Author Topic: Anime Discussions?  (Read 180557 times)

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #150 on: January 10, 2015, 04:39:50 pm »
Log Horizon is less death game is real and more MMO game is real. I appreciate it because it gets aspects of the MMO guild life more accurately. SAO pegs things as being an MMO but they aren't. SAO, ALO, GGO are not MMOs, they're just multiplayer RPG games with some MMO features.

I enjoy SAO because it actually has a degree of emotion in it. Sure it brings in some tropey harem elements later, but it delivers on the characters much better than other shows. I still argue Sachi is alive somewhere. When Kirito passes out fighting blue eyes, you see Sachi's face calling to him, not Asuna's. It doesn't appear to be a past flashback. What I do wish tho is they didn't take the show as fast as they did. Aincrad to me should have been a full 24 episodes where you really get to see Kirito's struggles play out. Even if its not in the novels, they should have done filler and really fleshed out the entire Aincrad time period. Made the final confrontation with Heathcliff much more meaningful as well as his relationship with Asuna.

The other arcs...are kinda short anyways. Its not like you can pad those out. ALO gives some of the emotion from Aincrad but brings in the romance cousin aspect a little heavily. GGO is all about Sinon and her character is fantastic but, I still don't see why everyone said the GGO arc was the best of them all. I'm still on Aincrad. Mother's Rosario arc should have been a very powerful story however it just felt like the excalibur interlude arc set up some real awesome questline and gave you the hopes that Klein wouldn't remain a background character, then you get Rosario dropped on you. You think..."THESE TEARS!! WHY?!! I THOUGHT WE WERE GOING TO BATTLE MORE GIANTS AND SEE KLEIN GET A DIGITAL GODDESS GIRLFRIEND!!!"

So I still say Aincrad is the best arc. The writer's strength really shines the most before he gets into relying on harem tropes. He's not a good harem writer, but at least the characters are better than 90% of the harem shows out there. I can stomach it for this reason. Course I've seen a lot of harems, soo many are just lame to the point you can sense the money grab they are attempting. I dunno if it was his original intent to turn it into a harem or if publishers inserted the idea.

The guy also wrote Accel World with one of the worst protagonists in anime aside from Shinji. The show isn't terrible but the fact that the protagonist is a little fat kid who always questions his worth in every scene, makes me wonder if publishers did force some changes to SAO. Accel World's MC doesn't sell. It is everything that you don't want a MC to be in Japan. Short, weak, fat...those are always background characters. Accel World of course won't get a 2nd season. No way they will take a risk with that MC again.

No Game No Life is good, its interesting, but its just a fanservice show most of the time. Worth a watch but I just found it lukewarm. I'd certainly watch a season 2 tho. Just because some of the story did have some uniqueness to it.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #151 on: January 10, 2015, 05:00:42 pm »
Here's a truth bomb for you.

The writer of SAO is the equivalent of Japanese Stephanie Meyers. It shows in his lazy writing and very contrived characterisation with main protagonists being sue as all hell. The guy's a fanfiction writer that got a break, just as Stephanie Meyer's Twilight was a failed Anne Rice fanfiction.

As a producer of the show you must stay loyal to the tripe that is SAO because the cult fandom would throw a shit fit if their feces was changed in any other way to what the author intended.

When interviewed the author himself said his work on SAO was kinda terrible. Politely copping it all to "Oh I was so young." This dominantly talking about the 2nd arc with the incest during GGO, but still.

In terms of authors, the biggest fan I am of is Ken Akamatsu. Why do I favour a  famous plagiarist and amateur? Because whenever he attempts something he visibly get so much better as he goes along.

