Hey everyone, name's Kirk.
You've probably heard of me, but in case you haven't, I'm a resident clan leader, arsonist, back-up caster, semi-veteran player, MLG, PVP, PILOT, mine gunner, Goldfish lover, Forum Lurker, Squid Racer, reasonably insane, and generally agreeable guy.
As far as I'm concerned the two most OP things in this game are chem spray and teamwork.
Feel free to shoot me a message whenever about anything; I may be a new CA, but I've been part of this community for over a year now.
Seriously. I'm older than the Mobula.
Anyway, Peace and Fire, my friends. I'll see you in-game.
And, as a lover of tradition, I present the oath.
I, James Tiberius Kirk, before the presence of The Holy Fires of The Bakery, do hereby declare my unwavering faith, fealty and service to the community of Icarus.
I pledge to follow the orders of all Muse staff appointed over me, and field all the questions, great and small, difficult or annoying, addressed to me be they by the person, or the mob.
I will keep myself mentally sane(ish), reasonably sober, and regularly available as is necessitated by the Community Ambassador agreements and forms to which I have pledged my unconditional adherence.
So say we all.