Author Topic: Introducing the new CAs!  (Read 382428 times)

Offline -Blue-

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Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« Reply #195 on: October 14, 2014, 04:18:45 pm »
Greetings Comrades in arms! I Just got my email accepting me into Ambasadorship. My name is -Blue- from the SPQR clan, and I'm a avid GoIO player. Out of game my name is Dominic, I am a Musical Dance Theatre Major getting a double major in Computer Science. \o/

I plan to rule the skies with an Iron FIST!! I mean er uh, help the community in every way I can. Cheers folks, and I hope to meet you all someday.

I, Blue, before the presence of the Holy Whale of the skies, do hereby declare my unwavering faith, fealty and service to the community of Icarus.

I pledge to follow the orders of all Muse staff appointed over me, and field all the questions, great and small, difficult or annoying, addressed to me be they by the person, or the mob.

I will keep myself mentally sane, reasonably sober, and regularly available as is necessitated by the Community Ambassador agreements and forms to which I have pledged my unconditional adherence. 

So say we all.

Blessings on you all.


Offline Lydia Litvyak

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Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« Reply #196 on: October 14, 2014, 04:46:35 pm »
Hi, everyone. I'm Lydia. Outside of game I am still Lydia. I'm a student at a horrible mean school and am currently buried in homework, but I'm still active and tend to be even moreso during the summer and around holidays. I'm looking forward to helping out!

I, open paren your name close paren Lydia, before the presence of the Holy Whale of the skies, do hereby declare my unwavering faith, fealty and service to the community of Icarus.
I pledge to follow the orders of all Muse staff appointed over me, and field all the questions, great and small, difficult or annoying, addressed to me be they by the person, or the mob.
I will keep myself mentally sane, reasonably sober and regularly available as is necessitated by the Community Ambassador agreements and forms to which I have pledged my unconditional adherence. 
So say we all.

Offline DJ Logicalia

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Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« Reply #197 on: October 14, 2014, 05:07:26 pm »
As I've just recently been approved,

Hey everyone! I'm Logicalia, current leader of The Bards. I've been playing GoIo since I bought it in the 2013 Winter Sale, and it's currently my favorite game on PC. I used to play exclusively with my IRL friends (who I bought the 4-Pack for, cheap losers), but then, one day, I found The Bards and my life was considerably better. Our founder recently stepped down, and promoted me to leader, so, hi! I love all kinds of music, and you can seem my specialties on Message 2 of The Bards' clan page

  Anyway, a little about me. My home is Philadelphia, but I'm currently in college as a Psych Major/ Philosophy minor (which might be obvious if you've ever seen my ship names) and planning on going to grad school once I graduate. If you want to talk about the purpose of life or discuss metaphysics, or music, or ask me questions about this game, I'd love to help you! This community is so great, and I'm really exited to get started helping it.  Some of my best gaming memories have been on this game, and C.A.s have always been there to help, and I'm glad to join the ranks

I Logicalia, before the presence of the Holy Whale of the skies, do hereby declare my unwavering faith, fealty and service to the community of Icarus.
I pledge to follow the orders of all Muse staff appointed over me, and field all the questions, great and small, difficult or annoying, addressed to me be they by the person, or the mob.
I will keep myself mentally sane, reasonably sober and regularly available as is necessitated by the Community Ambassador agreements and forms to which I have pledged my unconditional adherence. 
So say we all

Hit 'em with the finest beats! Hope to see you in the skies :D

« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 05:12:17 pm by DJ Logicalia »

Offline Goldenglade

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Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« Reply #198 on: October 14, 2014, 05:15:37 pm »
trouble makers the whole lot of yea. :P

Offline Zelda.

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Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« Reply #199 on: October 14, 2014, 05:27:21 pm »
Well then... Ahoy! o/

I am Welsh Zelda, and yes, I am Welsh. I'm also the biggest fangirl of LoZ as most of you who have played with me already know :3.