Early AI ga tomaranai was obviously a copy of weird science with rom com series like  Ah my goddess.
Later AI ga tomaranai (Or AI love you when localised by tokyopop), it was very obviously the prototype for Love Hina.
Love hina started off as the most generic Harem series ever that stole the concept from a manga called Maison Ikkoku (look it up). And pretty much aped the hell out of it.
But by the end of Love hina, he'd made it his own and had gotten to the level that people copied HIM when it came to the modern Harem series. His anime won a reward and a good while he was the king of Harems.
Harry potter came out and playing on his strengths, he founded Negima and tried to use the love hina formula on a harry potter setting.
He very quickly realised his mistake and focused more on shounen righting and crafted his story in a weird hybrid of dragonball and dragonball z.
By the end of it Ken Akamatsu, made Negima one of the most hype and highly noted examples of a magical BOY series. That FAIRY TAIL plagiarised with various magical lore.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2015, 05:02:29 pm by Ceresbane »

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #152 on: January 10, 2015, 05:21:18 pm »
You can't judge a show as incest based on western laws. Remember Japan doesn't consider cousins to be of the same blood. You'll often see this done in anime and often times I see the character as the one most closest to the MC. This can also be a childhood friend character. Often times the one most closest is the one that doesn't win in the end as they are deemed sister or friend material more than romantic.

Here we see those things and get turned off on a show. I used to till I looked into it and realized I was thinking with western ideas, not realizing there is a cultural difference at play. Then I was able to understand and grasp the concept.

Yeah I'm a big fan of Akamatsu sensei. I wouldn't have gotten into anime without Love Hina. Was actually the first show which sparked it all. Honestly tho, Love Hina is a harem only in setting. Its actually a love triangle. Same as Tenchi Muyo. Which to me, works a lot better. Most harems nowadays have one heroine and a bunch of background girls and they spend a dozen plus episodes on filler to finally get to the choice which was so obvious from the start. Then you have harem like Infinite Stratos where they just keep the MC a moron and have all the girls be heroine. Personally I really despise that. Those shows tend to really drag out scenes and put the MC in moments where you ask the question,"Ok the MC must be dead or gay because no man alive would miss a hint that huge."

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #153 on: January 10, 2015, 06:21:46 pm »
You can't judge a show as incest based on western laws. Remember Japan doesn't consider cousins to be of the same blood. You'll often see this done in anime and often times I see the character as the one most closest to the MC. This can also be a childhood friend character. Often times the one most closest is the one that doesn't win in the end as they are deemed sister or friend material more than romantic.

Here we see those things and get turned off on a show. I used to till I looked into it and realized I was thinking with western ideas, not realizing there is a cultural difference at play. Then I was able to understand and grasp the concept.

Yeah I'm a big fan of Akamatsu sensei. I wouldn't have gotten into anime without Love Hina. Was actually the first show which sparked it all. Honestly tho, Love Hina is a harem only in setting. Its actually a love triangle. Same as Tenchi Muyo. Which to me, works a lot better. Most harems nowadays have one heroine and a bunch of background girls and they spend a dozen plus episodes on filler to finally get to the choice which was so obvious from the start. Then you have harem like Infinite Stratos where they just keep the MC a moron and have all the girls be heroine. Personally I really despise that. Those shows tend to really drag out scenes and put the MC in moments where you ask the question,"Ok the MC must be dead or gay because no man alive would miss a hint that huge."

Gilder... the story arc was about Alfheim and Kirito's sister wanting his D. You make a point... but an entirely unrelated point. It's as incest as it gets even in Japan.

And no... love hina is an outright harem. All the female characters (except his aunt and grandma) are in love with him. And every skit is pretty much designed around flirting or teasing him, Naru gets jelly and calls Keitaro a perv and unjustifiably decks him into orbit.

do you happen to recall his attempt at a christmas anime/manga?
remember this scene?

It may be fandub but its loyal to the original and the funimation dub.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2015, 06:32:11 pm by Ceresbane »

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #154 on: January 11, 2015, 01:52:33 am »
You want disturbing incest, remember they add a sister character to Love Hina later. That is downright blatant. Sugu in SAO is very toned down compared to her.

I basically said yes Love Hina is a harem but its not a pure harem. Its a love triangle harem. Even in the manga, which I have btw, only Naru and Mutsumi are ever the main girls. All because of the promise and Mutsumi comes forward first, acknowledging that promise. Naru was one of them too but she was too little to remember. None of the other girls were part of the promise so they aren't viable and their scenes are clearly filler. Only Shinobu holds any hope but even then, her character isn't strong enough to be in the triangle.

