Author Topic: Anime Discussions?  (Read 179310 times)

Offline RethBurn

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #60 on: December 13, 2014, 07:05:16 pm »
Nothing wrong in a light-hearted show. I think it's best to agree to disagree here.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #61 on: December 13, 2014, 08:01:12 pm »
Lighthearted shows can have a plot.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #62 on: December 13, 2014, 08:11:27 pm »
this is the country that made japanese robo-cop that killed criminals and smoked cigarettes full of uranium to charge his batteries.

and it was a kids show.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #63 on: December 14, 2014, 04:00:43 am »
Exactly, but it had a plot. Something tangible for minds to grasp. G Reconguista has none. Good characters, interesting world, but completely scatter brained story. If I had kids I'd let them watch the killer chain smoking radioactive robot before letting them watch Reconguista. They at least grow up thinking all police are radioactive killer robots, instead of having the attention spans of chuchumy.

Offline RethBurn

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #64 on: December 14, 2014, 04:56:38 am »
As Vague as it is, there definitely is a plot behind this. But instead of having an overlapping "We need to get to X to kill Y" kinda of plot, it's mostly character-driven. Bellri, the soul-less jester that he is, has varying morality, and wavers on the sides. This happened originally because he helped an enemy soldiers whos' captain he had murdered. Being on the Amerian side, he decided to stick around to get intel on it, (like when he took photos of the amerian space army in the G-self). This could prove important to him, unfortunately that's also where his loyalty wavers, since he unknowingly kills his own teacher in combat.

Rarayia Monday has some sort of connection to the G-self, it'll probably all be explained later, bottomline is, she's probably important(?)

For the sake of the Capital Tower, there's an obvious conflcit between the Army and the Guard. The two sides have each their own methods, and you can feel the coup d'etat brewing.

Reco is suuuper scattered, yeah. It befits the attention of my bigger brother when were younger, and I can manage to drop my scholar's hat off and sit down for abit of messy fun. In the end, sure, it could be a Little Prince masterpiece where you can reread it every 10 years and get a whole new understanding, or some sort of new thriller movie with a hollywood plot ripped straight off of Sigmund Freud with Christian Bale as the cop. But, it's.. Fun. The characters are easy to understand, you can belay your time with jumping into it and grasping the concept without having to watch 13 episodes running up to it.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #65 on: December 14, 2014, 05:19:31 pm »
I'll give it one good mark out of the horrific mess that it is...


You know what this means...they're flying around in giant flying toilets. So the next question, in the space battles, why aren't the high action fight sequences broken up by a floater drifting across the screen? There is no gravity...stuff inside that toilet should be flowing out and into the cockpit. Between that and the crotch lasers/missiles and the other stupidity, I did manage a few laughs. Also thinking up reasons for Tomino's sick fascination with balls...they're everywhere. Chuchumy, water, that moronic talking robot that is perpetually in every Gundam series...balls...nothing but balls!!

Gah...sigh...oh well, least I have Denki-gai no Honya-san to break up the moments of Reconguista's instanity:

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #66 on: December 15, 2014, 04:40:22 am »
Moving on, Grisaia no Kajitsu.

Its a show that certainly has it's moments. Although I'd classify it as a dark harem show. The guy is an emotionless killer and the girls are a mixture of tropes. But what has stood out as been some of the episodes which just get surreal. You don't expect some of the dark tones with the girls. Being buried alive, blown up/etc. Then the protagonist just walking in and blowing someone's brains out without letting them speak much of anything. Its a bit edgy at times and has made it somewhat fresh compared to other shows.

However...the Angelic Howl arc atm...pretty much the most moronic survival story I've ever seen. I'll try not to spoil it but for 2 episodes now I keep asking,"why is there no signal fire?" The other story arcs are decent and interesting but this...pretty much has ruined the show. I'm suddenly rooting for the characters to be eaten by a bear so I don't have to watch anymore stupidity.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #67 on: December 20, 2014, 04:50:58 am »
Fairy Tail 2014 should be renamed Fan Service Tail. I don't think Lucy has worn real clothes for one episode this season and most of the time they reuse the same gags to get her into swimsuits/etc. In fact, the whole cast now is on a swimsuit regime.

Sad, was a fun show at one time. Even got a Fairy Tail emblem on my car. Now...its like they gave the series over to some real tropey writers.

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #68 on: December 20, 2014, 08:44:25 am »
...real tropey writers.

Tropes are not bad; They are tools.  Any tool used incorrectly is bad, and any tool that is overused loses effect.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #69 on: December 29, 2014, 04:45:20 pm »
...real tropey writers.

Tropes are not bad; They are tools.  Any tool used incorrectly is bad, and any tool that is overused loses effect.
Yes but if the tropes are so excessively prominent critics will merely say the above thing. If done correctly yes, they can be good. But examples of poor use of tropes is the reliance of them to create a character/story.

Anyway. Posted here to remark upon a random thought/challenge.

Would a woman ever have the drive to break a male tsundere? Barring perhaps Yandere and generic harem titles, nothing comes close. And technically they didn't conquer that male character so... yeah. Usually anime's version of male seduction is removing clothes (unless it yaoi by which point its just rape/woman in a man's body-hence yaoi is boring).
« Last Edit: December 29, 2014, 04:48:30 pm by Ceresbane »

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #70 on: December 29, 2014, 11:53:36 pm »
Harem animes have really gone down hill over the last decade. Most of them that air, within the first 5-10 mins, I can figure out who is going to be the lead girl. Then they throw in a ton of girls thinking it is confusing you when really all of them are so tropey that you just can ignore them. Then you have the ones where they have a beautiful story and character interactions and they ruin it by throwing in a wild girl who breaks up every scene with groping. Ai Yori Aoshi is the best example of this. First 5 episodes are gold. Then they add the "american" wild girl who gropes everyone. Series totally loses it's charm after that.

