Mater" :)

Offline Dutch Vanya

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Why are you people saying to use kerosine for pyramidion ramming? Moonshine is the way to go.

Otherwise solid information.

Offline ItzSlugo

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Thanks for all the info guys! Its really helpful.  :)

Offline GreyTea

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Why are you people saying to use kerosine for pyramidion ramming? Moonshine is the way to go.

Otherwise solid information.

Yes it may be for ramming overkill*Think duel gat moonshine ;), but for overall utility and able to upkeep the engines while using kerosene is much more manageable to newer players than moonshine, also with gat mortar front you should get the kill with kero imo 9/10 and it gives you that sustained speed rather than burst, again thats just my oppion.

I will however state Moonshine Galleon Ram is op :P

Offline -Mad Maverick-

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also on a pyra gunners are pointless... the only reason you need a gunner is to adjust your weapon to fire at differen ranges.. bump that noise! as a pilot you can keep your ship at optimum range for just one ammo type and have the added benefit of having full repair abilites and a still buff if you so choose...

Offline GreyTea

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also on a pyra gunners are pointless... the only reason you need a gunner is to adjust your weapon to fire at differen ranges..

Which is extremly useful on a long range map and if you have a Hades or artimus,

added benefit of having full repair abilites and a still buff if you so choose...

1 engineer take-Mallet Spanner Extingusher
2 engineer take- Wrench Buff chem

the 3rd engineer can not add anything to repairs that is not allready covered and a gunner can take a spanner to help out with rebuilds on balloon, or wrench for self sustained gun.

as a pilot you can keep your ship at optimum range for just one ammo type

Optimum range for a gat mortar is under 300m Lets say on dunes how are you going to keep that constant, you would need to bridge the gap, and then the pilot is not stationary if they are long range they will just reverse. medium range to also, then you are just charging into fire trying to close gap that if you are against a medium range pyra you will never close because they can match your speed in the opposite direction and have range advantage on there guns.

Offline Shinkurex

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The main thing that you will want to take out of the previous two posts, is that there is a large difference of opinion on what your crew composition should be... experiment for yourself what is best for you, and run with it (I personally enjoy my gunners)... Just because you are graduating from the novice matches doesn't mean that you're not going to be learning more and more... It's constant, and I learn more to this day even as a CA :))

Offline ItzSlugo

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What great info, thanks everyone! I just keep running different combos to see what works best and what doesn't and what fits my style.