Tenchi Muyo is the same. Sure everyone loves Tenchi but it is clear throughout the whole series that it is a love triangle between Ayeka and Ryoko. Tenchi Muyo is also recognized in anime communities as a love triangle, not a harem. Even though it has harem elements.

Vandread...simple romcom with harem added. It is not a pure harem. Its clear from the start Dita is the only one who will fit but they tried to mix in a quad girl mix, then add a 5th later. Plus extras in the background. Harem yes, but not a pure harem. However, Vandread is better than most modern shows that call themselves harems.

Pure harems, all the girls have strong presence and you'll never figure out who is the lead girl till the end. There is no clear winner. There have been a few but its rare. 

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #155 on: January 11, 2015, 02:27:42 am »
Aldnoah Zero S2...

I FREAKEN CALLED IT!!! Inaho is back! Asselum is back! MUHAHAHAHA!! You think your cliffhanger was clever huh writers?! It was good, but BOOM!, saw through it!

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #156 on: January 11, 2015, 03:05:41 am »
You want disturbing incest, remember they add a sister character to Love Hina later. That is downright blatant. Sugu in SAO is very toned down compared to her.

I basically said yes Love Hina is a harem but its not a pure harem. Its a love triangle harem. Even in the manga, which I have btw, only Naru and Mutsumi are ever the main girls. All because of the promise and Mutsumi comes forward first, acknowledging that promise. Naru was one of them too but she was too little to remember. None of the other girls were part of the promise so they aren't viable and their scenes are clearly filler. Only Shinobu holds any hope but even then, her character isn't strong enough to be in the triangle.

Tenchi Muyo is the same. Sure everyone loves Tenchi but it is clear throughout the whole series that it is a love triangle between Ayeka and Ryoko. Tenchi Muyo is also recognized in anime communities as a love triangle, not a harem. Even though it has harem elements.

Vandread...simple romcom with harem added. It is not a pure harem. Its clear from the start Dita is the only one who will fit but they tried to mix in a quad girl mix, then add a 5th later. Plus extras in the background. Harem yes, but not a pure harem. However, Vandread is better than most modern shows that call themselves harems.

Pure harems, all the girls have strong presence and you'll never figure out who is the lead girl till the end. There is no clear winner. There have been a few but its rare.

Those pure harems of yours are nearly all from visual novels. Those are not harems. You are really projecting an incorrect definition of harem series. The only requirement for a harem series is multiple girls being in love with one guy.

As for the siblings thing?

Kanoko is a step sister. If you want real incest read suki de suki de suki de or just watch the anime.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 03:07:41 am by Ceresbane »

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #157 on: January 11, 2015, 04:40:51 am »
By your definition just about every series is harem. Dammit, at least have something to differentiate between the steaming pile of bull crap harem and the decent harems.

Yeah she is. But not a huge difference between that and Sugu. Besides Kanako is a creepy perverted freak who frankly wasn't needed for the series or the story. She just was a ploy to get Naru to stop being a tsundere.

And VNs are where a lot of anime get their starts nowadays. Which is why they often have trouble is because the anime commits too strongly to one route and sacrifices the other characters. Hence the predictable crap harems where literally its just two characters with a bunch of background characters and the "harem" label slapped on.

The best pure harem anime is simply Amagami SS only because you get to see all the routes. All the girls get equal screentime. However, the same treatment can be done for others. The directors just have to not outright favor one character over the others from the start. Heck I love Clannad, but I can't label it a harem without an asterisk because the entire show favors Nagisa. All the other characters, are just background or gag characters. They are filler till the main story with Nagisa picks up again.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #158 on: January 11, 2015, 12:28:01 pm »
By your definition just about every series is harem. Dammit, at least have something to differentiate between the steaming pile of bull crap harem and the decent harems.

Yeah she is. But not a huge difference between that and Sugu. Besides Kanako is a creepy perverted freak who frankly wasn't needed for the series or the story. She just was a ploy to get Naru to stop being a tsundere.