Think theres only been one harem series in the last few years which caught me offguard. It was based on a VN I think but the anime they did a total twist by the mid point. The lead girl had almost no screen time and then this other anime vet girl got all of it and it was sealed. It was somewhat sloppy because they invested so heavily in the lead's character, but then they went the opposite way with it towards the end. So in a way it was surprising but in another way, kind of a waste of time in the first half.

Course its not much better with female lead harems. There has been some gems but more often than not, they're just as terrible. I swore off giving them a chance after the last one I saw where literally if you watched episode 1 and 12, you wouldn't miss anything. They spent 10 episodes on pointless crap and her clear pick was the first guy she meets. Course it was more of a supernatural action series so there was something to keep interest. However, the bad guys were so OP they'd never finish the job. They'd attack, be about to accomplish their goal, then get bored or something and leave the protagonists to recover. The story in those 10 episodes went through this cycle of getting ass kicked, then macho confidence building time, then ass kicked again. When I saw the show got a 2nd season I was fing way am I going to give that any chance! People said season 2 was better and not as bad as the first but I was more like...why the hell did it even get a season 2?

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #71 on: December 31, 2014, 01:00:26 pm »
Genre vs Author skill

I read a huge variety of genres. Even Yaoi (though they are kinda boring-fujoshi are such boring writers).

The only measure of skill in a writer is when your story seems to be without genre. When its such a nebulous story that you can't pin it down.

And usually the cycle goes, this story is founded as a new genre in and of itself.
Minecraft for example or the zombie genre.

However such things only occur very rarely as it comes into two issues.

1. appealing to an audience. unfamiliarity sometimes makes it hard for a reader to understand or find the hook, or even for a writer to craft a good one. Tropes lure in readers, it lures in aspect of thing people like in a story (not necessarily genre but maybe aspects of them). Complete lack of them denies yourself a readership.
2. direction. Many attempts into this pioneering can actually result into nothing as the direction isn't clear and result into stepping into your own toes.

So to answer your harem complaint gilder, what you should be looking for is not the genre, but the appeal of the synopsis to you. Thinking in genres limits your range in stimuli. Use genres as a point of origin as opposed to a point of destination.

e.g. evangelion rebuild is a harem anime because of all the jail bait(as well as cougars) all over shinji ikari.

saying so ignores what else the anime is. It has harem aspects, but you can't just say its a harem story just because it has a harem attribute.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2014, 01:02:02 pm by Ceresbane »

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #72 on: December 31, 2014, 03:51:07 pm »
Ya know what was funny awhile back...there was a survey of anime in Japan. The top things people hated were just about all the major anime tropes. I was surprised a little by it because when you see things used consistently, you know there is marketing behind it which leads you to believe that people there all like it. Fanservice shows always look like money grabs because they'll reuse old gags constantly. Made me think,"wow, people there actually are getting tired of the same stuff I am!"

Yeah the better shows are the ones which can cross genre. But what I really hate are the ones which clearly are copies of another and rely completely on certain tropes to get viewers. Then what is worse, is those shows get a US release ahead of shows which were so much better. Going on a decade now and we still haven't gotten a release of Lovely Complex here yet copy trope shows do.

Fairy Tail has been crossing over into this territory. They've gotten writers which are using trope after trope and it is clear they are doing it to keep viewers. Which there is no point to. The show was good without needing that. It was an action battle series. It got viewers without any effort because of that. But they stop sequences all the time now to showcase Lucy in a bikini (again) or another cast member in a moe shot (again)...######!!!! Stop it you bottom feeding , waste of oxygen, writers!!!

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #73 on: December 31, 2014, 04:44:52 pm »
Ya know what was funny awhile back...there was a survey of anime in Japan. The top things people hated were just about all the major anime tropes. I was surprised a little by it because when you see things used consistently, you know there is marketing behind it which leads you to believe that people there all like it. Fanservice shows always look like money grabs because they'll reuse old gags constantly. Made me think,"wow, people there actually are getting tired of the same stuff I am!"

Yeah the better shows are the ones which can cross genre. But what I really hate are the ones which clearly are copies of another and rely completely on certain tropes to get viewers. Then what is worse, is those shows get a US release ahead of shows which were so much better. Going on a decade now and we still haven't gotten a release of Lovely Complex here yet copy trope shows do.

Fairy Tail has been crossing over into this territory. They've gotten writers which are using trope after trope and it is clear they are doing it to keep viewers. Which there is no point to. The show was good without needing that. It was an action battle series. It got viewers without any effort because of that. But they stop sequences all the time now to showcase Lucy in a bikini (again) or another cast member in a moe shot (again)...######!!!! Stop it you bottom feeding , waste of oxygen, writers!!!

It seems you're mistaking writers for producers. They have the money so they have control of whatever content goes into it.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Anime Discussions?
« Reply #74 on: January 01, 2015, 07:37:48 pm »
decided to finally try out mahou shoujo madoka despite the horrifying anatomy.

Oh dear god so much lesbian undertone. And not the cool kind like magical lyrical nanoha.