I got this game a couple of months back and I haven't gotten off it since. Truly is a great game and I'm very happy that I can give something back now that I'm a CA :)

I, Zelda of the Welsh, before the presence of the Holy Whale of the skies, do hereby declare my unwavering faith, fealty and service to the community of Icarus.

I pledge to follow the orders of all Muse staff appointed over me, and field all the questions, great and small, difficult or annoying, addressed to me be they by the person, or the mob.

I will keep myself mentally sane, reasonably sober and regularly available as is necessitated by the Community Ambassador agreements and forms to which I have pledged my unconditional adherence. 

So say we all.

Offline AbbyTheRat

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Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« Reply #200 on: October 14, 2014, 05:41:44 pm »
Good Oaths, good Oaths... *bows down to everyone* :D

Offline Goldenglade

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Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« Reply #201 on: October 14, 2014, 06:47:11 pm »
abby you have it backwards >.>

Offline AbbyTheRat

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Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« Reply #202 on: October 14, 2014, 07:02:56 pm »
Oh, right, *curtsies to GoldenGlade* is that right?

Offline shaelyn

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Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« Reply #203 on: October 14, 2014, 07:36:54 pm »
hi everyone!  I'm shae, and I'm apparently a CA now ^_^

so I gotta do an oath, right?

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

wait, that can't be the right one...maybe this is it?

In brightest day, in blackest night,
no evil shall escape my sight
let those who worship evil's might
beware my power - the sky whale's light!

mmmmm.  closer, but that doesn't seem quite right either.

*flips open book of oaths*

hmmmm...power of is half the battle, sure, but that's not the right one either...give me a bit?

Offline DMaximus

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Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« Reply #204 on: October 14, 2014, 08:00:41 pm »
Man, I remember the days when we used to offer our oaths to Bacon. The cult of the Skywhale has all but overtaken our rite of delicious oath taking. Regardless of what you pledge on, welcome to all the new CAs!

Offline Admiral Obvious

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Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« Reply #205 on: October 14, 2014, 08:04:02 pm »
Hello everyone I am the great and powerful Admiral Obvious,
   With introductions out of the way, lets get down to business. The Muse Gods have graced me with the honor of a yellow name and shiny badge thing. In reverence to our merciful lords, I solomly swear  (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States community ambassador , and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States rules of GOIO. Let those who dwell in the shadows fear my name, for I am the Batman.
    I offer a sacrifice to the Muse Gods of 1 delicious cake, and my own bloo... ow that freaking hurts! Ok so no blood oath. In any matter I hope to have some fun with the rest of you, so lets go fly!

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« Reply #206 on: October 14, 2014, 08:16:36 pm »
Man, I remember the days when we used to offer our oaths to Bacon. The cult of the Skywhale has all but overtaken our rite of delicious oath taking. Regardless of what you pledge on, welcome to all the new CAs!

At least I'm back to preach the goodness of Bacon, but regardless welcome all. I may have to reintroduce myself back into the community but it's good to see more CAs.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« Reply #207 on: October 14, 2014, 08:53:13 pm »

Offline shaelyn

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Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« Reply #208 on: October 14, 2014, 09:05:00 pm »
oh oh hey here we go, I found it!  just needed a bit of time.

I, shaelyn, before the presence of the Wind Fish - the One True Sky Whale (to whom I offer much delicious bacon), do hereby declare my unwavering faith, fealty and service to the community of Icarus.
I pledge to follow the orders of all Muse staff appointed over me, and field all the questions, great and small, difficult or annoying, addressed to me be they by the person, or the mob.
I will keep myself mentally sane, reasonably sober and regularly available as is necessitated by the Community Ambassador agreements and forms to which I have pledged my unconditional adherence.
So say we all.

Offline macmacnick

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Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« Reply #209 on: October 14, 2014, 10:13:21 pm »
...Hmm... now more spring green CAs!