And VNs are where a lot of anime get their starts nowadays. Which is why they often have trouble is because the anime commits too strongly to one route and sacrifices the other characters. Hence the predictable crap harems where literally its just two characters with a bunch of background characters and the "harem" label slapped on.

The best pure harem anime is simply Amagami SS only because you get to see all the routes. All the girls get equal screentime. However, the same treatment can be done for others. The directors just have to not outright favor one character over the others from the start. Heck I love Clannad, but I can't label it a harem without an asterisk because the entire show favors Nagisa. All the other characters, are just background or gag characters. They are filler till the main story with Nagisa picks up again.

Not by my definition. By the dictionary definition.

Harem, hāremumono (ハーレムもの ?) (from harem), broadly, is an ambiguously-defined subgenre of anime and manga characterized by a protagonist surrounded, usually amorously, by three or more members of the opposing sex and/or love interests.

Yeah, wrong. Clannad every character either has an arc (even on specific routes) or have had past interest with the main character. It's still a harem.

Offline Bronzium

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #159 on: January 11, 2015, 05:49:38 pm »
Aldnoah Zero S2...

I FREAKEN CALLED IT!!! Inaho is back! Asselum is back! MUHAHAHAHA!! You think your cliffhanger was clever huh writers?! It was good, but BOOM!, saw through it!

In response:

Yeah, I kind of thought that way too. It just wouldn't seem right to kill of the main protagonist at the end of the first series, nor the princess.

Will admit though, was a good cliffhanger. Now I'm curious what awaits with the completely unforeseen blindside of Slaine switching sides and aiding Saazbaum. I sense a lot of tension in the future about that, just saying.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #160 on: February 12, 2015, 07:20:15 pm »
so anime logic of the day.

Kirio from Magical battle festa.
I must find out if I am strong enough to protect the girl I love. So I'm going to beat up the girl I love to see if I have the power to protect her.

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #161 on: February 13, 2015, 02:45:52 pm »
so anime logic of the day.

Kirio from Magical battle festa.
I must find out if I am strong enough to protect the girl I love. So I'm going to beat up the girl I love to see if I have the power to protect her.

*slow clap*

Anyway, I'm hearing tons of buzz over Tokyo Ghoul... any good?

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #162 on: February 13, 2015, 02:53:07 pm »
so anime logic of the day.

Kirio from Magical battle festa.
I must find out if I am strong enough to protect the girl I love. So I'm going to beat up the girl I love to see if I have the power to protect her.

*slow clap*

Anyway, I'm hearing tons of buzz over Tokyo Ghoul... any good?

First season=full season of shinji ikari with no eva. very ignorable.
second season=shinji ikari in the eva and cannot leave and slowly going bat shizzle.

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #163 on: February 13, 2015, 02:55:52 pm »
so anime logic of the day.

Kirio from Magical battle festa.
I must find out if I am strong enough to protect the girl I love. So I'm going to beat up the girl I love to see if I have the power to protect her.

*slow clap*

Anyway, I'm hearing tons of buzz over Tokyo Ghoul... any good?

First season=full season of shinji ikari with no eva. very ignorable.
second season=shinji ikari in the eva and cannot leave and slowly going bat shizzle.

>TFW implying Shinji wasn't Bat Shizzle to begin with

I'm honestly unsure whether that sounds interesting, or like a pile of powder monkey dung...

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #164 on: February 14, 2015, 03:00:44 pm »
so anime logic of the day.

Kirio from Magical battle festa.
I must find out if I am strong enough to protect the girl I love. So I'm going to beat up the girl I love to see if I have the power to protect her.

*slow clap*

Anyway, I'm hearing tons of buzz over Tokyo Ghoul... any good?

First season=full season of shinji ikari with no eva. very ignorable.
second season=shinji ikari in the eva and cannot leave and slowly going bat shizzle.

>TFW implying Shinji wasn't Bat Shizzle to begin with

I'm honestly unsure whether that sounds interesting, or like a pile of powder monkey dung...

Well season 2 of durara or on at the same time. So Just ignore it for by far superior animu.